Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 22, 14 Kekemapa 1889 — Consistency is Indeed a Jewel! [ARTICLE]
Consistency is Indeed a Jewel!
Eī.ii'oeElele -What (l uali«oation ean leftson i ■ th.e governmeut and mlssioaary cVowd, when we K<e ;i?»i l .^ ,I '°r and tba l crol,d r ' y,rl " to elamn the :, r s . n .' on 1,1 thc P ūtj Uc e6timation. fot- Uie ' , 0f S a ;j[ )oiuU - d .. at least four i« flicir pominatii)g 'jcominictēe,'''' a ud ''i'a.^ni l '' h * Q 4 l hat. eame.ei-owa humb]y begging .;i auothor b a rtcmki' or KU"-clkT, ti.e^ati»vo? mui]i;]jj on tlie iiussionary .ticket, witii the err<>neous liopeh of ther C i.> tl!e Portu-ue"e yjtL. =, K a eiime oulr wLeū tiie aellcrg lo ih« ii!dcpetulent paj-ty, and are barlrnd•Tl pnVy.re*pectabte men-\vTien con«ected ,with Uie oW m, ?l onary elemenu? The I„ Ters of , ()! ; I&ist ency i■.'°Uid.bL giatfclulfor an answer from tliosc ivho ; .vnmy, \vhat tlie standard of morality ik. aecordinsc ' \f leai l ol^ ar v i nf ' Ct!?fcitl ' ,S : COMMO> SfNriE. Honoiulu, l)ecembcr 13, 1889.