Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 51, 2 August 1890 — THE 31st JULY, 1843. [ARTICLE]

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THE 31st JULY, 1843.

The policy of Great Power is eon'trollod in the muin, especially m the regard to weaker nations, by the thought spoken by a statesman in advance of liis cotemporaries. He bequeaths his impression as an idea to be criticized, anel eventually adopted, in principle by his successors, wliatever changes may be necessitated by circumstances. For instance, in 1842. Mr. Daniel Webster vvriting to tlie Tloprosentativcs of the Hav/aiiaii Governmenfc.said, "The UnitedStates have regardcd tlie existing authorities in the Sandwich Islands as a Governinent suited the coiidifcipii of the peopleaiul fesfcing on their pwnelioiee. And the President is of opinion that the interest of all the commercial !iatiou,s require that tliis Goyernment Hhould not be iiiterfercd with by I'oreign In inore euipliaiie language than cyon Mr, Webster usus in otlier part,s of tkis tlie fi =st charter of our Naiioual Indcpciidc.ice hasthe |>olicy of the United btates beeu declared cvon up to the present day. Antonomy for Hawan, aiuUhat policy will never be changed unless the Armageddon arrives.

While ths, Independence of the Hawaiian Islands niay, with justice, be claimed to have becn first admitted 011 England's part by the memorahle deelaration of Lord Palmerston in 1840, it was not until Apiil, 1843, that Lord Aberdeen drove the nail liouie ,stating that the British Government had det rmined to ucknowledge their imlepe* lenee. Tlien ensued the joint guarantee betw een England and France of Kovembcr 28, 1843. A day, tlie aimiversary of whieh, all interested in Hawaii colcbrate with fen-or as a national holiday. With reason too for tliat declaration states that those two great power» reciprocally Gngaged to consider the Sand\rich Islaudsas Siate, "and nevey to neither directly :nor nnder the title of Protectorate( nor nnder any ofcher form, of any part of the temtory of wliieh thay are composed."

AU are aware tliat sgnie\vliat rudely 4he naiiou'a aleep of-- security waa awakened by Lord George Paulet. oecupying the Islamls in1843, in the name of the Englis]i Govemment. lt, was only an unpleasant temporary annoyance, howevor, that resulted in more substantial good than harm to the Kingdom. ln less thau si\ nionths, Admiral rostored Independence to Hawaii. The restoration of that independence praetic,ally inade Hawaii a nation. lt 4efined the Britisl\ Mi'. Webster outUued tli<3 Ameiioan. lf thei>e is one day in the Hawaiiun eulendar that should be lield more sacred tlian another, it is the 31st of Julv, 1843. ToHawaii, it should be as is tlie 4tli of July to the Unit6d States.