Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume II, Number 127, 30 ʻOkakopa 1906 — INDEPENDENT HOME RULE County Platform. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


1 I.\ni<:!M'AnKNr Pautv for Rrt.K of the <?ountv of h>:-ntory ot < a w.i;i hr.Mi.sn it* v (\»ni!i:itlor. whieh \y:i- dc t nv th<> (\ūn,!y Convei:t : on. th.-.l ns«<>nih; t .,l in tho ( }' lon .ua, n; ; i:-.,> 21th ,1.,y of Sq,t 4 ..nh.-r. 100(5. tu nn,nmtgato this its Pl;itfot-iu: Whkkk.w. a:i Ki.v!i,»i i< to 1,.' li. 1.l \()VKM]{KR (> !!)()(! i!i « ... <•..»«!»; ..( «>-.1». T..rri«.,r>- «t Hown:!. f.,r Ih- i>i.,«f tM('i.tiniī <tan<Ji(ia(.(\s tor t,u<> vanous ;\nd Win:KK.\s th,> I X I)KPKM)KNT HOME RULK p \RTY h:ivc i)r<>,S(Mit.c<l to t!i<« pooplo for th<Mr favorah!o suffor ; v.'s, candi<lat,>s for tho various offic<\s. Whkui.as th.' Im>kpknT)e\t Partv for Homk Rui.k. li.-hmui* a.loj)t,'il tlrs Pi;itf,):•(!!. an.l liav ( > ple<h.rcd c;i< !\ an<J ovory ono of 11 (>;in oi<J;i.os, not onl y t,o uphohl anil supj)ort the sani<s but to us,' cv..ry <'tfort, an<l <Mi_<l<Mvor to :ict in accordance thercwitb m t.h< j cv<Mit ot their cloc,t,ion. 1 T>i-v^!sx^, (^i V £ E our Mit y ; i n 'l adhcrencc to thc INI)E--PKM)LM HOME RULE (REFORM) PaRTY, j n its p<>mstcnt and <1.-terniin«l cfforts to establish an honest, cffirient and eeononne Govcrnni-Mit in this County, of thc people, f o r tJie people an<l by thc p<H)])h\ WE DE(JLARE that all citizens shall be protected m their lawful excrcise of the right to vote, without coercion, direct or indireet; an<l without intimidation, express or insinuated: and to this end \ve invokc thc carnest and honest co-operation of all csUzens, irrcspective of party, oi: poliUeal affiilation or ,preferen G e, VVE DE(;LaRE that the politics oi this Territory are in nowise siniilar to that of thc United States, inasmuch as the people have no voice whatevcr in thc conduct of thc United States Governnient, or any interest in its political success or failure. WE DECLARE that the nanies REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT ean in no wa,v be of any value in loeal or County politics. Affiliai,ion with eith<>r of these partics, brings no b<>nefits to the people of t,his TerritoryWE DECLARE that until Hnwaii b<>com<>s a STATE of the Amorican Union.our Govcrnm<>nt should he c«)ud-!urtcd upon the principLe of "Equal rights for all citizens" whieh is solei»nly affir:ned to be the kevstonc of thc INDnPENDFNT HOME RULE (REFORM) PARTY. " ' We heartily <>ndorse thc wise, patriotic and suce f >ssful adniinis?tration of Gov<>rnor (i<>org;> R. Oartcr of th<> Affairs -:f this __Territ°ry, lls J ( ar _ as they werc caxTic<l out witlun tlu> sco]>c of-t4w law3 of the Unittd States <)f Anicrica an'l of thc Tcrrit<)ry of Ha w.aii. We pledge our Dclegatc; who shall be el<>ctcd to thi- 'ioth Congress of tli<> Unitcd Statcsto carry outthc fo]iowing n;easur<>s: To favor the iniuiediate extcnsions l)v tho C<)nsr<'ss of the United vStates— Am<>rican systcm of puh'ne iand laws to the Tcrritory of Hawaii. firnily bel'icving that in such extc>nsio;i lies our onlv hope of prevcnting the puhlie domain fro:n faliing into the hands of great corporations. WE DECLAR!S in favor of an cndowmcnt from Congress to enahle the Tcrritory of Hawaii t<> cstablish a College of dgriculture; and also t<) secure froni Congress a liberal ;iT)propriation for the establisluiH'nt of a frcc Universitv for the Territory of Hawaii, to nieef / tho needs of a largc nuniber of ambitious young nien and women, who would otherwise. because of laek of hnaneial mcans, be unahle to <>btain the lil>eral education 'whieli they erave, To actively press thc justicc of spccial recognition bv the Congress of the United States on thc ground both of i'noral principleand human law. of the entire cquity and niagnanimous eourtesy of granting to our former Queen. "Liliuokalani, a substantial pecuniary suni commcnsurate with her former position an<l.dignity. Wc .j)' lM te l ' o\ir Can<li<hite to Congrcss to secure a law <>nabiing Hawaii t.o heeome a Stutc of the l'nion of mcriea. \\ <> i)ledge our candi<latcs to eni])loy onlv < it.i/.ens of thc Tcrri = ory, on all thc puhiie works of th.<> County; and we also eommenil siniilar proteetion to citizcns bv all persons and cor])orations h\ thisTcrritorv. W<> (lenounee thc Republican and l)emocratic ],arti<>s for having deelared in favor of a Territorial A])pro})riati<»n for thc the purpose oi'assisting in thc maint<>nance of t.he work of the Hawaiian Proniotion ('ommillee whii<> tii<> Territoi r is stiil unahle, by reason. of tlui. laek of nioney to huild proj)cr and sufli<'ient schools; to in<'rcasc thc salaries of t<>achers, and to pay the laboring nian a bctter <'quivalcnt for his <lay's labor. Com])ulsory law.in regard to vaccination must be amci'.<!i-<l.' Th<> cxisting <>l.<>ct:ion laws shoul<l be amen<led: as to aliow a j)crson rcgistering 11is name upon llie r<><ristcr of votcrs tr> deniand thc Boaivl of Registration' for a ccrtified coj)v of his oat.h; to allow a voter at a gcncral or S]x>cial eleelion, on the day of such cl<>ction, be <>ntitled to abscnt hims"lf fro:u :my s<>rvicc or cmployiii<Mit in whieh h<> is thcn cngagerl, or cmplovcd, for the j)eriod of three eons'i>cutiv<> hours, bctweeu thc ti!ii< s of oj).cning and thc time of closing the ])o!ls; and such voter sliall not, beeause of so absentin*g hinisclf.bc liahie to any })<Mialtv. n<>r shail any dcduction bc ihadc on aeeouni of stich abs<-i:tv fr<uti his usuai saiary or wa<*es. All rclativc to arri>sting j)ersons susj)ccte<l of haviti'<r thc discas<> of h>])rosy. whieh eannot bc j.rov< ti t h:isueh ]>. havc thc discase eapahle of sprea<lir.si thc samc, sh-ouid b«> abolisli. fVrsons clainiing that thcy h.ive a <-urc f.>r >-v nuist be alioweU to pra.cticc sueh eure at .tl\c Lep<-r S<-tth;i»iciit or any olhcr j)laee s<>t apart for sucii ]>urj»<)S(... 3n 'coinm<Mt<ling as we do thc <*xpress w'-ii ,»f Prcsi,lMi.t Roos(;vclt that: "Hawaii sh.'uid ii-ov<-ru Hawaii." we ].r<-».*hiim ■ thc eoniiniieil adhercnc<' an<l chan!ielcss fcaity of the INDKPFIN I)EXT HOME RCLE # (REF()RM i PARTY to that a.--uatin:i princij)lc. , • • In thc nam<> of,th<; Hawaiian people we do, and all times shal.l oppose and eondcmn all sueii. and onlin.ip, \\h<hare detrimental to thc i)est int"r»>sts of the ])<'o{)le at