Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume V, Number 10, 15 January 1908 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Eepobt of the Resoubces and Liabilities of The 4,(j0-0peratiye Home Purchasing Society of Bonolulu. Fob The Six Months Ending Decembeb 31sL, 1907. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans on Real-Estate $2959.25 Capital paid in $3014.05 Cash on hand 65.80 Snrplns Fund - 11.00 $3025.05 , $3025.05 I, M. W. Tschudi, I^eaen^e^ do solemnly swear tbat the fort~ - going statements are trne to the best of wy knowledge and belief. M. W. TSCHUL>L Treasurer ofthe Co-Operativc Home Purchasing Society of Honoluln b scribed aod sworn to before me thig 9th day of Jaunary, 1908 P. E. E. steauch. Eotary Puliie, First Judicial Cireutt, T H.. ^ J