Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume III, Number 66, 2 April 1907 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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EEPOK'L' oF THE llES.OUKSES AHD LlHBILXTIES oP T!ie "(l)-0p5r itive Home ParehaSiagS.9ei )tj. Fok the Six Months_Eni>ix« 31, 1906. ; ,a.>.r«-<K< . . l'iU",'miLS o..jTj&tat7 S 2935.25 1 Capit»l paid in »2960.95 Loans on 50.70 ! Surplus Fund 25.00 Qash on hand ^ - — $2985.95 1 $2985.95 ";r~«r "pa^hueī ī Trcas.irer. do solemnly swear that the foregoing L Vr< true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 3tatements are M w_ TSCHUDI. Treasurer o/ the Co-Operative Home Purchāsing Society. , ani «worn to before me this 22nd day of January, 190 Subscnbel anl .v p. E. R. STRAUCH, Notary PiMe, First Ju licial Glrcuit, T. H