Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 22, 14 Kekemapa 1889 — THE GOVERNMENT'S DEFENSE! [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


11 was with fekr and trembling that 1 'ilie Elele crowd" opeued th© governuieat shect )ast Tues" dav mominu; for ruhior had ;proceeaed the ouslaught, as pride goeth before a fall, and had fdled us with a great aud esceediug fear,—aueh, we inuagine, as a missiot;ary mortgage broker feels when a ve Hawwiau by soxbe grwt gooā luek | is a,bk to th.owsaud doUsws oi i»jat3 froua a missu>n«y mottga«e of : Wo huudred dollfu< witft eompouud iutereat added! ī!owever, we wjdh to eall tho attention ofour mitive frieudu ( to ihef»ct taat the goTernmeijit defense is uinae j ap of ar66t.atement of tha poin|a previously made by Eev. S. E. Bishop iu the, difierent Euglish aud aauve new6papers. . The nativ«s will reuieiuber peihap» how suddeuly the re>'crend politicians gav« up the ligltt aud withdrew; u«tives wi i fuxther !doubtkss remember how the Elelk and other writ<irs of the oppositiou refused to withdnvw and sncceeded in couclnsi!vely showiug both haolts aud Kawaiians,the poliiieal fallacy,treason*b:c missiouary purpose and tlw goueial hollow prt:tences underlying the missionary rebellion of 13b7 and permeating the entu:e;missiouary reforiii party and poiicy since tbat tiiwe!

At tliis lat(> day, after & majority of tho people oi <11 aatioi3ulities lihye tliscussoa tlio ei,tire tīeUl | «nd harō fixei| their poliUeAl ebndusioiis, cauie«! va*autintlj fortli the ji.nrualistio [ 4 n eS* r vho ptopc>se« to "kuoclf:out" 0t« iwploa | oa-ise and *njumeut« with oae jt«U blow I \Ve es- | pcei*llv wisU UHtive Ilawaiiaa-» to kuow wluu tiicse >oiy st l -oagest aiul gi-e&tlj| talkcā-about-iu-£ovormueut-ouvlcB ai*guuients ape; wo will thw<foio j\keo l t)for« j ou th« uialu poiut iu eaoh t£Uotj*l pna,ttdjai tW goveniuieut u<nvsj.vn>er OUiiug thd vr«k. As bofoi» (b<s ;u--g|uuouttt awjuot so pm as tliey were by Uko Rer, S. E. Bishop, but o:u th« oUiei haad wuiaiu souiewliat j».otu of uekUwaie mkrosputatiou iliau JiJ tho iv\treua »r> 1 a great :<3eal uiote of v ae ■ tubia ual -oL«ttj tatife4akc kiu'l iufluHs nso\vu wouu.i. la iyvoruiuont j| tW vouug ri|{l.t if uu.ier the u>nvarr>uital\l«? ** i..,t u»t ic > Wlnl^ o'n ~\\rsV v 1\ v . , , NS v « .>.l j > ?> ~^,X xcJ in:'v K-.ih i ~t u ,sl. v, tU % *nw!v-,|i*sv W uuk>n. i 1 '.501 IMU jvim h"w\i*. s!vl i. f-, [ u. oish oi * ' .* *•. ,*■ 1 « * t i u, i » vt <i v> s 1 U» jv |\VII>: .r» t a«vv>ivi *T As-m > E t , \* l iuw.uiaui a:ot<». t :Lt l\ .«h. *«. „ v t

.maks a politioal ]mrty v ''. are fow greatei polilieal mistak< s, froni all sutu thau tli« attempt t.o iiiiiut'iice or coutrol u goveruj meut m the mtriesTt> 0 f a raie ah,ch /ort/m a. j,ort ,of thc bmly pohU' [ituhcs fjt oui-] Aamittiug |for argumeut's <~ike the Lbovi. asvumption-, «sk.- <Uu> fsov«ru»n}n-t newspaper to e\-plaiu how the niissionary roform party, w'meh reprcKentsa ppHwn onbj sf one foreigu raee, will ttot be justly ; iucluded m the above couclusiou, as the op. pp®tion . has haen ir>sistmg for months past Lt . muat be! As to the native Hawaiiana we uiake no atlu-ifadion, exuep"&- for the argument's sake Tlie i-'iiiiu made by the opposition ia, and &as , heen, tiiat it represonts thc demanda, rights aud . wiahea of a yery large part of eaeh and all of the races making np our cosmopolitan uaiiion; itnd is therefore the onty party representing thc kingdom aa a whole, without. class distuictions. Please notice £ood missionary slnggor, that īf you here- ; after adopt an opposition argmnent you will be . imniediately forced by the E«.kle to admit all th'e eonolusions dt>rivable tlierGfroin!

In Wednesday's issue the' {.;overumGn.t jouruid-1 istio slugger wiuiia to know if. the property qualification shall be abolished ? 0o lian little troubl e ' m settlmg this question aud decides, in the iaee of tho evident an(Lpractical fiicts -tliat it- mnvt notbe .ftbolished, bccause it is tlie . oiiō politicul mainstay of the mechauics and labor element of the kmgdom and is the only means the free lahoi' elemene han for eoutrolling—nay even swamping tne pliuiters aud <heir 2r'-edy mteicsts at~th« l>al° h>t box. By hea\eu! gentleinen mission.arīes,you presuine on the pubhc intelhgence, if you 90īisible men to swallow such political escretious. Sdthiug cdnld havē plea.se d the bppositiqu iuore than the Ime of argmnont deteru)ined. upou by the mi«sionary reform party;there is qutto a Htrcng argument that eoulā bs made upou the govemment side if you had a scribbler shi-Gwd enough to see it! Of course at bottom ī' īs builded upou au -withont a fnct under it, "j K" iill oth«r govennneiit ftrgumcnt»! However we ahall not give it away until ufter eleelion, ās we would now liave to answcr st.

| Thursday'B . govfii-!inieiit newspaper i]lustrates the olil j((iirnaljKtit' udage that it is iinieh easier to do litei'!iry Klugg<iug two day» iu a yetir tlmn for fīie romaining three -hundrod aud yixty-three. The KUTeruiueat pa^er of Thuasday wus 'staie, flat aiul vmpiofitablo," witn the esception of Mr. A. S. Hai'Ēwell s corauiumcatioii from ihe opposition st)uidpoint, rridny'.s issue shows that thu end is almost renched; for tlie coustitution i.s dragged in to build an ai ginnent upou. The :»ame i>oints nre made that have uiready beeu dej ckted upon anct rele»ated by the people. The same old politieal lio übout tlu: vptiiiy franchise | being exte.ndod cou'stitutiou-first told by Jter. S. ~T3isaop is refurbishod in diffeient words' Thanlt you, brethren! we are still quito wellj <re linow yrar inteutiou& weie of the best nrHaionary (piality, but yotir nnnn proved uiiiutentio!ially bttt natura]ly short,— in other words it seenis tn be a case of thp ' sttrvival of the lit. politicnl eause, whieh we firmly belieye to be tlie people'H aud noi tfa misūt»iarks\' Wo hate to malto you uneomfortable, but \ve are in,struct- j ed to inform you that a majority of uative Ha- i think ivc dol |