Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 22, 14 December 1889 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The Elelk aud the opposition c"< mand, as they always liave. that the one-mai. power ns well as tiio preseut four-men pow.w both bo eliminaieil from our fuudttm.eutal L\w .

Th-is morfiing the government weakens and in its distress i-ries for tlic- plautors to meet in convention at Honolulu, th.- 'Ugh their deiegaios, and help save the njission try ieform party from utter rout!

Tiiek£ wil! be publishfd from the Fj flk ofiSce next week on fine paper n īuap of t':o election wards of Honoluln, District of Koiu, Island of Oahu, with full explanations in both :.- as?lish and HawaiiaU; copies ean be secured at the Eleī.e offiofr4or eniilh e.ieh. ' ~ ; r

Will the goTernment newspaper pjr ise piplain its as»crf.ion tlmt thepeople's platfor'ii: ■ will tend more Uian anytliiii|l else to nndermin< d leiti \ tbe«tability ol theHawanan (iovernmciit "and show the people the boyr, where un.l wh; ••>f it» bald *ssertionf—-Elēle of JDca. TtJi.

Will the government newspāper pi. ase point out lo the public "the how, where an i whv !"

The government newspapev admits that the constitution ia by"no meausperfect," '>it strongly opposes any "tmkering with it'' esi.(:i>t at one poini proposed by the minister c»f tlie inrerior and his "great" little friend to allow thest fellowe to work their little aiiti-Chine,ie i)ickct as fin election card !

If tlie Mini#ters wisli to keep t lieii- fi t offices up in wliieh they are • e»upposcd •lo be :«utcrinK in lusury, let tfiem give tis eome xtr«t t. ei<jr,*\ngs. Evtry tirr»e the street ig crossfd we :icar mutterings of c\\veinga, and the oaliie of r< !ovru lose a vote. —Ai}ivrllncr. Weli., «« auppoSs it ia fJi ri«ht ftltl_iutgh we d<% not exactly understand «ither Vao "rho:oric or tlie philosophy" of the thing; but we f>r willii)g k» eudorse it on the snppdsition that it -:ti]l means. as it ixieant in 1886-7, down with the ;.(lministration!

Thjs Mechanics' Union elow do h onie qneer tliings, as the goverumeut uewapapo says; auu one of the queereet things done by tlie linion was fco refuee to follow the plan aud adTic< given from the governjneut side during the drs hing of the people's platform! By the wav, the . ovemment leaders are acting a '*littls qneer" ; 1 insistiug that the oi the miBsic nary family eompact ehal' wait for those alrea<'.v- promised iittle biilets, until after the fif "a of Febru«ry, 1890!

Thk capacity for "political mistaie-s" eeenia to be hereditary in the fauiily compact iiud has lately been develojK-d in every departmeii( repres!ented by the missionary element, froui ;he preoiier to the humblest order of !utellectual '*ife striiggling for existence in the editorial eolimna of fhe

"ooly r6maiaing'' »<3o/euder of llie pi litical faitb representing the finger of Providen y aud tbc land-grabbers! Brethren, tlie clin]tin<; of the familj "dolIar" will not in lhis day straijjh!en tlie fore. head of fiither the politiea] or jour,iuliatic fooli ftnytnore than personal abuse of Wiiters against you will be taken for fnguinent againat the opposifcion cause!

The term " cantiug profesaionß '' becomes a ,l Belf administered kiek" wheu nsed by the goverumeut newspaper, the orgaii of the mortgagebrokers, agaiust the men who have ii.ken up the native cause in its extremity, after (l.e Hawaiian people have beeu wanfouly robbed c f their huka.na& through the "mi6siouary uior.r.;age racket'' and are uow politically forsakeu bj ,heir "cold missionary" friends! As loug as ve keep oar hands out of tLe pockets of uati> o Hawaiinus snā leime to āMiaie with Faet-&trēft ve aro quifce likely to retaiu the politĪDii coafidmce oi a majority of uAtive Sawanau&, ;ih—;niy secured by a manly, straightforward COUi >e showingi yeither hypoorisy nur greed! It js .he evidout truth of this positiou that makes tii<j mortgagebi'okiug politician, who owns part of ehe goverument uewspaper, forget his prayer; to slander, missiouai7 like, the persouuel of ' the Elele crowd."