Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 1, 16 August 1890 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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©PITOB Elelk : Ōne of your inlastSaturdav issue, thnt about tlie "Equalizcitions of Salaries," see;ns to have «xcited some nnfavornbīe ooiameniin one of the of the to\vn. Yet 1 be!ieve ihat yor.r idea porfectly correct. and T think tlu» oau W easilv provedby a moro g! ;l noo the Appropriation Btll" ° For exan\plo why should th/CLioi j Clerks of the Tust!co Dop ; atmont aud] of the Supreme Coart and the SUorth»ttd R*portor roo.'ive on!y whilst the Cloi-k of the Boar,l of lUu-] ontioij, the l?eg;stmr \>f Pab!īc AeeoouK the Co!lector (touom!, tl:o T»n-A«ses owi" and <*t!u-»rs recēivc $# .000? Are uot the poiut quito as r*sponsib!e as the othors, with a go,vl de«l more hard \vork to do' Why should the »U:»ru>s of some Jul«rior olerk vary UeUeon #3ā¥XK uud wiiuowi au> goox.i| , r«ivwu Ui aeoouui lui Uu> ditl'oivuco of 1 *sxaudof four huudred dolUi* iv u«!oss wow oopvioo oi' ! r**«ritistu ■ | ! lf A»iy oue honest!v doubt of thos u<Mt««ssU\ of iho salaric,s.: f kthiaigoio the <rx»«blo of o{ ālt th« diBereut clorkjihip aua| wril >n owlo»- ef &\lniy S~ ! lo all th<.W off <UXX\ c\m\ 4AX\h 3 i>oo Kud ' (witho«t goiog inte all Ojo »od tot u»m liieu oL*ssifv iho real wovk »nd ivsivu>;l;!i^\ h» iftd\vidu,n! au d if d<x*s w«t povpo»<o\ v \ h:s v.Xto * Ui« evi<kn*t ' w,V xh«t th* *> o*H\.tys str;vxw lo W, — VvHirs ctc.. 4Wt« \