Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume III, Number 31, 12 February 1907 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Repokt or the Resoorses and Liabilities op Tlie " e )-0per itive Home Parchashi«^ SoCietj.' the Srx Mo.\ths E.vdi.vg December Bl, 1906. RESOURSES LIABILITIES | — — i __ Loans on Real-Estate § 2935.25 ' Capital paid in $2960 9; Cash on hand 50.70 i Surplus Fund 25. Oi $2985.95/ i $2985.9 i I, M. W. Tschudi. Treasurer. do āolemnly swear that the foregoinj statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. M IV. TSCHUDI, Treastirer o/ the Co-Operative Hom Purchasing Socie(y. Sub3cribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of January, 19Q' P. E. R. STRAUCH ' Notary Pahlie, First Judicial Circuit, T. R ■ ,, . )