Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume VIII, Number 26, 25 Kekemapa 1886 — Trees. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Therc ia a good a«al of ta)k in the !oreign newspapers ab©ut planting treea, and it isagood idoa. Whea thero were pleut,y of troes.on these lelands, tbero yrer« plent_y «f people. Poppl© aod tr««s go together;. wheii the land ts b«re tho people dio out, ©r go away. When the tr«es flourish, the veater flows, und food is pleDty. But wo are juet now thiaking of one j particutar treo. Aod that is the ! orange tree. Hawaii not onlj grows the hest coffee, but the best erangee in the world. California oranges are sour. compured with our orauges, Tahitiuu orang«s are uot eo g'ood. iSow we say, let the foreigūera and , patiyes too, plaut good tiruber trees # beauti£ul oro|pioutral trees. ; But we partieularly eujotu upon «very Hawaiiau father iu the land, to plant au orange tree, or say ten trees this year, aud teo tlie nest yoar; ao that every Hawaiian wiH be able to aav, or hia friend» for him, when he dies He p!anted not les? than ouo htin-dred erauge troe3 in ten yeare. " Tnsuch case there \vould be a milion pri\nge tree6 that weald be worth about aa uiuen our j»r®āeut greaaud impotaut cr«p of augur — and w«uid n«t cost uear *o mueh to. ptod»ce »ud to sond to iuarkcU it swoot Uawaiiau oraug<» were g«ut to thc Pftcific Ooaei and then seni bv rail to th» people ofth« Atlantie they wo«ild hardly «at &uy other orang«ā. Th»e may he slightly «i:aggeratcd, uevor miQd, go aud pl*ut tiu orange «pee, and sce if w« say dtu*i <N>me wry near thc truth.