Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 52, 9 August 1890 — FOOD FOR THOUGHT. [ARTICLE]

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Thc saggestio|i of a ebange in onr Parliamentary institutious havingbeen broached in some quarters it may not ba ami®3 to quote a little incident that receatly occured in the British Houae of Lords. lt esemplifies the rapidly growing-Democratic sentim©nts oI oue section of theßritish Nation, the most canser?a|ive eountry in the World aud nne that raovea slo%vly but sureh forwani on the hīgh road of Lib»>rty. Au iioportant debfite wus in and Mr. Gladstone, oue of the foyemost of Eogland's Statesmen and wise men, was interrapted bv the doors of the Honse heing throvrn open and the anuoonoemeni ofßlackßod. There were londcries of "Order,order," andsoniQ eonfusion, during whieh Mr. \V. Rodmond exclaimed, " Botlier ihe House of Lords!" The Xeoniau Usher of the Black Rod advaneed to thetable« and requosted the attendance of fche Bpeaker in theHouse q£ Lords to hear Her Majesty's assent given Ly com~ ittissioa fco a nuuiber of Biik« A siuiple incident in and oae in uccordauce with ancient custom. ,The Speaker had. tu obey aud attend. the Lords, bat later ou, although iho romark "Bother the_House o£ Lords" was passed by \vithout oonimeni tho Speaker piMivjiHsed to »ee the authorities of tue Rouse of Ix>rds with a

view to preseiT6 the debates o£ tlie Oommous, tbe power wi6ldiag people, frotn sugU mīerruptious, The Rouse thus comuieuced to esiablish &&otber trecedent towards ihe oowor of llie Heve.\itary Hpuse. But turn uow to uuotUor taaetitiug. About tlie same Uuio tbe Lord Major q! Loiulou gave a Uauquet to the T3ishoj>so{ lheCburch oi£ugkii<s. H« U repovtcd aa aijiugiu proposiug iiui toast of "Tbe Houso<iol Parlli.ui<ittt," kbat tbt» upiuiou titat & s*ecoud Oiiimt>or not \jftis uot iliAvvsl bj tUe oUinoui o( l«cnūo& t >vho thought that k s«joouJ Chaiulier, like ,aecoud tuoughts, was he A t, espeeul]y wheu it exercise<l that c<xiluess aud CAluiuess whieh du) not ul wmys. he was, soriy to hsv, ih tho House ol Coui!.toUĀ. TheHonse of Commous, he was k> s*y\ Ikul uot bt*eu behaviug | a oiA woll l.itely b»t there x\*a»ious wheu the Houso ol OomQIOUS did go*.>4 work aud did it exjHv]itioUi!y he dkl uot j»ltogether thiuk that th»t Oeiieiipiion eould &pUed ta it *t the pses~ ut nuHuoni I>*spite all the shortf the House o{ C\nutaous. aml aH thc bickorings aud disa£ivenu>nhs of its members, Ue thou£ht that t!ioy were bouud to euluiu that ou the whole they weiw perhaps« b*?tier sei-sTō«.i by sttch a th*u thev wouhl l>e ser\od by & Hattse disiiuv Hvhed by jHnfect nn&mn? .sf *nch a {vWU-e iu th:s vvuutu\ *£o ihe tho<ightM thew is hvsi for iu ihe Lxuvi Msv.v or's lnef to H&wamns *s weU &s Eu^ bshwfn.