Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 45, 21 Iune 1890 — A SUDDEN CHANGE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


On the 17th instant tho Advertiser pubjished what it w:is pleased to eall n "first notice" of the ,, ileport of tbe AuJitūi- Goiu:ral," m whieh Mr. Eoss was sonndty 'abused in detail for dif fermg with the ex- 3īinister of the In terior »ud thegeneraī officinl po)icv of tho late Reforin party. On the 19th ii)staat the Same paper published.its ' sf'Cond notice" thereon, and, with its usuaj inconsistehcy. raildly cotifessed that tho Auditor-General was rig!it. Ou tho 17tli i»stant the oi"gan of the' loto in support of Mr. Thnrs ton'r, one- m!in-power policy, shj s : "There eau be no qnestion thht tlio eliiim of tlie Auditor Ocner;il to «n absnlnte contr •>! over the ni»tter of expeiiditures is directly opposed fo the priuciple of rcsponsi\>ility whiel) the;Ministers assmue;(sie) townrd the people." . On the 19th insti»nfc Uie, positidtt"*is taken thnt, "Tt is gr:itifv ing to observe that under the regula tions und r*iquirements of tlīe AnditorOeueral mueh gi-eftter pronj]itness is obsetViible ia i(cccrnting frora severul de|)iiitnients." Not satisfied with tliis logical the-■ gre»t e4itōr of the "1ost canse" procoeds to details and shows thi\t vrlieyflver there is {vny ehanee for differing with ' the; Auditor-Gen'erars viēws, through couflicting laws or otherwi£e, the Legislatnre s!iould be r.rged to cure siu-Ii defects and espec iul!v tho.se bronght prominently fo; ■ ward through the udvanta'ges ta£en oi attemptēd by tlie li»te Thurston Min' istry. We nntirely agroo with oar highly inom! (but sometimes extTemely vulgiir) coutemporaiy and sincerely hōpe that this change of heart will be exteiided to a journalistic probation, that will hereafter allow our citizens the pvivilego of iutj-odncing the organ of t!ie late Oovemment into theiv fatfinies \rithout nnmmg the risk of shocking the moral sentiL-)ēht and tender mooe6ty of their wives and ehikl'. reu. ~