Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 25, 4 Ianuali 1890 — PEOPLE'S NATIONAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We are ■ satisisCed that the peoplo have made the best nominations for the intei"est of the whole people. -We are willing to eniloine the ticket a!though it will be, perhaps, objected to by the go> r eriiu>ent newspaper. Every man ou the ticket is ieaponsible for his political charaeter; as tlius responaible Ihe Ei.elb endorses hiin. On the otber hand we endorse no mihority.

Am> uow the leadera of Heots nnd Reotaiian pol--tic3 ave aoousing one another of "igno;ance" and ' 'parvorsiou of ser:pture." Juat.no bjethr<m) get iDto a āoetiiaal Bght &s soon ag pogsīb!ef We ptomis« yo\i & sWI bu louai W the fireg of reiigious pan.ieahon!'

Ma. J. 0. Carter, a bi-other of Mr. H. A. P. CarteT, who dr,tfted most of the late treasonable . vietvty, ia lately out in th© guise of » practicai jo3.t»r., He advocates that the present "disgraced" "n:ini«iters resign and go hefore the people with their foreign anl domeslio policies." Deßr Mr. Cai ter, the puhlio likes your joke, but deslres to am»ud it so as toread, in good earnest ( as follows"Let the ministers resign and leave the cowitry wlth their foreigu and domeBtic polie'ea"!

1t w?8"a <rvcat mistake to supposo tliat the eountry was rid of Waller Murray Gibsou when he died aii- ghosl still Hves and reiirus and edits the Eleie, ind ais estate makee up the cash de,^icif, —Advertiser. The gh6st of WaltorMuiry Gibson may trouble some of our goodpeople of the family eompael, bnt ao far ae Lis estate is in making up any defieic (11 the 'the Elele, i«i.» Jif- 1, ~ - r---<v ~ 1 " * WTOte it knew it to be so. The estate of Walter Mnrry Gibson has not conljibutQ(l a oent towards ihe Elele, as mi6sionaries too well know. We statc t»ondly and emph.itioally that the Elei.e haf becn run withoutaid thus far in the iater»st of the peopk and madei>oorl>y tite"exist;n« iKlminielwlion" and their ! policyt The' 4jovernment B3wspaper "proves itsolf tht oonsisted esponent of "mis9ionxxies" aud the "f«jiily eompapl.' 1 It co»tinues to daliberately iie about the liviag and vioiously sianders the •3ead. It is a pity; but it is exactly what the pahlie has loag aihee leamed to eipeot-