Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 52, 9 August 1890 — Aphorisms for Lawmakers. [ARTICLE]
Aphorisms for Lawmakers.
" Laws, like cobwebs.. eaieli small flies ; Groat ories brea]c through before your eyes." ■ ' '' Where good laws are thither will the people flook together." * " One law for the rich and another for the poor is feudalism, fhe nest remove from barbarism." " Whate'er begins in anger ends in shaino," "He is ill clad who is bare of virtne." "■ ' • ' " A, leavued blockhcatl is woio intolerable than an ignorant one.'' " mau ever glorioua who was uot laboviou3."
" A life of oivil security and freedom is superior to a bare existence." " We owe- it to our ancestors, to preserve eniue those rights whieh they dslife<es to our fiare," '' The dearest interests of a country are its laws and its Constitution." The pe proaperity of a State depends so mueh upon the administration of its government that, to be acquainted \yith the merii of Ministers we need only obserye the condition of the people. If we see them obedient to the prospe*;ou& in their iudustry, united at home, aud respected abroad, we may reasonably presume that their afFairs are conducted by men of experience, abilities and virtue."