Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 52, 9 ʻAukake 1890 — EOUALIZATION OF SALARIES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


There is <me tl»ing that umst be apjj«rent to auy iut«]lige«t man wlio raa) |i*ve t«keu the trouble of studyiug the Appro)>riati(m Biil, anJ thiH k tho <>vid«at ik<Mju.iihty of t«uuy of the sataries of.Oivit S<>rvicc o*jk> eialh' clerks in the Jith'ivu< dopartments 01 bunuius.. Sotne o.diploytH>}; with ht?avy respousibilltiēs, or u larg<f j»iuount of work, actuallv īeeeiw lei»

pay than othors wīth less responsibilities or less work. This is evidently the result of the past years of misgoverum«nt, during wl\ich salaries were votod by couiplaisuut Legislatures, not to fit tbe office, but to beaefit.some frtvorite incumbect. It may be said in justice to the prōsent Legislature tbat there has been mueh lesser tendency than forinerly of voting salaries forthe sake o'f; the man iu oiliee ; yet it is singular| tbat tbe preseiit legisiatois scem loth to mako au3 r cliange, even when it is shown thut salaEĪes ar£..n.o.t .,.bulanced. Perhaps the working of the Civil 8ervice Bill, if placed in tbe bands of fuir-minded, honest and independent Couiuiissioners', may bring sonie reuiedy to the evil and cause some equalization of publxc salaries; but it now eau alieady be seeu that" one of the planks of the future platforin of the National lleforui Party for tlie neit caiupnign must.be tlie " Equftlizatiou of Public Saliiries," as mueh iu the iuterest of the tax-pa)-ers as of the pffice-holders themselves.