Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume II, Number 126, 29 ʻOkakopa 1906 — Page 3

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Hakwai Makaamana
Kuokon Home Rula.

Kela Arae Keia,
Coianty Platform.
Eia ke uwilu, aku nei KA NA'I '
AUPUXI' MaUmdlama na motto' \\
O na Home RuU ke Alakai (
K.ioawn ma ka Aoao o ka La- 1
I keia ahiahi foakahi, e ma !amaia ai ka Halawm Make-dinana Nai a ka Aoad Kuo-koa Home Ilulu ma ka Paka o ka Ema Kuea, raa ka Hora 7:30 ponoi. A nuUili a hai olelo ai k-i ELELE KAHILI-AULANI malumi o kckahi mau k 11 mull .ma uno nui pill Iiahui. E hoike pa la aku ana ma in wa ke oh n hi a nni o na kanaka o na Mokupuni c Hawaii ame Mdui i kd Ao-go Kuokoit Home RuU.
Ke kono ia aku nei na poo aloha ama ouio apau a liele ae e hcouiba i ka haUwai, a e lohe i ka leo o k-.i Elele La hyp e huawi hookahi nei i ka-iia nidU hooikaikd .ma no ka pouo o na Hawaii, mamua ae o kooa-huh hoi ana no kona wahi koho ma Hawaii.
He nui na uoe e haiolelo pi] ae ana. Ndue mdi kakou apau.
The iNoiTPMUNr PAim for BOVTK Rin.r of tlu» County of t
O.ilui, T.Mr.t.iry .if H llw . Ull tlinuiRh it« Tonnty CnniiniltiM*, wliich |
w.is ili>h^iti>il liv tin* I'nuii'y ('inuvnlinii, that awii'inhlril in \\\\ w <
('•ly »f HonnlaUi, OP it'i> -2Kb ilay of SoptiMnb.-r, 11)01} to pio !
\\Vrfrni- ^. ,in Kl.vU.ni H lo hi« hH.J on XOVKMBKRB, 190ii, *
IT. lli«- (\\iiiut\ of Oilui, TiTnliiiy of Huwan, foi iho purpom' of '
i»li'i'ti-i!» iM:i,lulil,',s 1,11 th. \\JMOIIH olliriHt: uiul
WITRKX-.. Ilio INDKPKNDKNT HOMK HULK PARTY j lnvi» pu>MMih>(l In Ihi- pi>npli> fin thiMr f.iviirabli'sniftt'ragi'h, rnmli- ' ilati'h tnr lhi> v,irio\\H DlVu'cs |
\\Vn*ui. ts, i In- rM)i.i>KNDFNr PARTY for HOMR ROI,F, having '
AilopliMl th"* Plalfonn, unil h.ivi 1 pliNl^iMl oiirli and overy oiu 1 of
llii-ir iMiulnlitoH, not nnly to uphold sind support th« aaniu, but
to uso i-vi-ry »'ffoit .\\uil fiuiravor to act in avt;oruannp therewith
in the i»vj'iU ot tlii'ii Mi'ction

WK DKCLARK oai ridolily ,ind ailhun>nrr» to thp TNDK-PlflNDKNT HOME RULK ^RKFOHM) P-^RTY, m-Oa p,>rsiHt-i»nl and ili'ti'rniiniMl pfforta to establish an honotit, emrient and pconninir (jovornniPiit in tins County, of tlv * proplu, for the pi'oplp and hy Lin- ppoplp
WE DKCLARE that all citi/oiiB sh-ill be protcrted in tlnar lawful t'xi'ivisc of thp n^ht to votp, without poprcion, direct or indiriM-t, and without intinudation, express or insinuated and to this pnd WP iiivokc the parnrat and honpst co-opprabon of all citui'ntt. irrphpci tivp of p.irty. or pohtuial affiliation or prpfprence
WE DECLARE that the politics 01 this Territory are in now ISP similar to tint of the UnuYd States, inasmuch an the people IIAVP no voice whatpvpr in the 1 conduct of thu United States GovprniiiPiiU or any inteieat in its political success or failure
WE DECLARE that the nampii REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT c.in in no way bo of any \\ r aluc in loral 01 County politics Affiliation with pithpr of those parties, brings no br-*nentH to the people of this Territory
WE DECLARE that until H ii bcnomefl a STATE of the American Union our (iovprnmenl should bp conducted upon the principle of "Equal lights for all citizens" which IH solemnly aflirniPil to be the keystone of the INDEPENDENT HOJ1E RULE (REFORM) PARTY
We heartily endoi-e. the wise, patriotic and successful administration ot Governor GporRp R Carter of the Affairs of this Territory, as fjr as they were curried out within the scope of the la\\\\i of the United Stat'^ of Anieiuu and of the Territory of
Aloln ka boa ki ke-kp hale Lu vMiwa
PiliA kaiuka ka OueU i ka po LV.iouo uei, o UA i'o pu-pu no uae ka 01
U.i Imea mm IIPI no ka mahiko
n Wailuka, kekaln palau nu, ho
11 koua kaunaha.

loan mil ka lono DO kn laha an.i o k.i ma'i "diphtheria" ma LahaiDj,
Ui paoiku ae kahi paina n ke
ilnhaaA Saluna i ke Kapule nei.
Binukarnpa pihd?
He 35 Pake pill Wdiwai i hopu la m% aUnui Mauoakea kokoke i Hotele i k
Mai haiolelu koe i na moho Home Bab a ka Lihui. Ma hope no oe Home Rula.
E uaua ae i na mele ohohia DO
H-e Homo Rula Oiaio au,
PAA mau' PJA mau kuu manao
O—ni paa kuu manaoio,

Maluna o ka Hoaic Ru a.
M—alama au ia manao paa.

I na kau apau o kuu ola ana
£—lilo ka lafii me"ka honua i ol 1

Paa mau no kuu manaoio
It—ulaauiknu Ilohe A.iohi,

0 Hawaii kuu aina hana'i
U—a hlo la Amerika pookela

Kuu aiaa, kuu aim aloha
L—anakila ke koho balota laula,

No ka pono kaulike o ka lehulehu A—ole au e- puni i ka mall leo,
A Repupahka me Demokarata
O—iai he Home Hula oiaio au,
1 na kau apau o kuu ola ana.
I—ku uuauma au a ikuwa ae,

Home Rula kuu aloha. ia,
A—koho au me ka lanakila,

No KahiUaulam ke aloha lahui.
]—hookahi kahi ka manao, e ka

No na Moho Home Rula apau,
O—ia ka'u upu, c upu mau nei,

.A hookoia ma ka lix 6 o Nove-


Kahiliaulam k.i'u aloha
E alo 1 mai nei i ka ehuehu
Honkahi oe i ka nui leo
JE wa nei i na kini o ka ainn
Paa mm o Mam o Kama i kuu

ka Elele K'j.Uil'
m« ka pe-
pa o keia la. Pup'ukalii na mo-
ku, ohohia aui uou

Aohe pal-i o na haiolelo a ka poe hoopilimeaai ma Aala P.ika i ka Poaono nei. Ma'ima'i na haiolelo.
O na poe i makemake i na kula ana no na moho holo balota. ua hiki no ke hele mai ma keia ke-ena no na lioonaanao ana.
Hohooo hula lio ka imn paaa a ia poe i ka la Pale iho nei. He ilio ill pakao«ka aka la paha? Quo ino! Hiu mai ka miki poi hao e ka piha. opa.
Nnhoa ka miuu hilo—Harris
me Palakiko, hookahi no lio
kun a'. Eha lima, hookaui ka
fllnwaha. Eha wawae, elna ni
keehi. Lalau'

Ua make make wale la no n Mi .lenahitna i mea hoikeike na na Demoknrata, wahi a kekahi De mokaraU. Aohe ikeia o ke ka kno o na kanaka.
0 ke kumu i holo ole mai oe
n Kaniho ame Makekau, wahi
Kdlort, no ka maka'a i ka biiol
la MakalaLiahaca, aole n^ liana
ka e koho ana.

1'jmt £ houiuan,io e na mak uaaku ame n
WIL pledge nur I^'l^gtttf, vr\\m shrift b 3 "elect' 1 "?! to TflTe 60th Congress ot tne United Statehto carry out the following measureg: To favor the immediate extensions hy the Congress of the United States — Amuncan system of public land laws to the Territory oi Hawaii, firmly believing that in such extension lies. our onlv hope of preventing thu public domain from foiling into the h.indri of great corporations.
WE DECLARE m favor of an endowmpnt from Congress to enable the Territory of Hawaii to establish a College of 4gn-cultare, and also to secure from Congress a liberal appropriation for the establishment af a free University for the Territory Of Hawaii, to meet the needs of a large number of ambitious young men and women, who would otherwise, bccsus'e of lack of financial means, be unable to obtain the liberal education. which they crave
To actively press the justice of special recognition by the Congress of the United States- on the ground both of moral principle and human law, of the entire equity and magnanimous courtesy of granting to our former Queen, Lihuokalani, a substantial pecuniary sum commensurate with her former position and dignity.
We pledge our Candidate to Congress to secure a law enabling Hawaii to become a State of the Union of menca
VI e pledge our candidates- to employ only citizens of the Territory, on all Hie public works of the Countyj and we also commend similar protection to cituena hy all persons and corporations in thisTerritory
We denounce tho Republican and Demociatis parties for having declared in favor of a Territorial Appropriation for tAa the purpose of assisting in the maintenance of the work of th» Hawaiian Promotion Committee while the Territory is atjJl unable, by reason of the lack of money to build proper and BUllitiiiMib schools; to mcreaHe the salaries of teachers, and to pay the laboring man a belter etiuivalciit for his day's labor.
UnmpiilHory law in regard to vaccination must be amended.
The existing election laws should be amended , as to allow a person registering his name upon the register of voters to dem.uul the Boaid of Registration for a certified copy of hiB oath; to ii I low a voter at a general or special election, on the day of biich election, he entitled to absent himself from any service or employment in which he is then engaged, 01 employ-ed, t«ir the period ot three consecutive hours, between the time of opi'i'iug and the time of closing the polls, and such voter shall not, lieciiihe of t>o absenting himself, be liable to any penalty, nor fih.ill any deduction be made on account of such absence horn his< iihiiil hal.iry 01 nnpra
>• All lam relative to arresting per-*ou* hUspWtwl of having ' the diMM.se ot lepiosy, which cannot be pi oven that buch peisons have the disease csipuule of ppri>admg the tame, should be abolish 1-VrsoiiR claiming that thev 1m vi u_ cure for leprosy must be allowed to piactice such cure ut the Leper .Settlement 01 any other place set ap.ut foi -such purpo-e
In commending as we do the express uish of President Rooseveltthnt " Hawaii should govern II.iu an " WP proclaim the continued adherence and plianpeless fealty of the IXDEPEN DENT HOME HOLE (REFORM) PARTY to that acsuating principle
In the name .of .the Hawaiian people we do, and all times
shall oppose and condemn- all. such and ordinance which are
detrimental to the- be. 1 interests of the people at large
f»>p»i»)» l »)fsi» > » > »»)fir»p)»»'ii>»»^

Hhlani mai o Molokai a Hina, i
knu aloha
Aohe olelo ana a Lanai a ka, Ulu-

T)a hookahi wfti a ka like a na

Hono-a-Pnlaui He lam o Oahu na kuu makemnke Ku Maun a oKoal.i kaupoku hale Aia k.i hale o kuu aloha I Wakinekona e noho aku ai TJa lokahl mai Hawaii a Kauai O Kahiiiaulani ka Elele LahDi E o mai oe i kou inoa Kahi.lianlani ka'u aloha.
Olelo Hoolaha-
Oiai ua koho pono ia an e k
Aha Elele Repubalika i moho ho
lo Lunakiai no ka Apana o Mono
lulu; nolaila, ke nonoi aku nei
i ko da lehulehu mau balota.