Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume IX, Number 2, 30 July 1887 — VOTERS! VOTERS! [ARTICLE]

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How to make noininations popular aud ©lectious a success is a something the people of Hawaii as a wholo know v©iy littie about. We migjut and could writ<? columns on this aubject,| but our thne aud apaee is limife>4,.and will aot allow our goiug into particulars in this issue. Suffice us ta advise all lovers } of good goverumeūi. nnd more particularly those who ,b«lieve, iu the platform published this, day ia the Elēle, to organize Clubs in every votiag precint in the Ha*aiian £.ingdom, olect a President, Yiqi;-Pro-«iiU AOttK)C?xy of eac|j , Club;, a4opt the EuhLi, platfprm, as its Conjstitution and By-laws, aud plxjd c o .u t writing on their books, the rt .<f' I its meoibers for all aade | the varlous Clubs. Let ,uutives from eaeh Club adp,pun», the' above by-laws, solect, &ay or! tweuty of their best to ,uceti an equal number of ;oin other Clubs in Geueral Come.,.ion,j »nd niake the best nomination for|

Nobles and B«presentatives. Tr - is the only w«y to make bopular no tions, Rtici we hope the people „.11 »dopt it. Necessity deoiauJ& daae «t ouee; doa't wa.it ;-do it ; -\r, Let the nominations for Nohle:. .:A Represent«tives for "onee" eoaie : e.u the whole peoplt\ aud not fc\>u. ūe favored few. Let nativea and foreigners - l_o thiok alike in po!it.os (orm Cl ;V, ! iuddiately, adopt their platfoi.u . .i etand togethor to nonifniite fo: V *. a »nd R«pīV6v>ntatīve6 tkeir bost « •• • !■ ,v" |