Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume IX, Number 2, 30 Iulai 1887 — NOTICE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Ttje newspaper Elele has remored its office to numhoi' 68 Kxng Strcet, Thomas' Block, near the corner of Nuuanu, where special "attention will be given to the printing ōf all kinds 6f job, book and newspaper work. Satisfaction in all departments is guaranteed, and that too at living rates. We solicit for. ourselves of public j>atronage. The Elele office in its new building is now prepared to print anvthing in its line—Bill heads, letter heads, cards, tickets, election notices and ballots, in fact aßything in the way of printing. Oua readers' attention, both native and foreign, is called to the publication of the Elele '' Platformpublished iu this issue. The platform ia a good and an hoiiest one, and we sinc<jpely hope it will repeivs the attention it merits, and will be adopted in the coming campaign. Our editorials are, and will be in future written in both languages; so that foreigners and natives alike ean see for themselves what we have to say,'and consult eaeh other on th'e platfoxm, whieh, after serions coiisidation, we Lare 'thpught bes,t to adopt.