Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume IX, Number 2, 30 Iulai 1887 — PROPERTY QUALIFICAT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We object to clause two, Ai iele 59; o£ the Constitution, wliieli -ads as follows: " That he, (the Toter) ahall own ane pos.=»essed, in his own right, of taxable propcr in this oountry of the value of not less th»n • . ..t thouaand do!lars over aad abov6 all ineum ; or fthall have actuallj recaived an inooun ; not less ti»aa six dollars during th&y. i> pr<eet>ding his regis:ration for such election.' It is foreign to our or due perhaps to our ignorance io think this clause right and just. We do not think it either lt looks to as in the interest of the r:ch man, ar .i not the poor man. The A;iHgaty uever intended to proscribe us l>ecnse of our p©verty, and \vē lon't , that this constitation slihij do > ~ if we ean help it. -