Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 52, 9 August 1890 — EVENING SESSIONS. [ARTICLE]
Iu the ©arly part of tbe week the tlesirability o£ holdiug evening sessions whs brO»ghfc up iu the Legislature. So far as the iuembers auil theii' eoustitueuts are couoerned it is a questiou of iiio best «ietboii of obidinĪ2ig tbe gr©aiest poss\b\o renu)ting good for the comitry, bat in regard to the " lobbyists '' —aud all Legislature« posaes to a greater or tesser degree thi* iuterej»te4 t'luss of iudividuals—it is eutirely a u>atte>.' of expeudieucv. The true snd ujost j iiuportaut portion of the work of all Legislative Asseuiblies is done by the committees who have better opportuuities, if judieiously appointed. of gettiug more i|«iiikly »f the *' marrow " of a quostion thau ati Assembly tinuoualy iuterrupted by outburstt> i f words iiupetuo«sly fiowiug ou and (i«uiwing all ntteuipts at serious thought. Lhu Hu*'ftiiau Logislatut«s have Weu froiu tbe eailieui: 4iis-. | tiiiguiahed for "eloqueut orators," j hikl but rareiy have the pr»ctioal men j h»d a ehanee to " get iu their \vork " j auiii the clo,se of the se6sion, i and eve»i thoi», yej-y frequentlv. tho jlaws when passevl aud by e* iperienee, or iu the Courte, ha\e' I h&m fouud to be, lf »ot inipv«etieabk' I to be earried auf, least so vviy iiuj perfect as to requiiv in , gueee€vling lA'gislaturys. These im-j enn be ii«ced to iusuftv eieul comuiitt«*» Übor ou tlje bi!U when introdueed and roferix i <l. 1 preteent Session ia one fraught «illi sueh v;ist iuiportaueirt« the welfaro of, this Kingdooi, «ud has before it ;-oj uiauv ieUemeH the haHtv toubideititu' v u i \
of whieīi with their acceptauce or rejectioii, might mar tiie futore of thīs e.omeuon eloae wealth »lmost beyoud roqall, that it is imperativo that all moasures l>roag!it bofore it should ba reviewed in eommittee before being defiuifcely decided. upou in debate. Far wiser would it bo to curtail tho sossipns of the House in order to give tlio committees tiine to coiuplote tbeir Reports with matura and irapartial ju.dgm.ent, than to hurry up committee \vork and iucrease debatiiig hours. Evoniug, after diu•«er,™~..js«issions are generally very unsatisfactory. There is a gallery to speak to. a little more liceuse, fun and frolic than is oompatibie 'w'iOi , Legislative dignity.