Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume III, Number 35, 18 February 1907 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
RErOET lOF THE IiESOURSES AND LlABILITIES OF The >-0p \r itive Hume Parctiasiii^8ocietj:,? F6r the Six Moxths E.vdi.vo Decembeb 31, 1906. RESOURSES LL\BILITIES ' • - " — Loans on Real-Estate 8 2935.25 1 Capital paid in $2960 95 Cask on hand 50.70 1 Surplus Fund 25.00 - ■ $2985.95 i : _ $2985.95 I, M. W. Tschudi, Trea3urer. do solemnly swear that the forego!ng statement,s are true to the hest of my knowle*dge and belief. M. W. TSCHUDI. Tre,asuret of tlie Co-Operative Home Pueehaaine/ Socief>/. Suhscribed and sworu to before me this 22nd dayof January, 1907 P. E. R. STĪIAUCH, Noiary Puhlie, First Judicki> Circuit, T. H.