Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 45, 21 June 1890 — LETTER FROM NOWHERE [ARTICLE]

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Df.ar Ei.ele\—T'vfe been alrQo«t to death ! by Jack and Papa, einee the fall of Thurston. Botk my beloved parent and deat brotlier hove spent at le«»t h«lf; their tim.e »ince tlmt eveutfui Frid»y niglit iii Hawaiiti« history makiue tip and :i'uljibiug ōut~Uabiuet oUtes. "Everj'body's at it,' gaid Jack to M»'ina and I, iu e*teiniation of his couduct, "t>o the Gav'uor uik! I jnat thought we might && well be iu polilieiil ion." Aud of all the Cabinet slaies you «ver saw some of these were th6 wort t. Brother Juck eveu weut so far as to subuiit a compromihe slate to Papa whieii might be iuade use of in case of a hitch. Of all the muries I ever saw for a good-etmient Cabinet —thuy made Papa »u(i;iglit whem he read theiu. \Vhat uaiīiea doyou thiuk jaekliadou hĪB slate? Wl-11, l'il tell you. They w*re ītev. Sereno Bishop? Hoii. P. C, .īouee, of I3ostin£ R. W. Wil- j cox and Neel Bush. "Jaclc," said Papa, quit«i «tenily, a.s «oon ,*ts he had regained his "I beli€Ye you're the fellow who lnw lateīy beeu fillina that greeuy ou the Advertiser with politieiJ fads about lluah aud Wileo*," īīow we were «11 ioistakefff Who would have thonght fclie Kiug conld have fouud three good r dēeent, honest, capableand pstri(>tk- men, outside of tlie Keform party, to tnke the plncēs of tliat . finnoiis-"i»ajonty > " after the wny the conutry had j beon wanied by ' »

" Abo.u Ben Tbui-ston, be who late \vas fired,' f ot the exctUHive patriotiriui a|ad ofli<JīU hōnoi' c>f the «ulim fclHbmet <sxcept that j»olitioal fieiid loi'l. Oi oun»e ihe Ao<iitor Geuerul amilc(Vi«uaouic4illy wheuever was mep{ioned, but th«u tlie Aw<iitor has mudo |t hobbj of "ofScial 80 thnt ordiuary aiiuisterial blipa wiei'e 1101 iiUpposed to eouat—by the Refonu purty. But I'ia rnuuiug off into politiū,s—its all 0»' rtccount pf Piipii nud Jack, they've beeu gobBii>iijg jnst lilee "oM heua" for t\vo weeks pajst. Jack, wh«t uiukes you look so blūe?" s»id I last Mouflay eveniug, hfter the uew Ckbiaet exciteaieut had subbided. r"0 Sissy, dou't īeaae," ijxcia.iuied uiy big brother, "I'm just almost wuru j out wiUi politics; aud tliese uew eugagērueuts are euough to i-«t a īellow crazy." "What enguge-iueutx-criedl iu surprit>e, "Whfiteugageuieuts!" sue,ei"ed Jac]i, "why tliese umtnmoiiih.l. engaj£er uieniK to tie sure; did yon eyer see sueh poor taste as the Honolulu girlu are diplayiug lately !" "Oh! Jt.ck," said I ayniptheticiilly, "]'m so aorry; but dear brother, I did'ut know you had beeuliit; wliieh of the thvee girls was it! Well, weli, dear brother, I thouglit that last 'Friseo eugagerneiit of ,vo>irs had effeoted a oure, for a'whīle atleast.'' "You'reaWayoff the track, Sissy," rewarlved Jnok, with n tautalieing lHugh, "ī'nj uot hit, but Idn think the Honolulu givls are showiiig awfully tftKte in following yont advice"in giving the njivy boys the go-by and roaprying the houie lellown."' The truth, I'm Bnre, iu that Jack is real]y jealous.: Iu fact I know he is, for a few weeks ago >"* \s ; awfully uweet ou Mias——, but now sh C '. g to be married he'a followiug the iiian, by iutiniatiug tliere is fit iellow in the Kingdom to fill the ix>iātiou. J<wsk, you're worse tlian a polilieian; but as I'apa aays, Jack will accept the aituatiou when hi» suc. cessor is established iu ol&ee, If the Njpsic dou't get back next week by Thnrsdflv, we'll all be disjtppointed anenl otir -ueuul fortuightly hop. The Nip4c boys have o«rt4.inly ni:\de a eoeial s\nc-e their arriv&l, atifl uow if the Charleston boya would just clear the decks we Houolulu girls would aoon show har Captnin hoTT we could capture a flag Bhip srithou t fiiit\g & shot, save from our tropical ej« s . And then whatflbout tliitopeu day aboard the Charles-. ton everyl>ody has hennl so mueh of lat#ly? Admiral Brown, I hear, is afratd to allow ua to trijp the "light f(Uitastic" for fecr of the demoralizing effect it will bave u[x>u discipline, bnt sarelr he oUfeht to allow us nl! n day to see hia shiplua yimfC' uL? naunon if he let ua ueai his thirly odd olUcerB. Honolulu is certaiuly taking the kad iu picking up uew fads and dro|>i>mg them th« next āay. Only a ahort tiuie ago it waia nothingbut progresBive euchre; then it was nothing but moonlight bathing parties, a»d uow its nothing hv\t ridjng parties. However, (heie uiore qj merit in the two lotter, one fqy mul the otlier foi feTerciae. Bfefeides the *>athing partiea, as they are all over the wortd, yroved to be ao funuy that it is aßtonishing they did not last longer -but uo, its not Rstcfuißhing either when one rememb«rs the physieal requirēmenta demanded for haOiiua partif«B. Jauk teils that all ihe &rouiid tciwu are uow amusiiug themsehep iu piekin® oul, the oftcts they. won't $et. ' 'Why wou't thcy get Uieui, Jack V 1 ask«d with iuy msual iuuoeeuoe, " Why wpu't they get tUem, Sissy,|' itpvttU>d Japi "well you'w * oue, IHey wou't Ret 'em, Ueauue theie only a few offio«6 while ihero are as uiany applioavits there are. el»ctora ou tlie Great Begister." "Jaci, l'm goiūg to lell the i?vr!s of that sage remark ol 1 your*s aud you'll see hW fhey will all be angrj- jiit y 0 vt, there." "Why, Sissy." in real surprise "wliat will they be "O yon duft<r, Jack! tli«y'd be angry becrtuae oue of them jh*« a fellow who iu ftn - npplicnnt for potiticHl betterment, aa lleury Qeorgt ! wouM say." "WēlK my denr sister," rojoiiK\l Jwk, "I «hould #av yo\\ ovight to fc»ve an - - t l'oirt Hnrveyor for iimUiieo." 'Me f o r l\»rt Surv*y\»r! whv th«\t J;w>kr' J i Jsok'R look (hat he tad the dcup <>u ; b«i I ras ta du> Uk« Mr. Tiiuwtou. 1 »Vniu't, wp 1 hx4ed biai ūtfiauūr hi ihe fuct. , " sfci.l w j\h an *$gr»Y«uiu£ ; w»ak s "yoa «ultiv«ijU! secwtiv<aessii; «a it 18, >ou WU «veiy jkuo>r:" ;Ko«, ril giw rH you |politicwus a poiuter. X\\.K Rvowv\ you aM k:\ovt Av.vly ; he's beeu sucli * Aiidy, I li<Sju, will p!ay a k>ne hand thts tiiue aud d, • ««nniiwl to i«« "Al«aiulW the Gnat" Touug Mkh c*wd»dftt« for Nolile T*oauey. Au<Jy k lho«j;h a»d le« thr Wders of Uie lat6 R«kfvirtu p*rty Inu h*"ll lvtau«st it h«t \uu *uothvr v4nbvV, •«w h) uotnm>tt« th« Vou>o wnMhk" thetf, An<(ty; b\U .Khi's JW« Uuuk, o\»Bwkl*ritk£ ihe i\wtvl *ud xr«*)t' | v>£ yo«r |vhtuW ' Ot. l»«yt<er s.»uie xfiW to | j j\Hu uwchtiu>c«l vy; Suss\ Sotsso&<. | [ —" | | llw KjwuUt« o«\»uuiiM«>e o! thc j l uk*u «n>t Havv*u*u As».v;au. u «iU; l u**i «lu> V veuvu)i at tlte of l 4 yUti*s H*U. 1 lt in uud«fin»tvHvl ;h. o(\kxs ihe ii\cetiu> *>iU be ,Uv si<«i \v( * vM* t tht NooU \.xauu\ ! « thf Uaikl of . lV.u. V\ , t tl.c IJo,. . A, \ i'.n laiii». V...f-| :rvUim*tK>:-. \rtll ly; Ki«J ujvn u,v ; U:fv>ts>.t Vs\l ortfc*. 1 Nitioa*l ls<fo;n) ivotj. '