Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 45, 21 June 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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i Accoudino to the law Miniater Speu ! cer has given uoiiee thut a special ! elecfcion will be helel ou tbe Isl/ind of 'Oahu, on "\Yetlnesilay the 9t}i flay of iJnly uest, to thu >acancy cre»totl i in the Ho«se of Nobles by tbe resig- [ nation of llou. John A. CytDmins. ;Iq selecting « c/ii2clidato for this va- , eancy it beco'nes the ilat3' of tbe nomj inati}ig conventio«i or eommiUee of [the Naiiōnul Reform pai'ty to nomijnate on'e of the best men availnble in jthe paity. At this tinie it is of the greates.t iuiportance that tlie filling of |tiiis vaciincy be ujade a strict party issuo, in spite of.the offers whieh havo been inade by some of the Tl6forra pai% for tempor»ry ponyiliation and coaipj'6uiise on what they aye pleased to term a "good uian"—of theirchQosing of course. The vacaocy to be filled is for the unexpired term of six 3'ears, whieh will inciwde two future sittiugs of the Legislatnrc. It, ther©' fore, becomes doubly importani that the National party nomi«ate a eaiKlidate. no matter whether he be native or haoh, who will be truo to the prineiplea of the party iind at the sauie time able to resist the political blandishweut-s and more substantial favors and promises of an u}iscr.upuloua minority, claimiug to repiesenf the wealth aud iutelligence of Kingdom. PailiU'O to put a lrue Mud enpaolo man in Mr. plaee niMus (i/ e rolcs in tlie LegisLituiv «gainst the assnred peaee andpolitienl prospi?rity of Hawaii ru i- The Nu tion«l Reform cuudidate, if a gooJ mnn, ought to be return'jd, under the pi-esent eiieumaianeee, by & majority. of at least throe hund! , ed votes au<l wo' believe he will be aa reiarnoā, Tk£ Rev. E. Bisliop ( editor of ihe! Pneiul and defetidei" of the Ccngreg!V- 1 tion«l fuith in geueral, submits that is not the right tenu to t° ev ' P r - Hyde's libelropeat' ed!v vittored ngainsl Father Pamien without the pnnlaelion of a proof. "W'e suppo«e the reverv!tid eaitor of tlie Fru nd would, 011 the same grouuds, «u'-.uil that "cruolty*' is aot t!ie proi*v term to apply to the maltr6Aiinent of a dumb auimal. if the deed were committed in a fit of anger or jealousy by either himself or a member of his religioussect. To eoui mit an evil deed at all is evidently ua-. ehristian, whether it wounds the repu' tation of the dead or torture« the physical existence of auy toeuil>er of Uie auiwal kingdoui. but £obewholly unrepontant aua to display the seu.se less viefiauce of a seetarian bigot after evils arx' done becouios so moi-al!y de grkdi*tg as to bo caleulated to Vais the disgust of gCK\I mon rather tJmu to estal>!ish con*istenev betweeā the per*on>d pi-aetiees and*religious pro tessiouB of thoso fot tlie i>rigiu and propogaUou of this dU>

grae6fnl sectarian slander against Fathe'r Damiēn. Buppose, gentlemen of the cloth, you were able to prove (whieh you are no!) tho trnth oi' ,tho Bev. Dr. Hvde's \ile slander, what then? _ We s]iould sti.ll hold, with the ihftjovity of just and i'rite.llio;p'-t ~thiit both the word anel the practice qf Christ had been violated. And so they have in this e..Hse — wiggle uiid do r fend 3".ourselves as you may. The HulUHa and Advertiser are at it tooth and nail expouuding eoastitutional law and precedeut. As the journalistic d»spute unfokls i(,':■!f tiio questi<sn seetns to be gradnall3 r * 1V volved iii deeper perplexity amī pro« founder obscurity; &o far as the prac tical application "of its principle,s here are concorned. What Hawaii needs is clearly eBt>tblished preeedeuts, based upon our own conditious and laws, rather thau cx paHe expo.sitions of those of othe.r. counti'ies. Thīkteen seeujs to bn nu nulnek)' number iu politics as well as indining parties. The late Ref:uin Coinmitt«U' of Thirteen load thoir'party to ,defeai' in last. Ft bruary and down wni th'e Thurston Ministry <>n the I3th of Jnna, 1890. •"