Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 1, 16 August 1890 — CIVIL SERVICE REFORM. [ARTICLE]

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rrobably beforo tbis sppoai-3 in piiut thc fato of Mr. Marque6' Bill on Oivil Stii'viuo Kefcirrti will K;ix r G be«n paiiiiiil,) - decidecl in ttie Special Comt» coti«tdet' it, and EP»»ibly, il)OUgiv »ot pvobabfy, in tlie Ho»s« itself.

The EUSELE in its Issne nf A-ngnst 2tid, epoka ot tue bi!l as ono wortbv of a two ye>\r's expori mont.il trial, nftor " tbe »peci»l corarnitt«o lias proned away «ome incongruities and ele»red away some ōbscnFiiie*." The $fc C. Adtebtiseu o« Monday last,

whlle accepting the principles of the Bill,>r perh»p« u«ing 3 parap!mse of the editojfjal to njask its ljattenes, willfully ]nisqnoted tlie on the " party spoij» " quesiion. The '' political »poils " wos ihe £3.pres£fton used by the EleelE, A» * of fact huve uot all the uppoiut&i|its alludod to in th's special referenc«i b§ea Di)der the control of the King and Cabinet, ? Hitherto, _nnder inany sncceeding, ad:i)inistTatious, liave not the «peeial abilities of the iucumbentB jnstly entitlcd them to be retained in their positions? Their valae to thd Kingdom and the practieal impossibility of ueplaeing thetn has maintainad them in pogitions whieh they honor, and not political faror why, then, so long as they obey the law, should thoy not be made " Cabiuet " officittl® ? The " Bulletin " on Monday last so ably

auswered tbe P. C. Advertiscr ou the point of the " bauger " of the National Reform Party for tbe sp&ils, that tbis portion of tbe comra«nt uiay be passcd by with only a g«ntle rej«iuder ©f wb*t ooearted so far uS " spoilft" are ooncerned, in 1887. A closer gtudy of the Bil' by the A<lvertiser might resiiit in a serioos cbange in the Bt«teiiients mhde of its cont«rits. There is a vast difference in the eondenstrtion of an nnp*opnlar* report a:nd that of u favorite Minist§x's, and equally so in that of a bill whieh bas for its aim reliring tb« Civil $*rviee from cliquo control. Tbe Elele diff«rs fro»i Mr. M«rques on several points in tbis bill. It objects to an inteiference witb the Judicial and «docatio»#l bratiches of the govornttent, bnt has hope tbat the special comtuittee and thp IjegislhtunB wili frame such a bill us will be ,of to tbd oouutry iu prcv<mfiug'.£uc): rapid changes from eiperienced ruen as h«u only onee before occurred n> tbis oountiy. Politic«l power is very uncerUin when onee thp schoolmastBr is abroad. ' 15

Tli6 "AdvertiB*ir" s«jB*. "Tk©re is hardly auy coautry iu th« i)Ossessiou o! representativo institutiōua wlieie tli6 C»vil s«n icō has nut been *uotstituUd. to j>olitīeiil purpose!j, aad wbere the need o{striugent legislntiou ou the «übjeet h«s not beeu fell. Haw*ii ia no exception to this rnle."

JJaTiug first made thb the Ei,ELK eudorsee the "Advertiser." The "Adrert»Ber ? ' certaiuly o«ght t<* kuow its thoughts, It has had politīeal training and pHtrooage power suf fieient to teaeh ua at! wisdom. Ltt theu "the lending dailv papor of the Kingdom" kssist Mr. M.«ixjues aud th« committee, if not tcn» I»N\ to plaee tbe Civil Service ontsid>) of politiea. is <juite a possib !itv that r«peutanee may cctue after the deatt' j#m&lty ha& pi»stH). v ]