Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 22, 14 Kekemapa 1889 — A "DAISY" APPOINTMENT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That great poliiieal "blunderer",of the missionary reform party, knowu as the iuinister of finauce, has been trippiug his pious toes aud exposing his raseal!y heols again. He h:.s appoiuttd Mr. C. L. Carter a member of the ;;oard of āppealsfor !he districts of Hilo aud K .u, island of Hawaii! īt seems that most of the lraius of tfae govemment politicians lie iu the iudej>eudeut part of the missiouary reformparti. repix>scuting the auti-missiouary factiou tluein, si UC ei uumerous individualB of this factiōii :,ave frecly uttered their opiuion ou the st)-eets that this appointment of the miuister of fiuauce at best a *terrible political mietake' made at a time wheu the» is great necessity for uot bluu.iering! As aome of the fact« of this missionaiy :.ppoiutD\eut of a lately arrived uiewber of the fauuly eompael have already leaked out, through th protests of different indepeudeut aml uiore hou :■»i meiube;rs of the missiouary reform party, we l x >ld euough to hope that a few geutle au<i brotherly ommente from "tbe Elelk rr.nx V will uot oause potitical in the seu-itive bowe;ls of the pioua!

W« have • othiug to say asrainst M ; . e L Cart«r iHKomll?, aud vrill not ewu -, -..< MgHiuv . hiui th« legitiiuate o) P rob;il . evolutiouheredity aiid poUtical "desoettt vith modit»ealiou.' \\ e have the aiisfortnne of >jiug foreod to noliee him now ouly as au c.fficU eomiect«i with the al«ady publiclr odiou B R . (iou of the iuiuist« o tiuauce. As to Mr. C, L raii t >vV of J ficial caj>abiliti(-!s uuo. ti:iu» v.v atx m u ; agr«?, Rf te , eaivf.;! « v ,,,. v ,. vith t.« \' u ! bv « v«rv :,\( KaU.l oonv.i ,i v >.; llf ttu- yovo«micui p.»..\ , i'..:.v,U v d in u- «,' Vi -ru- ' ."I i T l„\\(ipnjH.v , s tU t. i» l*.st: vi. 1 •!•!,,, * M f l'. V srt«M , , f M1( <Hvp\a'r - u. 11... HUu K, . . «ne»*.' Thnt\h t„, ~i , sli0 t n iv»,,, u, l{ ! lLt lklaua Hawaii. 3. Th,n Mj, C.i!ur i s tho 1

aon of a mau directly vacl lai'g9ly intere6ted in the sugaj' [)lantatious ol the two dibtj'icts). There ia īio <lonbt thac tbe«v ob,iections ftjt eueli awi everv ono valiiV aud unanawemUe, bol.li as to oflieuil cflp-U)ilityaii(lofl'oial htee.ss. Tlie j)oints ivore well nii'l stvoii2ly ,! y tlio kovemn)ēi>t p."ip(-r's Hilo correspou(lent, bnt we vvi,sb Uv inforiii tko pubiic that tlitise saiiKī objectionb 3iavA Leen previonsly and offictally aiado nuel disregardtjd ln' the minif)terof līmiuee in defianr.r of the kiu'

I Faots are wonderfnlly kuotty thin(.'s, when they grow npon politicul clul>s, and are eapahlo of "knocking ont" any aiuouul of sniiling hypoorisy, pious pi'ofessious.,or political roguery, as ths onc!i«ion inav dcmand. We are imformtid from a reliable souroe of the following fncts concernitig the appointiQent of Mr. C. L. ; Carter to a membership upon tiieboard of- appe il-i for eaid districts: Thar. before the at torney-gener-al left for the United States . and before Mr. C. L. Carter's appointmeut, aiī3 acoording to provmon made b)j law, Mr. Car!cr'a nomination for stiid !ippoiiitiU'.int was subinitrod by the minister of fmance to the attoruey-gm-eral wlio decided subßtautiully ita īollowu: 1. That-'Mr. Cart«r waa disquftl)Tied as a m«inber of said board because he was the non of th« oLkf stockholder and ownei' of Mcōsrs. C. Bre\ver & Cq. who represent large pl.:ntnti.on interests in bptli sāid districta. 2: That sai 1 plantutionB represented by (i. Brewer & Co. will hkfly haye tax appeals eoiningi>efoTe oniW-appeal b©artl~of wliioh Mr. C. L. Carter would be a membūr, 3: That there/ore the appōintment of Mr. C. L, Cart«r upou sai'J board of appeal>i would be both illcgal and unee.nBtiUitional.

Wh&t did tlie miuister of finance Oio in ths face of this adyice and in viol:itiou of the spirit, tion and pnrpoft of the law? With tlia o.hoiee nf competent ,aud legal l>efoi'e lihn he deliberately and pnrposely igiiored the law aad the rights of the govomment by'ft.ppoiutiug ta e inexperienced and j)icoiapeteiit boxi ofalaryjly ; interested member of ttte faoii!y eoinpaee vnd chie£ owner of differoat plautatious of Hilo and Kau distric'.s, as a i»ember of the board of aj)peft!s fo* tlieue difitric(« to eit iu jndgmeut upoa hia father's and friends' and relations' plantatioii tax appeak, shoijld such aome before the appeal board of whieh he was thua appoiuted a membur; Alas! the poor pla»ter! Dowu with the opposition! Bre&«s»-ef tfie missioiJāry reforiu party let us ;oin in pmyer! A detiial or adui.fisiou of the fnots of this ftppointmeut ae charp;ed ie now iu order, Si)enoe at this lime meaus aimin'; aiou and couseut on the part of the gover-)niunt and their newispaper. We unite with tiie geuer-1 al publie in deeming fchis a "daisy" appoiutxneut 1 bj- a "daisy" uiissiou.iry offici;d t