Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume II, Number 126, 29 October 1906 — INDEPENDENT HOME RULE County Platform. [ARTICLE]
A , p ar TV for Bovk of tlu» (\>nntv of V . h f .i\\ ;i!i, t.hrough it>s County Cummitte<>, whieh wms ilch»«:jt.'(i nv tnc (\)tm?y ('onwnlion. t.lia( {»spi»mhN»d in tiio ('■>ty of Hono.iilu, on 24th duv of Sopt«Mnl,..r, \\m to nro' mui'„Mte t\\\s its PuiU'onn: " ;m Kl.v,(ion is to ho h.»i«l on NOVKMBKR 0 i9oo 1 V In . l> (Vl,, 'V: . ol ° lhu ' ' 1Vr ' itol ". v of Hiiwaii. fo 1 th.' nnri,os.> of r.;-.,h,lat.'s i,»r th various otlu'.\s; and Whkuka*. t!u> r\ HKI'KNĪ) KNT HOM K ROLK V \\\TY havo pros.^- ( t to th.. p.-opio for Ih.'ii- favorah:,- suff,. ri *iī,'rt, c;m«liilut. j s for 111.■ various otli«',»s. \Vh"-rkas, tln> rM)i:i'Kvnr<.\T Party for I£omk Rui k havinc a : lop;.>.l thi. Platfo-,n, an.l hav«» pledged raoh an.l o.vory one of ta.",r ran«liii,it.\s, not, only t«> uphohl and support the «anio, hut to us.> w.'ry vitorl ;u\>l .Mulvavor to in aeeordaneo thivr.'wit}i in thc i v viMit of (h.iMr ol(v,tiion. \SE I)ECLARE our tidolity an«J adh nm t> the TNDEPENDENT HOME RULE tREFORM) i <RIY m4la ]),'rsisteut and (lot«'nmn..d <>fforts to estāblish an hon. st efficient and eeonoimo (jovernment in this County, of tli' f poople, for the people and by the people. WE I)ECLARE that all eitizens shall be protected irvtheir hnvful exeroise of the right to vote, \vithout coeroion, direct or indireet; and \vithout intimidation, express or insinuated: and to this etnl we inv«)ke the earnest and honest co-operatjon of all citizens ; irre.spective of party, or political affiliation or r£eference. W E DEcLARE that the politics oi this Territory are in no\vise similar to that of the Cnited States, inaamueh as the peiple have no voice whatever in the e,onduet of the United States Governnient, or any interest in its poiitical success or failure. WE DECLARE that the names REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT ean in no way be of any value in loeal 01- County politics. Affiliation \vith either of these parties, hrings no benefits to the people of this Territory. WE DECLARE that until H ji heeomes a STATE of the Anierican Union.our Governmen>, should be eonducted upon the prineiple of u Equal rightsfor all citizens" whieh is solemnly affirmed to be the keystone of the INDtiPENDENT HOME RULE (REF(>RM) PARTY. . We heartily en«lorse the wise, patriotic and suceessful adininistration of Governor George R. Carter of the Affairs of t;his Territory, as far as they \v«»re earried out within the scope of the la\vs of the Unit,ed Btat"s of Anierica and of the Territorv of Hawaii. We_pledgu .mr D4']egafe, who shail he eleet ( .«l to tlie 00tli Congress of the United Statesto carry outthe foll(-ving measures: To favor the immediate extensu)ns by the Congress of the United States— American system of puhlie land laws to the Territory ot Hawaii, firmly believing that in such extension li es> our onlv hope of preventing the puhlie doTuain from falling into the hands of great corporations. WE DECLARE in favor of an endowment from Congress to enahle the Territory of Hawaii to establish a College of iigriculture; and also to secure from Congress a liberal appropriation for the establishment i)f a free University for the Territory of Hawaii, to meet the needs of a large number of ambitious young men and women, who would otherwise, beca.us'e of laek of financial means, be unable to obtain the liberal education whieh they crave. To actively press the justic£ of special res)gnition by the Congress of the United States- on the ground both of moral principle and human law, of the entire equity and magnanimous courtesy of granting to our former Q.ueen, Liliuokalani, a substantiai pecuniary sum commensurate with her former position and dignity. We pledge our Candidate to Congresa to secure a law enabling Hawaii to heeome a State of the Union of merica. We pledge our candidates- to employ only citizens of the Territory, on all the public works of the County; and we also. eommemi similar protection to citizens by all persons and corporations in thisTerrit,orv.
We (ienounee tlu; Kepuhliean and Democratio partie» for having declared in favor of a Territorial Appropriation for the purpose of aesisting in the maintenance of the work of tl"se> Hawaiiaii Promotion Committee while the Territory is stjll unahle, by reason of the laek of money to build proper and suifKŪent schools; to increase the salaries of teachers, and to pay the laboring man a better equivaleht for his day's labor. Compulsory law in regard to vaccination rnust be amended. The existing electiOn laws should l>e amended; as to allow a person registering his name upon the r«?gistor of voters to deni:i,nd tln; Board of Registration for a certified eopy of his oath; to allow a voter at a general or special election, on the day of such election, be entitled to absent himself from any service or employment in whieh he is then engaged, or employed, for the period of thr(H' consecutive hours, betwcen the time of opening and the time of closing tln? polls; and such voter shall not, heeauae of soabs(>nting himself,l)e liahle to anv penalty, nor shall any ded.uction be made on account of sueh absenee from his usual salary or wages. h All laws reiative to arresting p'ersons suspected of having the disease of leprosy, whieh eannotbe proven that such })ersons have the disease eapahle of spreading tlie same. should l>e abolish. Persons elaiming that thev have a_ cure for leprosy must be nlloweil to practice sueli cure at the Leper Settlement or any other plaee set apart. for sueli purpose. In conimending as we do the express wish of President Roosevelt that: "Hawaii should govern Hawaii," we prockifn the continued adherence and changeless fealty of the IN'D KPEN DENT HOME KULE (REFORM) PARTY to that acsuating principle., In the name.of .the Hawaiian people we do, and all times shall oppose and condemn all, aueh and ordinance wh eh arc detrimental to the , interēsts of the people at lar£e.