Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 25, 4 January 1890 — THE WEEK. [ARTICLE]
A week ago the government newspaper begaa 1 p*>tt<«t agaiūfct examining the past record and oerson.'il standjing oi the "existing adminiatratidn." Tt is, *iteiefore, quite eyident to the puhlio tha. th« government was not weU withstaading ihft of fect i"rom the record of the past ",wo yeais made 'l >th da 'y acd : weekly against ne n. Speciiio ch:i of oni'sb'ou and coirui>ssion havefo.- mouthsbeenp;Ui>g a p and ♦we» a?oided by and tne jot3rn ne.lt newspaper. Had eitfcer ibeir feli.h or >au-e been strcng they wou\l have speei'l' »iisw«jred as in other less ? nipoitaut eases. īf &, "hii» laie day in Ihe caoipaign the "a_ist : ii4 adTiiniBt.*<tlion" is at unjastly aoe isod, it is ht'o own and their ne\vspa|>er|s faalt. They ! % w{usihg to arswer the cha>ge» brought I agt>>ust th< u). >.llowed the publ»'(j to justly draw ■.he eonelneiou that such eha "ges are uuaswerable. Espeoially so waen most of these cha gos are held ;vw«itiug the iuswer of the gQv«miaent with l>osili>e proof back of them. W'hen the gove. aiaeni newspaj>«jr at a !ate day aōvoca :es the iguoring of and the, Kys;em of ihe goverume at be dtscuss;ed in sNad, .he p.ihlie ft7'.s natarally to hOiiī» i a j <.itliw the Ēiu3eiity or hones y |of that «aiall >«ortion of th« famHy eoiupaei iw-.ek ol suchj polioy. Why ? Bocause a stiort lleue o>e e«Ote cbtmd ve*uied absolately ;to dls«.asj die *X»te.a of RON«rnaiēat w3oi Oia w i.ors o! the op|>.»si! on. Now, linee apeeKUi cHargea hav# lo»r» b.t>u?ht ihty rcfase discms& (Lem aud dMt>and an eiami.'*:>'ou of "Bj-su>in." No.t* het<jv« vhem. 1
<S iioi'ig f \>ai t'ic aas,uti>p v au* o! Lx»t| Ut« tMuily aud 4 d. rtiiii»b ktiovi" n*\vapaper is of lue Lpiaiou >louday moruing w Utat the oX tb«' m;ukt«Ts hjvr>» b««apij.t "iu a Wc'l n*, Ti«y mm "to the pl*oiog t»ietus.l\-es tn oppoa». ou t/uet l «>i t«» oi of ( th\t ltteir haa p«ao»iai' r««»ī»ua * * * The * , fcoV" |» ove»{ not w"tt'« aa th« ov»>v>>i^! Ua. dup v >oitii .( l a»idet ma*t gel ; 1.0 hoki of th«- o*u! »K>fv - ean be k«pt lu Uā,' 'M"«h.-s>i jvv- vjts<L.ivt<it «- J •U=t>. ' j \..fo H.'li'.' •). .! K «V. 4 < • 4 a l ><." J\ op t vsv.K>u slV>hi msl that t u N vtl< <1 ..sOtts" lt4i "īiUUUi 1 1 .„;>0" .* jv «ou«l « have^ : 1».. st tv ioi.u of s|j*,v : fi|c t 'li n un [1 h>- >pi>v-Ni: ou i ,itr.«r t t >at »he aatuistevtkS <UvUr»Uv'«« t.w t3ko past i»m vT#ar» aud that th«: \
oourae a®d polioy, like those of tlieir have>rt every poiat beeii "hypooritic«il7 inoontistent, dishouo6t niu\ personal!y mean, - -as "Tigno" aa a eīoeei-inal" s«3rmo:i, :is "hypooritic»l,: a QuQen&treet prajtr, as as aj pUJiter'B prouiiat'cl ltgiri!atitiu for fioc- luVjor, as ilw- i hoQBBt ab the gov6renientnewHpai)t-r , « "irtorlgngei broking" b&ckera «nd aa mean &6 (.rod (if Ho be jut»t) mi;st > aepi ihej &uāv« H :".w iiiaiis iu tli» past—aud cWufly niuoe th« uccu;j-iiitu£ioiiai reTolfltiou of . . ■! Whēii waR issiite.-1 oouts.in"i iag thu report Of a speeoh uiaele at a vārd inoet-l »»g 'oy Mr.- L. A. T'irarstQn» the pu'oiie ceased to wondeī why tho goverumāut u«w»pttpej' advocatod i tb« discasslon of systea>3 and r«ot ih« eien baei oī th& syBtexr.s. Mr. TUnrstoa had bette* t--y to coavi£ce th« pub!ic, rf.fher than of hia wardeluh», that (be miuistets, who have repeated'y pusbe.i tteic po:soDal ; ty before the people ainee 1u "coffee" »cbt)ireB, ' reaboii.i'.Je [reaL;es, <S"Haet po'icies, Ch : aeae ametidmooti aad "«"eh"! had ncivr—»t th"s *l-iveu(h houroftliex?impiiigu— dropped oat of, pol : i.'cs! >, Mr. TliUtBtQD, whum tlie Gi»ilh ma.l» —j u I§S6, . like Ua hatohed-}iiadod_jbfothei' ol tfce_ goTrrume 4jt-iiewapftpe.v ha&f:āled io read ihe h ? aitv jof his wn xwrty iately publiali*d'in. the E'?ln—aud writte-j by h Libtral, who wai theref
y """ *; — The Butitiin ',1 Tuesday īherl<iujj ,ai'iiiile front hy-BiMider Jucousistencies of the I>ay." It rerers especially to tLe finaneīal aud poliiieal po!ioy of thē'plantei«, ■wLwh ia ekuwn l-o bo maiuly one, financiallj. n' avoiding the tax law. The political platform oi the diflerent partiss are criticii,ecl—that of the plan,ters' u)issionary reform party especially. While we adtnit the last meutioued platform beiug the last issued should be the best, wneie it is the worst, yet we canuot refrain fiom asking, if it is the last? There be trioks in poliliea as well as in rehgion dear By S(ander and tlie polilieal platioiui laat issued is geuerally thc best in-iueh ca:es aa the presmi- -aud iu this particalar eaao will iikely be the be.st voted for!
Wedn6sday, Janaary 1, 1890. "Happy 2īew Xe«r" tq the -.peopie;—to tlie nat've lla«r£iiaus eapeeially, wiio.se jxuitn;al hos;)itali.y we b;ive 'wreiofort luj j\e;l,— i j tlj© mouliiiiiie.i and workiagoaeu of all rares,- wko make our unvils smg, *>uv «w'>» W wea&n our ,fieMs to smuo svi(h wealtn, wu T cli oui' people &s a »re 11 ut w eujvy! i,m we as « naUou 1)C .Uiiee thuiith\\-~iiiaiils-tdl thta- the kiaeāam, m.lhu- g<\o;l yo-.w a( ouigood Loid, is iio wor 3 e off: V> r t) h ire pish6') through l'aa, almostoui indepeudeuoe has been ivresi,3i"l froia us as a na.lon !.v our iaiafcionary f.-iemU r.ud thu plautor;>: Do tliey now deny L ,,0 h,ueaipt ? ye«ly.; re»d tlie coTernment ns,rtiipttpMr ui tirj speeoli%of iaiaifitera in the waia meetingAof tlie plan ers' aiissipiiary reioimputy' The peo;>l« are ūulee tlmnkful tliat the couniiy has thiongii the politipal fire thus far Biifely, thankiul that the publie eye ia at iaat openeu -nerer to be shut; thaukful that they will 1101 be faithcr duped by false poUlieal peofesBions or by fche eauling of those hereto'ore falss! The year 18% e.une i;i joyf,i!!y, full of suiiBhine *nd promi«6. Let the people stand true aail the present year shall be hiade to doubly atone for twu lttBt -pftst. .*■ The poliiieal cry now ceases to be *gaiMl the "miE-sionary'' aud the "wroag;" 'ii ahall henoefoward b« in the name of tjb,e IV* kuo JlK ut and juatioe dne the workiugme.i and working women of Hawaiil.