Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume II, Number 125, 27 ʻOkakopa 1906 — INDEPENDENT HOME RULE County Platform. [ARTICLE]
, 'H;;; I>„ . i. r , lf ( "ii-u. i >r\ <>r ;;V .. ' ; .(•,.■•, ( - , , , • i h ,! " ■:•'..;v ; ■ i-. ■- !.•i \i , . n,*v.:mi :: j 5 " (: : • n , f M:, ; : ••' 'il'l'-' - lor !. . v-:, VIJ . , . ;il ; Wih.m I\])K!'KM)KXT HOMK IH'L!- \WhTY In,) -" Pv;rrv f c Ui : i;, ] KIX i n^ ( ii v i; 'o u;).,' .\, na - thi* - tn3<, bit ; t rr 1■; 1« act i;. > ,<ninnc t - Ihen-uiih W ]•. 1 'KI'LAUK I>'\: i': } 1:! y ;Ui(l ii.liien'liee t.o th«» INDE--1 KNDk.\T HO.MK lII'LK iUKFO!vM) T\UTV. in rT\,,, T ,;.(- 'i:1 cff,>rt> to ; an<l , ' , '" n ? lll!r <-;<>vcrnt,.'M,t Ilt th,> C<mnty, of ihe p! . o ple, for tho }»*(>'!,-• ;1! 1 m i)v thc Wii I)K<"'LAUI-: ū,,.; ; .':i 1, in tl ,,. ir la\\tui (>xcrc;j-c 01 thc rtsiht t<> votc, without eowion. <lircct, or !n<lircct; ,m<l \vithout iiitiniidati,)n, expror insnuat.><l: ami u ! . tlriS W( -' lh y ok( ' . (il " ;<tt(l lion">t co-opcrut>)n of all cit:z(-iir- <)t pnrty. or p<»iii:cal uf!ili;ition or prefcr(»nce. K DKt..LAUK ti> ;.tt iiie polit!c.< 01 this T<- , rritorv a.rc in no\v;>i' *sn.i]nr to that ei. tlie Ciiitcd H.aeH, as the 1 e 'i'"' "<> v<)ioe \v!i;itev,T in the con<luct of thc.United St,ai s (.Jovvrn:ncnt, or any inter<*t in its j).>litical succc.-s or fu;iure. WK DKCLARK IhaUhe n;tn:cs UKPUBLICAN or DKMO-('a'-i !u 110 \y.-\y l>c <>f any va'uc>,n loc;il or County politics. Affiii;ition \vith cither of thc.se ])artics, hrings no hcncii'ts to the I)copu> ef this Territ<>ry. WE _I)KCIvAUK that unti! Pawaii a 8T \TE of t!ie Amcricun Utnon.our (u)vcrnni<Mit. s4ioul<J he c.on<luctc<l upon thc pnneipie of "Equai ail citi/.<>ns' 5 whieh is solemnly affinued to he the kev*ton<> ef the IND,IPENDENT HO.YIE R ULE (REFORM) PARTY.
\\V htnirtily (.mulomo thc \v'm\ p:\triotic and succ(>spful administrntion oi (Tov»'r!..)r (v-.>rpr» R. Cartcr of tl\i» Affm'rs of thia Torritory, ;us far as th<'y \v>>iv carn':':i out withiu tlu> neope of the la\vs of the Cnited ritates or Aiuori(;a und of tlie Territorv of ; Hawaii. • , " ; We plodgo our D(doc;ato, wlio shall. b:; e](H:ted to the 60th CongreriS of the Unitod Stat"s t<> c;irry out t!ie fof]o\ving measures: _ To favor the inini'Mliate exten.sions hy the Congress "of the United States — Amenean systeni of puhlie hmd la\vs to the T<?rritor.y of h'awaii. firnily believing that in such exten,sion lies ; our onlv hope of prevf»nting the pubiic domain from faliing into the hands of great corporations. WE DECLARE in favor of an endov/ment from Congress to enahle the Territory of Hawaii to estahl ish a College of agriculture; and also to secure from Congrc%s> a liberal appropriation for the establishment of a free Univecsity for the Territory of Hawaii, to meet the needs of a large number of amhitious young men and women, who would otherwise, because of laek of hnaneial means, b£ unable to obtain the liberal education whieh they crave. To actively press the justice of special recognition by the Congress of the Onited States on the ground both of mora} principle and human law, of the entire equity and magnanimous courtesy of granting to our former, Queen, Liliuokalani, a sul> stantial pecuniary sum commensurate with her former positi.on and dignity. We pledge our Candidate to Congress to secure a law enabling Hawaii to heeome a State of the Union of • merica. We pledge our candidates to employ only citizens of the Territory, on all the puhlie works of the County; ai.d we alno commend similar protection to citizens by aJI persons and corporations in thisTerritory. We denounee the Hepuhliean and Democrati3 parties for having deelared in favor of a Territorial Appropriation for the the purpose of assisting m the maintenancq. of the work of the " Kawaiian Promotion Comnuttee while tlie, Territory is still unahle, by reason of the luk of money to bui 1 d proper and sufficient schools; to in(ie»se the salaries of r,eachers, and to ' j>ay the laboring nian a better equivalent for his <Jay's labpr. Coni})ulsory law in reg.ird to vaceination must be amerided. The existing eh'ction la\vs shotiid be arnended; as to allow a person registering his nanie upon the regist<>r of vo!«rs (o deniand the Board of Registration tor a certified copy of his oath; to allow a voter at a gemT;il or special election, on the~ day of such cleetion, be entitled to abs-*rit hims?lf from any" service or eiiiploynient in wiiieh he is then engaged, or employed, for the period of three conseeutive hours, between the time of opening and the tini(M>f elosing the poils; and sueh voter shall not, beeause of soahsi'nting himseif,be liahle to any penalty, nor shall any <leduction be made 011 aeiount of sueh al)senee from his usual salary or wages. , ... All hiws reiative to arresting }n suspe< ted of having the disease of leprosy. whieh eannot 1" prwven that such '>ersons liave the . disease eapahle of S]ireadhu the shouiJ be* abolish. Persons claimiiig that thev have a eure for leprosy niust be allowed to practice such eure at th" Lepor N'tt]ement or any other plaee set apart for sueh purpose. In eoniiuending as we d<> th" \\ish of President Roosevelt that: "Hawaii shou!«l icov< .-i Ilaw.-ui '' we proelaim theeontinued adherenee and eiiam:. !r.>s fe-iity of«the INUEPEN DENT-HOME ĪUM.E (REFORM) PARTY to %it aesuati-ng pi'ineiple. In the iinine of the, Ilawaiian people we do, and all times shall oppose and eonden\n 'all siich and ordinance whieh are detrimental to the inter(\sts of the people at large.