Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 45, 21 June 1890 — HOTCH POTCH. [ARTICLE]

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<*#ntleiuen of tue Plauter's Labor and Supplj Comp«ny, I liave a woril to sajr to yo\i ia coutinualioii of wluit 1 uaid a ie x r weeks ago, rfespectīng the himāienl ,or more uufortuii-« Son th Sea Ib--lauvleiß now ftrouud They haVe been brottghf to this country by.yon to work for you. l'ou Keiit hkips for thew;, amd, largely by ajisrepreseutation and more largely by force, at the inuzzle of guns and revolreKi, they haye beenpcrsuadtd to got into boats and were, by yoar agents, kidnupped from their homes. There are only too iaany uieu in this city who ean ttfsWy tō this "lively" īnoilo of recruiting, and the matter haa attained too mu»h nofcoriety to b« questioued. It ia well known to you that these uuiortunates are* all -heie over the petiod ol three years, at the expiration of whieh tiiue you engaged to retum Uuiui to their homei>. Many have been here over e;ght years. Nqw, you &11 got yery Biad lately heeuuae there. vere a few legitilators who wanted oall your proaperity fatr imteiūilot great. How Btendn your _lwneg, with wīih these poor people ? Is Uto be jair? great it eannot be, ; The fathers, * raothers, wives and eh\ldren of th«ae etolen people do |not know to ihiB day, for the most part, where they are, or

what hes bccome of them. AH that they know iK khat tlie Tvhite man'a orew treacherously surrouuded thfm Rnd forced them ;»way! They are penuitted to hudille togetter in the- Immigratiou Dopot when thot buil.īiog is iiot requiittl for Asibijt when arrive £re turu«tl out to aleep iu the'sīfeet. Thini of it, ye llouoiahk and Nohle Divēs; how these people, men, wouieu hu<l childreu, eren to bibes at the br&ist, must have felt Rt being turned into the street wi(!i no i"oof to sheītei thein fn'm tlie scorehiug aun by daj or the iādt» or at uight.' Think of tliis, in additton to their daily faniishiīag for vant ol food! Hnrry np gentkui.au in this riintter, bettei not !et ijt get into £he Legit;lK.ture; they migh< Jorcc you to do your duty anu yrii»t a rdpoi t thal would deal nither thoroughly. with the prineipa] actors and default«rs in tlie matter. In eouelu sion I would not have you oblivious uf tlie facj tliut tliG Ne\v Hebrides are uuder (iie protectiou ol a great navnl power;, one who will not pemi) tlie liiilpless aboiigities to be wronged. The Sheo!etic SiVnseque»t ul v.-ays had one terror for me, ai)d that w'ns "n tLe knowiedge thai there are 3,000 ijerfovme?s on tLe big diutn in th« Bftlvntiou Anny. I thought it possible that there might be too mueli mnsie. Jt seems, lio\vever, tbttt there are eSperieuces on tliīs side of eteruity Bnd in the lofty w:ilks of life, where, if a u;;inhus amhiliou enoiigli, be ean getu i",:ir i<]eA in !viv;mct of Hell reKlly is. Thia is a sort of secondalght j*&ep into fntnnty not given to eomuipn «nortāls, aud the pnhlie c*iay get the bonefit of so iīi a new vōlnme. It might !>e.entif]e l, "How Mh'li may make his own Hell;" by »n ex-Minister who has been there. The Bishops of Germany were bqt aoting iu aooordance with the natnral l»w of »elf-preaerva-Hon when thfy agre«d to luy asūde the hatchet of petty di»tiii. :k>a and in a eommon attook upon enlightened tlio&|.w. lt is largely in opposition to traditio!\»l creeds aua sesiisbin-ss of the churches that Chrifitiauiey will ye{ arise "with heg.!ing on ifa wiugs," to wilness the f refoim of a faith W its oa the liWi, .>b«ri pnnāple» of ite." foft^der^ With the spread of education And the partial clearing of the "spiritual' ! a,changs is eomingover the public mind. Cultured ]»y--men refnse to any loager Uke Christkuity in tiuat from ik self-appointed guardiaas, They hnvo lifted up the veii, and with a*tonishiaent how differei)t īs Uie real iiUKling ol priestcraft Uw suppoaititious tliing that tht U'orM Jt(W (oī OCQ.taM6a been Tiiej hftve wriftou boots aud pauipUela, deli>ert-J speeches and lectuies dealing witii t!4s new dis<JOTery. And hx>m theit seed ©f wrotds writtes and spoken, has.sprung tip B flentiful crop oi 30cialisai, yitlding a bountiful ineiwna? yearby year, destined ultimately to ehoke all other ctoi); oi creed and overmn the whole of tltie earth. 1 Ko iuember of the Refom party haa yet introduoed tha followiug reisolntion into the Legisluture: Wkēkkas, the National Kefonn party has organized itaelf into a eluh, and procured exclusivt quarters where they ean diacass anything from ai | oßsekvt an or»tion; from the oonteuts of * ' &&&*<?-£<& to that of a tahted resjlation} aud tUe present Reform partj- pkn o; t using waahed out bnms aud eleemosya.uy ied . ex-eiiudidatos, defuuct lawyers, morbid c ditoK and sundry other uon- uc«oript out-of-elbow ers on of that ilk, as toats; hanging" around Leglslatnre for the rurjHwe of inviiiug members of our party to at tlie Hnmilioi: ! nnd awt lTie Gr»*at uum, g\wa oui l !****? * bt>ngry look, «n-1 is tco |;laii:\g iu irs p.tr . pose; and : W«rtsßK*s, nienjl?6Hi of ilie N.iiioual ya«y li.iv, ovsv iuviU\t;on to aiiu tl.t ■ H*milV)n Honse vnl elsc\\lierv, anā alki-d<-molished onr gvviV *ad ihaiili aiu' , snio!:od onr haw WX io ll<iv *>K. , S»nt olnb aivd y>oked fnn \ vo'.<-v at s [ so that the n«t i>*sr.tts li*\v th«> f ; ,r Kh« ,v'. j w n * tknt we si.irt a UoWin oi i' oiiT own, Vhv «»«al ; ;. % jnn;-5s of $su au-1 siuoke, a.ud tl\At th*> t<j>er,i U.lv \iic«vlto \av i. tlK> sl(tur IU. fotu- (^ oiii of li«n>ess be a> «iili ūh ; tluU HiO ¥; y!A fo\;v t. A \c ;V.s . Cwo «s<3 of Uw «fagt> iu e^aū^* Luk*u<tjv cu'o\ted K» tJ;< ht»t. T\h? cost of miitiiin v « oii* slaa t aud j at*ow be tv» oi. .ieŪ4v- -I I out ot tu« op«utu-l*rKk . j .VnsaslQ«« ?*tla\\\> x\o ( why th<? ■*. iwe 1 .. v N idK\ uiu j !4wttlvU\\ o\; \\ ivsa.lV«- !««;, j ln*»o:N>; vvluu-n hr *s;to. j "!\Vk*t tfe«d<Hto<i d\d \>nt :h,*t Mr i F. A.r M;. i>*U i> l;kv; .t R*v\*t otfe<»rs who oau-īoI *.t*w s U:;e K tw«*n osttfe *nd *xj>Jt>tn*, I mtk&i» hHvaii) hs.< itj W«tH>U t\> SfcVr . whi.v. i;; i <4* * t*tt MtM«tti* ot oh*iv. <W>tuUt;o-; TW | iU!v3*rttt:ti v.:d rcf.t«.>, j i\t«*sur\% *nd j>jvi|v;\y vuwcd. :s «piuuui . :* j Uw I lbiw th« Mnu}"., i. \f i xt i\. sW j<*3o\t>i:*. j 'W WK<\x>U*t.v Us(i-t}- o; u jiw ,h*t>U.\vd v.; * <\vl, K UM\t > » N «,v> !i.<f UŪKW l i **H* tuttl*v " \ tw s !.-> V, ;.,t *A.l •,.'»»« * |V%V4 Vi t\V \ n v v m < Vn»; ot . tttt:*tmtiou. .lhr «.■« t.wnh »»x \u^i , k , V.s. «*<. »hKv>»t ** A V , \\ t\ «u«». s

Amu6«meuts aad cttetums depeud YBt S muek apon ttieir sacrouadings and the bocie)tj * e them iu. The Eagliah Tisitor in Fmnwi " " ' n-syer ext&ndcd to liiii Eagli*>h hoKMwnniftuy rec.ogaitioa bfc£ond "aods abA ,becJgB wreathe<l sot>u- gad B - that, at bienkfaBt tabl6 tlis jjrcs»iding liostosß consider it -ie irop t<j be kis«ed, bxxi on a 9m T~^~ r trary exp€ct3 tlife eustoiaarj iaorniiiLg t« c>u elieek by l>oarder ua he or ahe iilee tj}?" rooro, and iio one who luiowa her will ? that the Freneh matron is itne-grand-dame iflj6iU. ' the proprietie.H. The moft sūperfiuiul observer mast be amw**"' therō is a lārge araount of seif patriotiBTn tiueoried hs a lubricator ererj sesei<ip_ in order to keep the wheels of the chariot in motion. īt i s sometimS cbargjed RTC ' w * st " the electors tbat tliey sre an ungraīefql and aoal-* !ess body, quick to detect a member , 'ratting' 1 o** 318 *^ 81 * an "3ndependent" idea from his party, %ut alo*? to or appropmt<jly rewāi-d hi B labore"in " thē vineyard. This is now sense. lt may be chnrged tha» past goveroiuento h«ve been oontent to f»llow the law EepresentatĪTeß bnt a bare pittance, and ' *T~ bot the b»tren honor of a seat in thē T ? body in retnrn for their wear and tear n f " leather and panta, bnt *e have Re£ornied ftiat together. It mnst be recorded to the credit of fr •TT' * m»jority of the niajority of the late Cabi they discovered tbe modws vivendi whiel/ 1234 proted effecteal in reviving the drooping. an«e of r BBpporter, aud of rei!ognizing of recruitß. The plau i B simple atfd ehann. If its a «oulleue corj>oration whoeēm^^^^^ bers liave to be plaeated; jast replace tbeir iease of bindforone donbl6 the length of If ft Bingle RepreseutatiTe in oppositjnn v oK>«th with two feet of parchajent oontiumxig a >k * thirty years' lease of Crown " " These littl« attention3 to the oomfoH of membors ligbten the thorny pathway lator ? sEfe and make it iwsaibie for eiāponiU " to bsar the eipenke of hiring a, delegatfeC'f£eS* ,S '"'" is enongh romanoe iu the two short sesi£on to make an interesting chapterl " 9 . •• The eiiiueae were stūd to haVe bribed. " i Hawaiiaaa last year witli t:fty hUU T Uifey been other than HawniiauK, and tfatT amoani» " ,b«Hi, nol 6fty dolkrs, but flve tho«Band 7" or fifty thonsand dolLirs, nothing -wdnjd have beensaid. Espeeially woaid i't have~b^TOjf~"'" ? " the briber ānd the bribed had been bribing V"' pnblic laad, wh|flh is eqnivalent to puttirg uJSr*"* handß in other people'a po<jkets. aftw ended in defeat, and the resj<loe of a d lu -k and dirty picture backgronnd on whieh to ir^ Cr:be , he " theTiiurstonian Admi!^st rat i on t ' » ' — ~ '' -