Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 52, 9 August 1890 — Reports of Committees in the Legislature. [ARTICLE]

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Reports of Committees in the Legislature.

Koble Mullei - preseuUtl a i'«port of the Couimitted on Commerce. as follows : , Honoluia, Aug. 6.1890. liou. J. S. Walker, PreaidcntXegislative Asseuibl3 r . Siu :—Your Commiitee on Commeiee, Agriculture and Manufactures, to wLom was referred u statement of uleoliol drawn from the Custom House for consun3ptiou froto June 20, 1888, to June 30, 1890» in ull 3.41G£ gallons, beg to report that tlie parties having a license to sell aleohol under tbe Act of 1888 have not knowingly infringed th'j law, jf it lias been infringed at all. Dealers holding such licenses are keeping account of all sales of aleohol, and are making sworn statements to the Interior Departinent.

The dealings of aleohol in bond,, -however, eall for the sfcrongest con-j demnatiou. On the 18th of March Mr. C. Ē. Eldridge imported 25 half-l barrels of aleohol and exported same, April 9th, per Āllon. Messrs. E. 0. Hall & Son have on various oecasions imported aud bronght here 72 barrels ot aleohol aud expōrted same. !Neither of the lirnis holds a liqaor license, and your comtnittee considers these transacfcioni? a direct int'ringement of tlie law. Of the 5,130 ga!lons of aleohol sold in bond bere, 30 gnllons have been n<?ec] for thfe Smītlisonian Institute, 87 gallons sold to inen-of-war in pdrt. and 5,013 gallons liave been seut North by whaling and trading Yessels, as follows i F. Brown, agent, 210 gals. H. Hackfeld & Co., 810 gals. Ē. O. Hall i Soa, 3,377| gals. C. H. Eldridge, 615| gals. It is shamefully evident whilst the Unitedp§>tates Goveinment have in the interest of humanity made a law to prevent trading Yessels from carrying and selling liquor, merchants have lent a Uelping hānd to evade that law by «upplyuig witii $I<iq^ol. and ui of extreme!y friendly reliitions exiBting betweeu t!iis GoYernment and that of the Unitad Statēs, as. well as for moral reasons, n; on whieh your comuiittee does not thiiik.it necessary to enlarge, we hope that steps will be to avoid such hereaft©r.

E. Mullee, - Cecil Brown, A. WiLeex, - K- G, MACPiRLANE, Jos. Nawahi, Noble Crabbe the {pllowreport oa the passport funds : Hox J. S. Walkeh, Preside«t Legislative As^er«i)ly. Si«, —Your select committee appointed %o iuTestig&te the passport frauds whieh caased the removal of five persous frooi the Customs Departtnent, after a aud searching investigatiou beg to report aa faUowa :

ljuFmg }88&, ou the arrival of tbe st«amer City of Pekiug froua Hongkong tlie Port Sarveyor, Mr Markh&m, witli his assistaut, Mi. Gilfillan, 4wPvere(I ihat i3 return passports from incomiug Chiuese passecgers were uumbered 04. tUeir back in the of ihe party haviug v*sed retaru passpo?ts iu eharge at tke Ouaiom thus clearly tU*4 paa»i>OitD had l>een aUstractgd froiu hib care. The above paiiiea a( ouea r«po;tevl th® fact to |be (Jollev | tov-(4etioi , al, who afier iouml that some 934 used possports \vcre uuasing. The Colkvtvi-Uc 110val ivporting tho fa v t to ihe Al.nisU?r of Finanee, a ni l vvceive v l tUv» vlay ius|U«ctiutts fvo» aaUl Mtnistev of &ckuow lejjiing Uiu v'vHuwunicaticn sai«l Miuistov ihai 5)31 iuluru pa&&ports h«vl heeu stoleu, the Mmister coneludes, vk : 1" view of the facts aml ih^ 1 Uttsatisfackny v -oitl ot ioaiiy <»{ th* «oboixlinates m thc O«ktom Iloiw T have aftcr m\ c.aUaague{, tlecul®dio you {o vooi|{aui*o your iummAiiU i f«Howiug : Cbo*||a M»rkh*w. Awh. OiliHau, W Mos* tt»n. Otn>rgo Nawaakoa, aiul Oeome MiW' ' : Krom ail the evideuce Uken we eo«lvl uot «Jisoovex thai auy oihoial um>stigatiou h.tvl ūkou eithcr jto e» |*j »;ouvioi thvtee «ho . mittea thU thofU hui that Oio ahovo i «uoutiv>ued persoi,ii uoi-e «»uwuiaviU ; 4ischaj|g*vi as statc4 iu ihe UftKf v | |,he \|iiui>ter v4 the 0% «vhlenv s e your eouiauuoe oi>ult fin4 the gniiiv } u (y fi\M» ihe Houolulu Mv, MuiWiou tvoiu KohaU, ih.vt M4e> tu *

eouversßtioiT with him, after tanng |»een discbarg&4, openly aeknowlcdged to lutve eoiaipitted tlie theft in order to make money. Before closing this report your comimttee deems it its duty to express its surpri.se Aboat the loose and eareless nianuei- in whieh theae used return passports were kept filed in the Cnstom Houae. They were plaeea .in a pigeonhole in the statisticai bureau aecessable to everybody, without even receiving the _marks o£ cancellation. Had this oxdinary precaution been used the scandal never would nor couldhave occurped, rnd therefore do not heaitate to ccnsure the responsible parties for their carelessness. w . H. G. Ceabee p C. O. Bekger, *Tobn W. Kalua, ■ tFos. Nawahi, t . . B. W. Wilcox. wotion of Bep. Waipuilani, the report was adopted.