Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 11, 28 September 1889 — THE NATIVE VOTE. [ARTICLE]

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This eountry like m»ay otuers is a3l»)wing itself to f'ollow the mouthings of political r'.emajogues and other moro influential IpoliUeal' agenta of wealth, in pld.ee of disco vering and fo,Uo wing out a policy whieh regards and include» the -wants of the laboring class, who are at first and hist the basis of naiional prosperity. The demagorues and wire-puilfci-s |re.lhe fii-»t to fipd out tl.at the men who work hav« but little givt to politics, and henee presume to take the labo-o -8' eauee in charge. And worthy guardlftns of 'übot these fellows make—with their apologies f<;-r J»ast bad faith riuging nightly in the puhl.o «ar. But theīr eheele is as great as their; ili ' morals are bad, aud henee they force th«nselve« to the front. Somo of these fellowf pr.,f«ss tlie highest of religions and teunpernno pnnciples and it ie this fact that makes their peiiiioal p e r-' fidy appear oiore devil-Hke by eoinpni son'. These are the men who are wādly Ikuntiug a politieal issue upon Miieh they ean nnit'' :h<. naiive Hawaiiana; but unfortunatelv the i-.sjos they have raised thus far contain no «»!<(••—n» whieli appeals to the native heart.

The native Hawaiians have no e niiiienoe iu these political demagogut-s »;ud wi! not allow them to oontTol n itive voites—no iatter how good the principle t.hese felloVs are ' ne l baukmg. Tho natives kuow such felio\ will back auy pbtform—woukl baek the dev hiaiself— provided they thought they eould : f the votes toput them in the jx>liticaf poaitio: thoy no<v see from afar. Ou the ottier hand if th« very same issues these feilows ijre pres '»īng to parade before the public were brought < a aud eoutrolled by the laboriug aad meeiianh >1 eiemeuts of the couutry, the uatives eoniidenee in their brother workmeu aind wou i b - williug to gi ve ihem their aid—prdvided o' ooiitse that the native people we« a*iowed au vl n-presen-tation ou such a ticket.

We but repeata truth thejt is beo uiing ererv day moi*> evident to all wheu we s:i rf st in the coming tight the ufttive aiul whit. of Hawan mvist unite, if the po; ; !c iv t<> win the uext ek'rtiou. The whitv uud laborits are tho ouly naen whj tvn g?.n ,ud hol l the coutideuec of tiie nattves so f > *o wiu tlu fight; Hii:; to resoh this euJ au •r<."HV '*i<> , ti ootitix>ll«vi by uieu of lH)thraces\»lhoui"aU mu m.l will u«st »nu«t be brought i»U>ox|istoin'« lv woll Bupjwrtei». without tho of of twth rne<>s, who ai-e at imwut to ruu «wybody aml everv orgauizatio:: i<- th«'T |K>litleal h»rucss.