Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume II, Number 127, 30 ʻOkakopa 1906 — Page 3

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O na Home HuU ke Alakai Ennawai ma ka Aoao o ka Lv bai.
E koho i ka pai lUlota a n,t
lome Kala.
Eu na DamokaraU ke hele nei I

ttwaha boopauipuni i oa \\va o|
ahuvai AI ud Hoiue Kala j
lie 10 dala mat an a i ka mea e
oaa ai keia ilio puhiilubalu a|
Cofinty Platform.

Hoolaha Hookeai
Me ka Pule.

I ni Ahahui o uu k'lue a me ua wahme o ka ai^o Kalauuna Kankon Home Hula o ke Kala-nii o Maul, Aloha onkou.
Ke boike ia nei on keia hnn-lah«: E lilo ana ka la 1, 2, li, i 3, aino G o ka. inahiua o Xove-oiabie Ink i mat ana, mai ka •bori 6 o ke kakaliiak-a aka a hiki i ka bora 12 o ke a\\vikea o keki inau IA pikahi i maa la a man bora rlookeai, Ho.Uohaloha i be Akaii, no ka P^no, no ka Miilahia, ka Lioakila ama ki primalkai o ka Lahni Hawaii Ametikii mai ke Kdlana o Ha- 'w&'u A^ biki aka i ke Kdilanj c Hduai, ma HA pouo a pau i pil IA e ka Ihboi Hawaii Amerika NTH a ke Teuton o Hawaii nei.
Ma ke knuoha
NA Eomite Kalaua o Ma.ui.

IKK *.
Hiram Jessie,
Sum Kekuewa,

Keia Am Keia
P\\HTV for HOMR R'T,B of (he (\\«intv of
O,ih'ii. Territory ul ^iu an. thr.uign iS (\\i,iPty Comirillee, winch | w.i-* delegUi'd Uy the ('utility ('nnvtM.fon, tint assembled in tin* < City Dt lion ilulu, nit I! .• iJJtli div of Heplemli.M, 190ti l.i pro ! muliiue th's IH Plattn'Mi j
Wiinn v*. an Khviioii i^ lo lie held nn NOVKMKKEtfl, 190(i, «
in the rountv of Oihn, Territory of H,i«v.ui. for Ihe purpone of !
iMIPS candidate^ fm the \\auou> olfic^, and

WHLKE^, the I\\I)KPKM)ENT HOME RULE PARTY have priHiMilfd to the p.'.iplc t.)i their favorable ^uttera^i-s, candi-ilat'^ tur the vaiuui* oflice.s
Wifiiii'VN th 1 iNUKPifnuxT PVRTY for HoMF Run. having .adopted th •> I'l.iltorni. ,ind have pleiljietl e-ieh and every one of then candidates, nnl nnlv to uphold and support the sune, hut to use every effort and emleavor Lo ait in accordance therewith in the event ot their election.
WE DECLARE oui fidelity and adherennc to the INDEPENDENT HOME RULE i REFORM) PARTY, m its persmt-cnt unil determined efforts to establish an honent, efficient and economic, (iovcinment in this County, of the people, for the people imd by the peo])le.
WE DECLARE lhat all cituens shall be protected in their hwful exercise of the right to vote, without coercing, direct or indirect, and without intimidation, express or insinuated and to this end we invoke the earnest and honest co-operation of all citizens, irrespective of party, or political affiliation or preference. WE DECLARE that the politic* 01 this Territory are m nowise similar to that of the United States, inasmuch as the pe iple have no voice whatever in the conduct of the United States Government, or any interest in its political success or f ailui e
WE DECLARE that th" name* REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT can in noway be of -any value in local or County politics. Affiliation with either of the.se parties, brings no benefits to the people of this Terntoiy
WE DECLARE "that until Hnwnu becomes a STATE of the American Union our Government should be conducted upon the principle of "Equal rights for all oiti/ens" which is solemnly affirmed to be the ke V *tone of the INDEPENDENT HOME RULE (REFORM) PARTY
We heartilv endorse the WISP, patriotic and successful nd-
nimiftralion of Governor (Jeorge R Carter of the Afturfa 'f tlm
^Territory, :>i.far as they were cimed out uitlun thv j*cop*» of-ri«^
la\\\\d of "the United St ites of America and of tin- Territory of
We pledge our Delicate, who shall b> elet ti'd In t'if HOtk Congress of the United States to cany out the follow in^ irea^urc s. To favoi tho iniuiediate extensions by th. Congress of the Uniti'd States— AHUMicin svstem of public land la\\vs to the Terntoiy of Hawaii, finuly beheviiifithat m such extMiMon lies oui onlv hope of picvi-nting the public >loinaiii fru ? u falling into the h.indrf ot great corpoiations
WEDECL4KK in favor nf an cmlon mi nt from Congress to enable the Territory of Ha nan to establish a College of Agn-i ul tun 1 , and alw) to secure from Congress a hbeial appropriation for the establi^hnu-nt nf a free University for the Territory of Hauaii, to nieet' / the needi of a large n umber of ambitious youniC nu'n and women, who would otherwise, because of Inck of financial IIIIMIU, be unable to obtain the liberal uducatum which they ciave
To actively press the instic" of special lecognition by the I'ongrchb ot the United Stales on the giound both of moral principle and human law. of the entire equity anil magnanimous courtesy ot gi anting to our former Queen, Liliuokalam a substantial pennuaiy tuiin uomnienhuiate with her former position and dignity.
We jiledge our Candidsite to Cnngr">-^ to t-eciire a law enabling Hawaii to become a Htale- nf the I nmn nf meiica
\\\ e pledge nur c.iiididati's to empluy only i itixen?. of the Ti i rri l or>, on all Hie public ^oik." nf the County, and we aNo commend .sinnlai ]iiotectioii to cituen>- by all pi-rsiMi- und uii-pinatioiis HI IhisTeiiitoiy
We di'iiounri- the Republican und DI-IUCI latic partn-s fnr having dcclaied infaMii ot :i Territorial A])propriiiti'in tor the tlu'puipOM 1 nl ari^Hling in the m.nnteiuiiiC 1 "' nf tin- woik nf tin 1 H.i\\\\nii.in Piomolmn Coiiinnttei' while the Tenitmy i- still unable, by reason of tin* lark nt mnni'} to build pmper and Millicii'iit Mi-lniolh, to increase the s.i|,iui'h nf traihiT^, and to piiy the labnring man a h-tti-r i-iiuivali u* Em his day'h labor.
Cnmpulhnry law in legaid to vaccimitiuii must be amended.' The exiHtniii I'li'ctinn l.nis should IK- annMided, :i> to allow a persnn registeimg hi.s niune upon the register nf voters tD demand the Boaul of Registration foi a i ertified copy oi his oath, to allow a voter at a diem ral nr spi«eial clectun., ru the dav »if such election, b" entitled to ab^i-ut him-"If fmni any wiviiM' 01 iMiiplovment in A\\hich he is then eii-fic;" 1 !, or i nip'n'y-cd, fm the pennd nf three cnns.-cii l i\\e lviur&, between the ti""» uf Dpi mug and the time of cln-mg the pnli-, and sui li vnti r fliall not, because of so -ab^entin^ lum>eli l>e liabie to any pi n ilty i.i»r tih.ill any deduetinn ln« made nn an mint nf siu h !«!IM i •, I'IMU his usual salarv or wagis
All l,iw- lelative lo au.-sLni: pi-r-mi- Mi«.pi'i'l. il nf h.MViir thi'diseaM' nr le]ir')s\\, wlni'li raniiKtln- JIPIM n tl',-f tin h p-' -• • -have Llic ill-ease capable . \\> ].i..*; ii'iist be alln\\M'd to pi u-tnv M-i-hi'in 1 at *ln Li ^ r S ttknu nt 01 anv oth'-i plaee set apait f-n MU h iiuiiin-.-
In enmini'iuliiig as A\\.- dn lV ixpie— wi-u uf Pns:dnt
ROIISI;^ell that "Jla^an shi-uli 1 ITHM n. Hawaii'' MV ]m'Ll.i'in
, tlnM-nntn.'i. .1 adhen-ncv and • hunr,-!. ^ f,.,.lty nf the INDKPKN
! DEXT HOAJU ifLLE^RKFOUMj PAKTY tn that .u-uatms
| pnnci])le
| Iji tin 1 name of. the Hawaiian people m- do, ami all times
i shall oppose und condemn all vu-li and nrilinnni i\\biih are ,
! (li>tiiuu'iit.il to the b.>t nU 't'^t 1 - nf ill' 1 P»'"II!" al l,.iu
iauka Eakuwiua a Uoiboi ae
Mauao jaiei kakou, e kako,--, ana na llepuluhka i na Demoka-j rat ° 0 ua pue pala malakeke no paha?
E hooinaaAO i ka Baraunu mau
okua i na wabiue baalele la e
a, Idkou uiaa kaae, peU no boi
me kekahi poe iliuuuu. Pela no
a uei o Puehu?
Mai baiolelu kue i na moho Home Hula a ka Lihui. Mdhope no OB Home Rula.
Ache maa mabiko o n* P«*na-laau o BeriUnu Nui, ua bolo-man, no nae na oiha-u boobolo 01 ua o ka ama. Pdbe* hoi na kuaaka Hawaii'- 1
Ua kohu Opae UA Eepnbalika me ua Demokarata i keia mai la Ke panau nn, pobolo i o, a ke lele no, haale ia nei. He po bolo mai koe i ka Hume Rula.
Aole liuliu a nee bou ako EH papa belu elu«"o ni koa o ka Ao ao Home Knla DO ke kipoka pain ana i na wain hoolulu o n, Repubahka me ua Demokar.ita.
Ua makaukan o KAHILIAULANI me kona mau aluko* ukali a me kona man koa e ulapa i na papa tepo a ka aoao Demokarata hoopnupau ae nei ma o ko lakou alibikaua 'la o Makalanahana.
Mamuli o ka hupo o ua Demokarata, ua biki ole la Ukou ke ike i ua moho Repubalikd e ouon ia aku uei e Kale Aki E naha-ba ana ke Demouar.ita, a lilo i Repubaliba No more Denuka-rata.
No ka IAWA ole o na hoopnoi
pnni a ua Demokarati ia Kaniho
ma, ke hoopuuipnni boa mai ne
uu, aohtt Home Rala i ko c o ua
Koolan. Noke wale no oukou a

Ke bane, mav nei na luna au-puoi Repubalika i na liana akaa-kea o ka holomua o na hana bai-olelo o ka Aoao Kalaiaina o ua kanaka Hdwaii.
TJ.i hdla aku ma ka Pnakabi uei nn na Koolau na putauiahi politika o ka Ao^n Kalaiaioa Ku okoa Hume Hula, a o ka Haku D. Kalannknlaui ka uui ma keia hoouue uua
Ke hoomaka uei ka h-ilo ana o kekahi kaiifthi uai Kahuka 121 a i a Uoea i HcLuula i keia wa; eia nae, aia ma ka h 1 ae uei o
Novema-ba e boomaka mtioli ai ka holo pili oihana ana o ke kaa ma la mahele o ke ahhio.
(3 kcla niPA e pill ana i ka holo moho Seudtoa o Mr. Kaha-pala Opio. i irauaia ae ai i keia maa la aku uei, he hana la i ike ole ia e ke Komite Kalanu o keia aoAG. l r a hrtiiaui keia h ke apouo olo o ke Komite
Poiuo ka halawai o ka, Em A Kuaa i Ba po DPI, maniulf o ka ualowale o kela ohule kiai kukui, He hele paba i ka Mu Kioipeki elike me ka mea G ike tnau la uei, aole malama poao i ka hana a ka
, anbe pala, e luai
ka Home Hula

Ua buuwawa ae kekahi mau nupepa o loko uei o ke kulana-kaubule ku manao nei ka, ka Aoao 'KrilcLiama Knoku.i Home Rula e hoohlo aku ia Mr. J. P Md.ka.imu i moho Seoatoa ua la tiou. Aole i maopopo i ke Ko mite K'daiicL ia rn*a.
Olelo Hoolaha-
Onu ua koho pono ia p au e ka Aha Elelo Kepubalika -i moho ho. lo Lunakiai no ka Apan.i o Hono lulu; nolaila, ke ndnoi aku nei au i ko kti lehulohu mau balola. A. V. (Jl^AR.