Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 45, 21 June 1890 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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• - : " by authority, It lii»8 pleaijed His Majesty tl]e King to (\ppoirit {he followiiig named gentlemen to be liis Cabiliet: Hon. JOHN AI)AMB CUMMINS, Miuistēr of Foreign Affairs, rice «Tona. Anstln, F.>q., resigne<l. GODFEEY BKOWN, Esq., MiDĪ3ter of Fin&nee, vice Hon. S. M, Damo«, resignea. - CHaRLESII. SPENCFK, Esq., viceLonia A. Tliurstou, E3q., resigned. ARTHUR P. PTTERSON, Esq., AttoraeyGeuer«l, Tice Clarejice W. Ashfor<J, Esq., resigned. lolaki Palace, Hoxo!,ulit, Juue 17, 1890. juu2l-3t. THE KLE ī, E. OFFICE, KOl E3 KIK? BTREET. I'uhlinheil Kv.-ry Sattir«lay by <h» El*le rnt>lls.'ting l'nmrany. - SURSCKTPTIOKS: - One Ve*r. .. $3 00 Six Muutb« - 2 00 Thr«; Mouths.. 1 00 One uio«tl: 40 oi»py — W Subxcriplions Oolkein! hu-nriuhljj in Atfvance".^