Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume III, Number 26, 5 February 1907 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
-au" jjj 1 ■■ Rrpobt 'OP THē Rnsfinp.sps AVT) T,T\tm.»Troa «n
The u C«f-0perative Honie ParchasiagSociety." _ For TitE Six Mo.vth3 Ending Decembeb 31, 1906. RE8QUBSES LI.ĀFILITIĒ8 boans on Real-Kstate « 2936.25 ! Capital paid'in $2960 95 ilash on hand 50.70 I Surplu9 Fund 25.00 $2985.95 l $-2985.95 ' '"** v <■ — I, M. W , Tschudi. Treasurer. do soIemnlv swear that the foregoing !tatemente are true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. M. W. TSCHUDI. Treasurer of tke Co-Operative Home Ptcrchasing Society. Suhscrlbed and «worn to before me this 22nd day of January, 1907 P. E. R. STRAUCH. Notary Pahīie, First*Juclicial Circuit, T. H.