Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume VIII, Number 26, 25 December 1886 — Debt. [ARTICLE]

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Xho Uawaiittu rtadilj gots iuto UeUt heeuuoO ho do«d uot uudwsi»tid buaiu«ssi lik« & toreiguer, and doee uot; ealaulala oloarly. ~Sevarthett4S«i» leaw for Ma g«verum«ut to ga iuto deht. The llawaiiuu people havc bo%u auxious ou accouut ol * vei;> dobi owiug to Mr. «1«». iSow we ato i\yoiced to kuovr t AUii to t«ll all «ur r«ad«rs. bo& aud f«i«i£n, Uiat the apeei&l debt du«i to Mr. Spr«ck«is, ou vchicU tlm govoiuna«ut bas i>oen pajiug 9 per c©nt, iuttreat i* all paia ofl, Huivan ia free froiu thattrōub]«(- Mi*$till hoklā bouJs ou whioii ivr v«ut. k jv»id, but 1«»'©; uot due i"«i ao*rl.v tw«uij and tbo aiiOKVl ou ihoiu roguiat\\ iuk», uuu wiU Ik? oa h:& aud ©v^qbodjr eUe's boiiils, 1