Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume VIII, Number 26, 25 Kekemapa 1886 — Our Foreign Opposition. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our Foreign Opposition.

• There is perhaps no papierin this ing--elom that goes further in itsi opposition talk than the " Hawaiian Gafette." ,It has (naligned His Majesiy the King, his Ministers, and Hawaiian afTairs in general !or ycars past. Strangers not knowing it-3 purpose might think there v. \> somc \varrant for many of it;'- artu !os and lhat it represented an influentia! ! puhlie opinion here. But that is not so.

An editorial anielo ih its last iss«e, ?peaking of the Redprocity Treaty, §ayst " That Hawaii will heooine at sonic u;i;.iv day an apj>endage of the 'Greal Kepu'olie' plairily intimated in the PreMdent's mess.:ud u i< evkle<u that th« staiesmen of that RepuWic do nol wKh it fo eome imo Iheie hands in an inipo\e*rKhed or concrttlon ; they \vant the apple when it fa!!s to be a ripc apple. ful! flavn-ed."

>\>w, if tWs ptojil^v) of llawnii to the CinieOi S»ai> s , o;uc t« [KlSS, thcic is iu> one t i.i 1 » m t l-K «. V utiU} who wonkl co;no so.ncar w!r.t tiu!c !>raifis he hh* «pin-i? a v„l! -bicditor 06 llie " (,ra. cUc. n lle is a fiQglUhtn ri, m a!l his symjKU'iucs, anū f>as noī a s;\uk ot fcvii?iii or m Uis whoV oor>jwMŪon. Hj: propk\> ao<rs ;v>i ĪO, .Cs, <■{ his u"«J opiiiPOi-., but -ia;,;\\ t > s t Lc tho (lowniueni;» I

Hc.iO ng/un is another of tlnsi consist.ent c-ditnr's artides,- piiblishftd m the Hawaiian (ia/.ettti o> Doc. 14111. V ** We no'tiepthat;on(-;.oi-. 1 "t;<? ja!'.eil ir..-liool in■spectorB has visiteil Maui »nd h'.w-t'spres3ed himsetf; as ."6(ttisncd - v. tth the eoiuliUou of th<s eeliooU, lt L? eei liiinl/ 011 pai:! to a[iv« an oi'hiien. upi'.n t)ic worlc .of meii' \"hq aro ao mueli liißnui>enovi3 ln ».'clnc»tinnal inaliem, and no ilQuht ■•the gcntl«mcu ivho h»ve • been •■ , īi»Bpectctl". mti«t fc!e the īiiAull kocnly. What the Hoard of K<lneation Civn U»vc bton ntiout whew thcy appoiuleil two .sncU.nien &s Messr« A. Joluistoue nnd-F? Anallii to inspoct tlic sclioolB' of tlic Kicgdom \ro, in eommon with every. person inlei'oulei ln eiluealiou lierc cannot nnd<).rstand." The above extract is a fair sample of thc consistency nnd honesty of this j9urnalist, and by just §uch ai:ticles as the.se are our Americ.an journals gulied, and ourstlves a«d our little country brought into di»rep.ute abroad.'

The. article looks plaus-iblc enough to a man ignorant of the true state of affairs. But what arc the facts in the case ? The editor who \vrote the above article ls a Mr. Atkinsnn, Princij)al_and_ tcachcr of_SL "AT[}an's Coliegc, a privatc institution in this city. Many of our gor>d pt;»pln tfnrl their so 1 js and t daug.htcrs to this sc.hool of learning and for whieh they pay, we have no doubt. very liberally,- expecting to reccivc for their little ones thc best tūition the affords- Kcad*T77īolē"\\lTaT"wc have to say in concluding this article. The same Mr Johnstone mentioned in the above I extract wasMrt 'iinneinal a<-;sis-

tant at St. Alban's Collegp for several months, weknow not just ūmv long, but at all events up to Ihe lime of Mr. Johnston's taking editorial charge of the lale "Saturday Press" and it was not until appointed by the Board of Education to inspect the puhlie schools did it occ"ur to Principal Alkinson, iiditor ol" the "Hawanān Ga* zette," thatMr. Arthurt Johuston'sappointment was an insult to persons intcrested īn the education of their little ones.

I£ Mr,. Atkinson's statements are facts regarding,if r. Johnston's comi)etcncy, how is it that he retaincd him as his pnneipal assistn.nt ? Why did he rcccivc for mooths and months the confi':lence and tuition of parents, knowing as he must, orshoukl, the incompctency of his ass>stant. Hemaybe ab.le to clear upthis charge to the sitisfacnon of |xirents who are 'inore interested in this maUer.than.-we.are, and fortheirs and their children's sake we hope he will.

If Mr. JohnsLon as an in--structor of the eminenl and learned institution of St. Alban's Colkge, of whieh the E(litor of the "Gazctte" is Principal, why shouid the same editor dceni him ineompetent and an insult to oth?r teachers when

he gets a govermnent appointment. llerein Atkinson shows himscif a petulant and inconsistent sore"head.