Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 22, 14 December 1889 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The "great" pereonal friend uf the miuister of t i.' mtei'ior, >vho was put forwurd seve r al montha a;> as th K mdex Uuger of the ministerial antiC' ineso poMticai rncket haa retumed to the misa;t n deYouredl>y the 0 -;-osition. Thc m orkingmen aomehow failed to e; »me. the of the mmi*terial fledgeliug a A returued the political compli meQt by break--1 i.i said mmi s terial iiedgehiig'B wing;how6ver, he 1. j fiutter back to the government X ; >kery and. we ttre inforined has,- Bturtled the of feial politiciana with the. .inforrnation that the <.>niy, ml\j way to beat the oi)poaition is to divide i Heuee thia ,late serics of political editorials, h.,5 fuitoirniti3TnJh boUym, groat1/ io the distre.-,K of the . inission«'y blunderers, V_io survive thiough'-d fcb cent with modihcation:"