Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 43, 7 June 1890 — A STRAY DOCUMENT. [ARTICLE]

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Thf pnbliciition in the A<hu vfi&er, of l;ist >iul;iv, oi' tn iinr>ort tiit Strtte p;i !>er,be iriiig the disti'ignisb. j d signatujf v»f J.:nes G. Blaine, has set tlie c!irii>ns pi»blic to inqr,iring V. !iat new iriiM>V(ition !ias suddeniy tah. :rposses siou <if t':e Hawaiian dip]omut;c ser v»c« :n laving b?mvtbr; att'iirs o'f the For-■ gn Office witl><uit'. »»i;y ':ii>par<dnt pmv"C-ition or evi<!< :it ptir]iose. II weilel be as idlo t<» iipon th-i strangi. ehanee or perhāps str»uiger di'.sig i whieh eans d this letter from S :cr>>tary Biaine t<> w.iiuler fron; sbimbering pigrtonhole in the Ha vrtiii;tu Fore:gn pnly to apneai tmolficittJ3y in type in. the offici»! <»rgun of the Cabinet pni-ty. Pro !ba biyth e *' ta! e n ta<J o<l it< >r" e. mfon 11 d «A the daep 4hipaftini of its deplorda tie ton« with somo of the unolKeial biMk»ts of tlie C;tbinet majority and printed tije d'ocumeht. on principlefs of geueriif'ejjthusiairi.

Tl)6 discoveiy oī Mr. Biai!i3's letter in priat l:ia,s another valnw. Its pre K£peaj?euce ere tbo Hoos<-| Comioitt6e on ForeigtV Eelations had had ti m9 to overhauV t!>e correspon• denc'i of the Foreign Ofīice, KUggi'.sts the hope that the »iissing "L :tter3B" froiri Miiiister Carter. referr-:d to in the Committee's roport. may yet turn up. Itis to be boped that if it does tijyu ap all rigbt, at the last moment, its coutents will ngree witb the ab> Btl-act thereof furiMshed tlie Com* mittee by the Ministor of Forejgn AaUin-e; ot';erwise anothov quostion of uiiuisterial veracity is lik«ly to arise 6trnilar to that now overhauging Hon. Mr. Tborston,

Tiiis stmylng of St)ifce lcttov.s jwkl tbeir bobbing np i« unlo<>ke(J for pincos is certuinly in strange eontrasl with the j)oliey of siippression of evideuce now being folJowed by tbe rtiajoi'ity of the Cabinet īn the Trent\ matter. And ifc' is very likely t!mt ,the explauation of the alleged lost "Lstter 38" is that the Foreiga Oiliee has fullen ipto the bad liabit of passing State; papers arouud among the pollitically faithful for their delectation and to secare their advice as to 1 various matters nearly affacting the| family<coinpact ring, \vhich has been long responāible for the misd3eds and; policy of the so*called Reforw party. j In any event an official »'ho hās tbe convenient habit of lo&ingsomeletfcers; and of allowing others to unofficially appear in print is hardly a safe inan to lrust with public business. He' should at least be allowed to .retix*e from es ullieieutly lo&g- to cure his defects by more ī>c.rupu]ous prac: t:ce in hisprivate ai'lriirs.