Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 44, 14 Iune 1890 — THE MINISTRY RESIGN. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Aftur h proloiiged aotting u'ul niueh lieated discus8ion, tho Ho\isol;iHt niglit rej«cted «n ainondir,ent to Nob!e Widemann's crigmul resolut1on for a vpte of waivt of coofideneu in His M;\je8ty'K Cabinet by » tie vot« <d 24 to 24. Tbe Ministry rt.signed. THe fttimnd?«ent rojeot' ilr whh n rnti.isnro of tlie uifijority c*f tho Cabinet to pass a vt>te of Tfnnt of eoufidence in Attuiney (r«neral Ashford.

Tlrp>rm Hcrij>fv--L>>! tho taxj)iiy ers for Mj.nu» and hn g:ive then( a brick, f«.r th* KWigib<m of Fn5fiH# d PiuiiiiKew v.<s yet :.fiir cff. And th« peop'e («viivc]ed greatly. I) i!l)Oll \\vpt! ()>; tast Tuesd;iy tli6 A<■xt-rtinrr-wj;s nnscvo}.a]<jus]y yinlMit i.g :in«t C. W. A;i!if<-rd, one of the l«< forn: party'& Mīniaieiu T1hk whs n;.turully exrect«d Jis it \V!«s gonerally known tli«- ii!U(! th»t Mr. W. R. Ci-.stle, one of t ; ;o i;ditors of tln: A<he;ril<ier nnel »lfio a member of ihe Keform party , wos the go between fient to . Pnneeee Liliuokaiani by 0:;biwt conf,pin.ioi'3 in l)ecemln:r, 1887. To g«uge. the depth <>f the A<ivertiser's gr,vf it is srifilcicnt to lemiml t!ie puhlie tlint the Attorney- Oeneml'a '' confession' diroct!\' iniplieak-el W. K. Castle in this pieee ot huaine»*.

FBoar a letter,V7r'itten by tue of 01ba nnd pnl.)lislie.l in last T!mrsJ;iy's A'h)ertisef' it appfi«rs tlwit thf HeV. Ml'. Hyde is not ouly unrepent unt fur tiis cdions gossip ;tgniiist a deud man, but tli«t ho eontinues tc }iioualy circulHte hi;i ovigii:u 1 v,tateiiH'ii{ »nd, bcing for tbe time OTit of rench t>f dv;nial, fnrtber i»Bējts tliat ''tb«r Catholie missiou heie m;i3c<;B no (lonial of tho truthfulueKH of iuy st:iten)ont." Tho Bisbop of 01ba, lite »u honest inun, naturally contiHdicts tbis »dditional slip of the tongae iDdulged in by Rev. Dr. Hyde atTong rnnge, nnd ndds tbe following denial, besed upon a thorough and%onfidsntial eiamina. tiou of the original sourcts of thc sl!inder, viz.: "I do most emphalically deny "tbe truthfulhosb of Br. Hyde's testimony agHinst tbe niorāl purity of tbe late Father Damien." īf the ilev. Dr. Hyde persists in hi& preseht course of misreprfsentatioij and fttJsi/scfltion the gener.il public will soon find itself consti;(iincd to follow the poliiienl ex»mple nnd ptiss a vote of want of confiaence iu his religions professiQus as well as in liis persoual veracity.