Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 44, 14 June 1890 — LETTER FROM NOWHERE. [ARTICLE]

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Deab F.i.ki«E:—You «ee p,.)liticB hare goti«jn so | waria l;itely that I beeam« flustrated aail forgot' to show \ip fov t\vo w«seks. Aud al? we gixls were so ; Dusy gcttii: ;eu.!y fr>r tLe Pnlaee b«U and 1 aetually had ;uy handu ao fnll of trimmings aiid thiugs cut on tbe bias that 1 vas foreed to relegate eveu poliUe!», except a ft\v pointers tliereou whieh Brother Jack or dear Papa dropped at luneheon or diimer. \Vell 4 I'm just xeal glad of two thiugs auyhow, aud those are that !">-£ aeeu the Hiiiistry under fire.to tUeūr dkad¥autage and Lave seeu the eliie of Houoluln uudcr electricity, at its be«t. Sbor.ld I not be sßtīsfied ? Well, I jnst aro for witliin the space of a week Tve seeu xhe polit:cal uniquo and social uniqne wiihiii stoue's ihrow of eaeh other. Of course I'm not disposed to criticise the Palac« b£.ll for I think it was just as niee as it cjuld be; aud besides, if I did, it would be inost uujus;t for I'm inforuied, and I verily believe it, that George Macfarlaue, Cliambel'lain to His Majesty the King, has never yet uiade a mistal:e oi' a failure o£ auy sooial event caloulated to eougregate aud di«play the beaxity aad diguity of liawaii uuu«v ooutrast. However, l've a few | Words of eritidsm for souie of the elitc who helped' to uiake the Palaee ball a sueeess by aSkiugfor! invitotions, wliieh were not foitheomiug. with| the orgiual list. Dear diU\ this asking foi iuvitations is uot "good form" ia auy civilized o.?uatry exeept, pel-hapw, Hawaii. Aud I euu tdl you ( j if any of yon Houolulu girls aud boys do so fsr ] follow your young enthusiasm to "usl;," you 1 ean aiways l'e eerfciin it kaks out to your disered-1 it. I actnally heard a spiteful old lady, whol oocupied a set in the Throne Eoom, point oiU at j least half a dozen daneers amoag the "hrave'aua the fair," whoui she denlare l helu no invitatiuus | ontil they "asked" for them. I don't know how j iu the world she fonnd it all out- I don't ev« ] kuow if 'tis actually tr;ie, bnt I suspect ū is.! How in the world eau people who ".isk" evei ' Kuuimou courage euoagh to look tue house]>old in the face? I iu.v-.i i to ask vi«.\t:ge] Maofarlane all about it lUe first ehauee I got, | I was jost wal 1 u. ui lK J nc\u<. 4 ,{ last āauuilai' au' th,v \ , 1 n,\ x thi- tablo io me, U w i . v t v d. w Sissy Si-\ssors," -1 J v 4 1 tum ts in Jiu!mi U a > , U .1 j in th<- woiW ōi.l «t j. , n t , i , J ;I. ".\r%-dMT si»' , T k, j ' ! know th;it ,Tinuuy aīw..v* k«.. >•* " - w.vla vv ! I ou tliiB "weaUh an 1 • ' , r i J |ity? WeH. thox«ov ii'i i 'Ii ' ' .' ! ei wtwlth nn l yo \ Siv.\ * \ \ ' t iua 1 ! i«Mb so w» dl i,i J i t k, w U >, j ! do th» t\Hvy boys wm n b \ ~ ju>' r> m' 1 llie l«u". of W.aty, SW<v,"{ i vaj-s 4«ck, flSppantly. ■ * j i t>jx»kiugthei.*v\ b -,i ,{ w | , oiiiKk uw Uia( \rts „ u*,* ! ; l w (oau' u.. uh\,\ ! i «a u*tjeiu§eut a>. lU.\ ai\ li.u k> Ut»u J i - l ; uut *uj W« \V\>i,j\»:w> | ! Uv>t >ioid w.u u l4 > v ' | vV\ > U.OIM^ ( a '.u11.,01., AU U\. , J,l UUw', e~. ■« | I *> »ivh, »t,u A\\;u Ss lj WAS lv,\< m Wk | • «v-i\ *n,l t 15 \\h; :i,At 01\ark'5.iou l i. I «w h»u..K>n-vM x C t . , * v ;L ,i „ \ ! ! AW e\l»ibitiou īn Hoiioln!», * i ,\i X * * I I do &opa tVw Xipsv.v .u: \ > ,v,„! M ' | low» jvmt ru « \ , o ' %r. f.i k:. » s ; i, « * Y , • ,vour vhs*l tvj.t tv. -- <•: i ol' Houeiulu r»«i• »,»o. ««' *!.• ■. . • \ ,• o . - ♦. <v>\\[- n u „ y\ - . ; . - . u , i \vu «1! k», ™ !», i v -i. v M|

! īohi; av<ī hp.} , (3ul you iuūi-p liovc gniij Captaiu j Mc(,'urley of t}se Nipaie BuiiJed at lue, a» I floated ! wjtb iny new "c;vtcLr' Oapkain McC»nley t is ' f«sf too jolly for atiything. I ouee tho.u s h't j Lieutei!fmtß J p.ud P—- wcre the life ōf tKe ! Nipsic, but hiuee tlie ne,r CiipUdn eame— \rtll, |boya, you 'll hure to ""go beiow" , jj-qu_stealjtlie CaptamVgīyla. jiīu3..jttH:me T - i the"girls; :I>ēar aie, I liaii almost forgotten the recoption gi*en to Adruiial Brown by the American Miiiiater i{esidejit. Of euurse I \#as almost tbo first of Houohiin's (lile to Teceiye an iiiyitatiou. Miss j Steveus brougiit"u to me herself, "Siasy," «ay S | iihe, 'iiuw you iuust bo snre and eome for all tho j Cliiiiltbtou ofhcera will be tkei;e, aud" she whit>j p6rcJ n. uij eur, "I shall depend 'greatly upou j you to eute:taiu tlienj fronj your stoek of social | chiit durijig lulls iu±Ci behveen drints—of lemouJ ade.' Well, I did my btat; but asl cuuldu''t talk I tp the whole lot at onee, I got one of the best j lookmg b'oys all by hiiuaelf on a lieueh under tlie j treea aud—l'll tell you tlie truth—talked to him j eo loug aud earuestly that he actually proposed | «mie—its tL.e U-utk giiia —to go wiUiin"āūd™get a j glasj3 of lemoiiīide, as I iaust be iiry! Wheu I ; i told Capwin >TcCurley abQut li he ivas real indig- ] nimt and told me tli>u it was u good thing the , | fellōwwas uot nue of ,his meu or he should ba . | cpurl-uw»rtinled iiuinediate!y. There, now; you j Charlestou fello\rs had l>etter look out.

O ye«, I was talking about the reception. Tha ! dfecorations cousistcd m.iiuly of naval flags"vhi|a ! everything witEiu aud -<rithout was arrauged for icomfort. Both the Chnrleston and Hawniiau f tiaiids wfire present and tlie :ui\sic "yearued lika I 'i «o<l in P"iu ' c»orj t!me home dignjlary eame iu !01 * eft house, But I sluui't attempt* to naoia | ow.ry ii»dy present cr deßcribe every rich and ap- | propriate oostuiue woru, for you all kuoV how j nice;y the Houolu lu liidies «hvays get themselve3 j ap when they go to see aud conquer, if possdble, j the wearers of the "uhie «nd the brass." There | were uot bo mauy 01. the Houolulu yonng men' j present as ouglit to havo.beea, but the fact is our Eouolulu boys setxs to be letting tho foreiga qhaps erowd tht?ui out lately. Now, boya, take Sissy's advice aud dou t l>e back\var.l iu cou»ing j iprvrar«l,. iu a social seuse I mean, f<n we girla j e,xpect to iiiavry our houie Mlows iu the end. ,I'ou't you see we are only hi-.ving a good tinis | M" th the loreigu iellowaLeeauae, you see, tha uavy I b,>y.> as a rulo &re too bu.sy obeyiug orders to , aad to their load by gettiug ummwl, aiul eoaaef q[nently they don't ua. That's how ii ia | toys. | SISSY SciSSOBS.