Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 22, 14 December 1889 — PLEASE NOTICE. [ARTICLE]

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The puhlie will pleaao notice that the Elele of last woek, in p, reply to tlie posittQU taken by the government newspaper, made soveral serious churges against officials and b.ickers of thcpresent missionary reform partv, througli their governiaental dej>artmecta and clsewherb. We herewith add to these chargeB the further charge made in to-day's issue against the ininister of finauee aud demaud in the publio interest that such eharges be aaswered in dotail, if they are answerable. We undeiutttud the journalistio dodge of iiiakiug t>r using peraonal abuse wheie facta and arguffi6nts fail; but iu this ease the uniUd oppo»tiou- represents all classes of our people, wlio are not in the humor for coveriug np political rascality iii the missionarv* reform party uuder a show of jotirualistic feiiciiigl The ,following paragraph reptibliahed frtim last week'a EleLe contalus the eliārges tirst meutioned:

FiTST, ii is j>Toposei\ tbat tliu "libora2 refcrza party" (iuore geuerai)y an<i more approyriatelv keia wm (liA niūaiouai'i' te£ovui pa.*£yj \s &\»[v good" wbioh eau be trusteil witli tLr "pobnc oebt, homst R(lmhnMration, t>āuoatīou. tha i>Mposed porpetuātibii of tlie reciprocity ite.atj and Ihe iHtlej>endencc of Hawaii":: Lo! tby kiiaves unuiask tbemselres. Lct ns ste.' Thti "puh!ir '(cb(t" how about ilie tnormous appropfiation bill of the lsst legislatvire, \vbivii was plodged io rotreuchmeut aiul i-eiorm! aad about tlie editorial adv.pcacj r of ūe\v loans for goyeriiment use by tlie govemmont uewspaper withm u ye»x last past: "HoneM Ad?mnktratīoii:" how übout the confideutial lettera wntiou by Loudoii haiikeK to banters in Lisbou, wamiu£ tlio liitter to have nothiug to do with ouv presout ,fuuseru- | puloqs aiul trickg" government! how about sueli a reputaCiou for goverumeuhd . dishonesty bre-uk-iiig dbwn the last Portuguese immigratiou sehe»ue oi the plaut<srs of Hawaii' K '■,catīon: iiow about tho geueral 01 teaehei-s wiihihe! presai,t board! the charges agsiust said l>o;»rd, olrargīng tiiem wnli violatius- both writteu aiuīl oral <;ontraote—i\bsolute pi\K>f of both being: ia existenW. <■/' thr r.'rījrroci(>- nnd (hi iu,h r < uJ. how «U.ut tho late "tn?axou tblo (;vu\ ti.-o-e wpos6d in th« ta.KL!i: how alvnu the exposure niad«A»j* .1 l.iUi-al iu the.-e eo!uirais of the delibwt*to plan to destrov Hawmiim iu.lepen.lenee, coneoete<l by the niissiouary ieform jv.rtv' ,of the ooUi>titution (still in t;xisteiure> for the pro}»osed i-epulaie whieh was to be run over ihe gtave ot j iiHtejHudeiKV l>y m ♦ t _ i th« ptesent govonuaeut aud its t'oreign Ktekers. J WiU the govenuutmt ne\vspaj>or deui v. di> these eharses niade on tke j>aii of lh«. » iu l t pt»itiott thi\>«gh "the Flh.k eiMw^"!