Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 25, 4 January 1890 — SAD [Illegible] [ARTICLE]
SAD [Illegible]
A MU'e ov£u a week -go ".h. Lyons, -.A ihe 1' .e.e wjs caUed f «d(h?i>ty awp.y '. t oin'L-i« oīfce ' ' 1. eki'- s iu IIĪB fiur. .jy. He bas uot s*iits ouj .ed ovving to the "al.e' res<;lls of t» :ii djeeage d'plne 'a, wīi'eh ha*} swept thi"ot'£a li' i fo _rer huppy f.ud ' »piy deso!ato. F>--st <?ied his b-jby g>l 'iii-ee years ola; tlieu L'i o'oest (?augb' -r, b. 'ghl lil.ie L \ wuo w. s th« pei o" he/- v»veuts 1 ni whoio b gat face oftea maoe gl; d .lie elu 11 eoAiuion-olaee o f i.iie E'.hi.s office. Eut :he g Viw, a>i<l we'i-jst Goa the last fel( upou \[r. 1. j*oa« 5-30 o'eioek n<w yvM'j yf'mū h'ia '»el»Yeā « »ho.i lat seve;e a.ia'ko,' th« srme'diseaee, awey aac( wai £o'ttirly by ii>e <*e\otesī i;(Kev busbau<i be/.'e 1" < <.vo <Lad cii ; /drcd. ilr. Lyoi j beaxs hi» d-:en so »ows Kke »ae mau be.is —.*ows ta deep forho jsc,u Eyaipathy o» hiiiiian wo»-ds." Deith haia go l u-3y door.- tolet out*l'"'s."