Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 51, 2 August 1890 — CHINESE GIN. [ARTICLE]

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j Editok Elkf.e:— | Sonae little time t«go the Y. M. C. J A., by a special *eotn«njttv»e, gavo its j views to the pnblie iu regni\l to tho I tmfHc iu wiues and sp;rits. I may | say it has i~?iked and serupevl togetiier , hII matfirial hle t\»r ite purpose. is the U\t on whieh it ! preach6s, rtud it would gladiy m*k< I people bolkve Ihai u is iute*vstvh! tn |our oommou brutUeiUov d. aud h*s j syuipathy for those suftvving from the j vHnniuittee so eau i i deuiH», t believe ovorv uuitulwr otj |iliAt coiauiitū?o tu be tu «avnes(, bu\ ( j.lol 0S vlvn>ths th«iv ■ seienttv>usness, Tho uieu whe! aiv so so iuWkKīUwii • piOUi, wlio are as latubs, beloug t s J ' th»t elass who wiUi tlu vv fiivuds. ai\ j th* vtry inti\Hlueei> ol ana thous4ttds of Asiatics, th<s uiost UtunabW «urse evcr Imueu at uiv ; Vl*waiians; aiul, furtlun\ are jw»itlv rfespousiblo for tuo Uiti\xluetioti of the «iost coutagiou« of aU diBeasos, ,«« ( J th<lSv the Veiy iueu who \\ u»h to ooUtivl the oi i s eop.o, wluW retaining ai; tkcii owu puo vs l t*li thew the\ «sv >un, ,v v\.u « o;|t a *$ii*st tv

■it isi iuiposaible to suppress, au<i it ig a known £act thafc the goōd and , phi]ai>thropit;, while denying rights to those who believe not in phylacterV* or despotīc Xalcainations, &re determined to ]>rotect themselves &gainst any encroachments, no matt«r of what lcind. ; Happily, the Y. C. A. ia ap po!itfcal club, and by mahy people anything issuing from its corridors is iegarded as a sop thrown out ioto tho »treet for the greater glorification of a class, who elaim for themselves the moral c§nsorship of this city. No voice from the would-be-holy corporationlias everl)een saiā again&t tHe inroads of the Chineße, -ykich isau outrage on Hawaiian, American and Enropean mechanics and laboieis and is causing emigration from ih» islands of the bone and ainew of j Hawaii nei, and lowering the tone oi morals. both commercial and * : Deal with the Chinese sirocco" first; cease warbling the glories of Cai,hfij . J its people; gh'e us vigorous legig- ' lniion; let whisky take care of its^lf■ *** it is not l'icensed bec;iuse it is '"* .but becausē'meu: will drink. Listen to the words of scriptare f oīi. ye pastoral laiuha; "Why beholdest thoti the mote that is in bjoth«r'jt eye, but considereth not th* heai». that ia in tbine own eye." THOUGH®FūL.' '