Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 46, 28 Iune 1890 — UNPARALLELED PATRIOTISM, [ARTICLE]
Tho probab?o po?tcy of the preseui Miii)stry in regard to our Tniaty relatibiis witb ihe United Statos seemg to 1)6 ttoubliug tbe bacters of tbo lat<j TUarston M i u istry to a Jegree box\leriug npon u/igaisli. A"sbort timo ugo noihing bnt ttbso]ute protection Miitod tbem; since tbnt failej uotbiug oxo«pt imlitmted free traae witU thu Unitetl Stiites willsatisfy this oliuue of foi"eigu Satriots, wlio have lonu falteued upou «ciprocity and now hud the uet retuvns thereuuder smaller tuan their gi«ed. Aa to what the Uuited SUtes mav think of this propositiou of free trade does uot botber tbese patriotic gentle raeu; they prc.po.se to fix up ir, advanee a free-trade treaty whieh will ,straight en out all kiuks or hitehei iu (he Americau la\vs or turitl v ' ;>olū v, S o to make Auieiioan interoBts squaiv with the iiuaueial desirea of these m-! triot,s of Hawaii. i Bttt mind vou, it is not the «ikl eounuercihl Hgents who want f ive trsde witb the Uutkd State3. This is onlv a vulg. u .nu)" co»uau a«oug lht<'
majoriH v of Howaiiaii citizena. The planters dc.mancl free trado o«t of pure patriotisra, to protcc-t "the tiative fruit sellers on the corners." Aceorcling to tlie jourualTstic «iiōuthpiece of these| uuparalleU'cl p<ntribts, it is hinted as donbtful if tlie sugar nien nnd' wealth acquircrs will cven bo ab!o to enter hQaven aftef shall h:ive sffccored" "the native fruit sellers." However, it is adruitted incidenta'lly that if, tlirough the disintertisted patriotism and financial se!f abneg!ition of these foreigu patriote, fi"oe trade ean be brought about to protect "t!ie native fruit sellers on tho corners," "it 'will tend to iusure the safety <of now itivested in sagar;" and if sngar goes to the w«ll, free trade will allow capital to seize and control sm»ll industries throughout the Kingdom— eveu allowing the quondatn sugar men to crowd out "tho native fruit sellers on tbē corners," "if necessary!