Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume II, Number 125, 27 ʻOkakopa 1906 — Page 3

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County Platform.
J2ia in ai Uo Lei n:un
B Kaljiiiiiu'aui i k.i i
Nou 1,1 lei i k.i l,i (i n Ninem.ilia
E IIM oe, lei an i k>i luuio luuen
['.i \\)\\,i i k.i PIM k.ipu o I'.m.i
V.i mule i k:v pip.i kniuu ho.aii
in!..- TUMI ivof !
Th.« IMI.IM-M, xr P\\i •, i.r
iHiNHunui.i iii.u Ua IWUu ) j
N.i Lmiik.r.MVr.u , ekolu l.ihi 1 — 1
N\\i IV'-T Makp, i i i him. o^U'm '

K.uiUi|> i, U aiua'.ilo a in- .1 M' Pem.ihele, \\,;\ S K KIM!.I. i ka. ( i-uii o K Mik...!-..,, Nn u uo (, ,
i '\ 11 II. \\olvii.i. i • it, -JMi i 1 .

• r
i ( II'IL. «e l!. - u- 1 J ! :i. "
\\Vin\\i y-. ..- K,,,-, . . i., l u 1 1,
11 li'i I'mi- ,\ 11 ii-'m '1. :. n if;

Ua hilu Uo lii i ii.i kuWui
l T .i ike' i i U.I kllkllh' ipui
Mai ko Ice in a ' kn k.i t . *
K.i L,i n,e ' \ Mahu.a n.i al.ik u
Ni kuii hi^ku knu m.\\\\i kiai
AM kii lei n.ini e K.ih ill nil.uii
K;i Aniline i ka ehu kak.ihuk i
Ihuhi k.i .11111 u -i n.i MP o i V.ihnu
r.i.i po -o K.i llikui.x me ke Komo-

I kn lei n.uu e l\\~ahiluul.ini
Aolie on, .m 1 e kupu e hookah.i iho
I k^-lpi n am e Krt hil .uil.mi i ka m
Xou la lei ire ka lanakili
Kau i ka ha no hiweo i 1 a IP o n. 1

Wniui\\«.. Ii, INPKl'KNDKNT
I ,M pi-- ' 'I'll II' p . .,|, i - l|,, .'. f

'. 1 ! ^iff MUI* i.,nli-

i' 'i- tin Ii i \\.P i ,- l !*i l. -
. \\\\T' Hi v- IM IN'II i VMM I'vurv J i. il.»vi Ui :', 1',\\,nj»
  • '"< I i t.- i •* i»-i; ;.> i^ii.,; i ; mi -»,jiji.iii ihf-inn., bjt : u- .\ r. ift,-t .-.1, ,'. -\\,. i,,.,,i ,-, , ...r.l.'.!,,, Ihenuiih •" lln iM-i J i.i tin i ,u t ,,|,,
  • WK 1'El'LAHK .»•! ii I \\i\\\ and .- I!.,M,.IU,. M the I\\I)E-PKNDKNr IIOMK IM T LK jUliKOKM) i'\\HTV lin iTVi,,-t-. . t .11.,! .1. M».,,ii!,.il .ft,-is [,> I-I..I.1,,]! . , II,,I,.M, ,.mr:,.nt and ni'iiili.i'i (imiiui, "i,t i,, th.- t'lim.ty, uf ihe p upli-, foi the pi !»]•', • ."id h\ lln penpie
    WE DEl'LVUEi:-.^ ..'Ii.tv.M- -lull !•• prnt.c !.•,! m th-ir l.i\\\\l.,l eyen ,-.- nf i]i,. i cLt to \\ote, vn'.uut »'i eftinn dil.M L or 'Milnret. iiiid uitli n: f nilMi' il iin«n, i xjjr•-- or iii-.nu.iti'd umJ tn llus -.1.1 \\\\i IIIVUKI- til.' laini-t .'lid hii.i"*t rD-npi'iapun of ,ill Liti/i>ii^ irn-imtxi nf]i.i t} i-i po!it i .1! .'fHIi.thim or pieti-rrnce.
    WE DEl'LAUK tl- it the pclitir- m thi^Tenitoy arum m.\\\\,-..' > MII'I i ti« tiiLit«i tlit Ciiitul S M u-,- f iti.it.«>iiii h ( \\h the ie>pie Invi- in vniL" w.'uf.'Vir m t'i.- (niul.ia ot th.*.United .Sit - (ilium, nut, or uiiy mti'ii-t in it.- p.il
    WE DECLAIIE th.it tin- n. ire- HE PUBLIC AN 01 DEMO-CUA1 i..nin n»\\\ iy !••• i»t .IM \\.i'ueiu li-i il or Cmmtv polities Afhnatum with e'ther ot t'i",-e ])iitieh, hnnas no b.'iielits to the pei-pir i-l this Tuntmy
    WE PECLAl'.K Hut until Puw.ui bennies aSTMTJSof tin' Aineiiian UIMD.. our (lOxeiinuiMit 1 hlinuld b,» (onilncted upon i the principle of "Equal r lt ,ht->ii)r nil riti/ens'' which is solemnly j iiftinu-d tn he til" Kev-tm e ol the INDiiPENDKNT HUHE ' RULE (RKFl)RM) PARTY.
    Wi 1 h"artily 1'iidn:-" tlie wise, p.itimtic and successful ad- |
    imnHtration of (TOM-.-'HII (ii-o.T** R Carter ot the Atfairs of this
    Territory, ,1- fir us they w.-u 1 i mi "I out within tlir- .scope of tlie
    la\\\\» of the Cnid'd rtatefl 01 Am.»rn:a und uf the Tern Lory of

    Wo pbdfre our Deh^ite, nhoBhd) b-Her ted to the 60th Cong'-ens« of th • United Stat'> to u.irry out the following measureH.
    To favo' the imiii'MLatt 1 exten^iona by the Congress of bhe United States —American system of public land lawn to the Territory of Kaw.in firmly b' 1 having th.it in such extenhion lies our only hope of preventing the public donum from fjjling into the hards of great corporations
    WE DECLAKE in favor of an endowment from Congress to enable the Territory of Hawaii to establish a College of agriculture; «ind also to secure from Congreteaj a liberal appropria-tion for the eatablishnieut of a free Univecsity for the Territory of Hawaii, to meet the needs of a large numher of ambitious young men and women, who would otherwise, because nf lack of financial means, Ire unable to obtain the liberal education which they crave
    To actively press the justice of special recognition by the Congress of the United States on the ground both of nior.al principle and human law, of the "ntire equity and magnanimous courtesy of granting to our former Queen, Liliuokalam, a substantial pecuniary sum commensurate with her former position and dignity
    We pledge our Candidate to Congress to secure a law enabling Hawaii to become a State of the Union of -menca
    We pledge our candidates to employ only citizens of the Temtoiy, on all the public works of the County, ai.d we O!HO commend similar protection to citizens by all persons and corporations m thiaTerntorv
    We denounce the Republic m and Demociati: parlieH for having declared in favor of ,i Territorial Appropriation for the the purpose of assisting in the maintenance, of the work of the Hawaiian Promotion Committee while the Territory IH still unable, by re-ason of the lick of mnnny to build proper and sufficient schools, to incrpsise the salaries of teachers, and to pay the laboring man j, better L'nuiv.ilent for his day's lahpr.
    Compulsory law in regard to vaccination must be amended
    The exiritino; election liiws should be amended; as to allow a person regifltcring !HH naim 1 upon the register of VO'PIS lo demand tin- Board of Registration tor a certified cony of Ins uuth, to allow :i voter at a general or special election, on the-day of such election, be entitled tu an-^nt himself from any service or unployninit in whuh he it, then engaged, or employed, foi the period 01 three ionsi»cutive hnura, between the tune of opening and the time of cliHiuo; the pnllc, and siu-h voter .shall not, because of HI absenting h'inVif,lv liabli- to any penalty, nor shall any ilediiftion ln j mid.- im lunuri: nf Mjrh abdcnce from hib ubiial snl.irj or M.IUMA.
    A)l Inns' lelative to arn»st.nn jn-vnii MI-pei ted of having the di^eiis-e of leprosy, vInch cannot 1«" proven that SUCK MIMBOHR h:ive the ilisea-e c.ip.ihle of ^read -\\i tne same, hhouu 1 he" .ibohsh Perwms claiiniuu' that tin j have i cure fnr leprosy must he nlliraed tn puic-tiu 1 ^ai'h mil at tl. • LI-MI'I Si-ttlemeiit or uiiy i>thei phue ^«t .ip.irt lor uuih iKirpD-e
    In uiiiiiiiendmi; Uh we do thf express, ^^'i nf Piehident Rnoncvelt lli.it "H.nv.ui hhoulil ^.n-v i ll.ni in " IVP proelaiui thecontinueil adherenre and rhaiigi II'N* feilt> of• the INU&PEN DENT HOME RtM.K iRKFORM) PARTi to %il acs-uating prin cipk*.
    In the iiani' 1 oE th. 1 , Hawaiian people we do, and all times shall oppose and condemn 'all such and ordinance which are detrimental to the besj: interests of the peoplv at large
    K m'mp.l
    pi.i"i Ui ]n.Ua, hoo-, *
    -U u.i Uo knhn .in i ma Ua ! i

    Wm P.inu.iliM, 11 hilo'.i, W.ii-l
    \\uuole, 11 bilola, Mik.ieim, 10!
    li.ilora. kohnii Wm Kipi, ~lu-l!
    lola, (Jen Eanlopi, S halnt.i, J M
    hele, 7 halm . haule
    •hiki O'hana —Mahnpc o Lti
    koho :in.L i na luuakanawai o ke
    K,\\labu ua hnohikua na luua iiin i
    kne acle i hiivc i k,i honhiki S R
    Keola Kekaula puukn, Mos-es
    Waiamau. lima hooui, a me i.a
    luuakanawai Wm Paoakalam,
    Waiwainle a me K Mikalemi

    Noi mai o (ieo Kaolopa e helu-heluia ke Kiumikanawai, Hooholoia Heluhelu mai ka Peresi-dena i ke kuuiukanawtu
    Noi mai o Peter Makia, he mea pono e ho lahaia ka moolelo o ka hila-wai ma na nuj epa Ka Nai Aupum a me Kuokoa Home Rula. H ooholoia
    Na lala i hoohikna e ka Pereai-dena, he 7.
    Na ka Peresidena he mau olelo paipai pokole •
    Noi mai o Geo Kao!opa_p_Jilo ka Poalua, Sept 2, r >, i la halawai kui-kawa. Hooholoia.
    Na S K Oih, e hlo ka Poakahi hope o ka matima i la halawai kumau no keia Kalapu Hooholoia. Na George Kaolopa. iloko o na halawai kumau na lulu no ka wai-hona o ke Kalabu Hooholoia,
    Noi mai o Peter Masia e hoo-
    panee i ka halawai Hooholoia.
    S 1C. MAKEKAU,
    Hope Kakauoielo

    A ME NA LALA Wm K. Kalaihuia, Peieaiilena; Moaes L. Kaaikaula, Hope PereHi-dena, H D. K. Naahiehu, Kakauoielo; S K. Makekau, Hope Kakauoielo; 8 K K Kekaula, Puuku; Moses Waiamau, Luna Hooia. Na LuQiikmawai: Wm Paoakalam, Waiwaiole a me Wm Kekipi.
    Na Lala.—Rev vS K Oili, J Ka-waihmi, D W Pihalo, Kane Uu Peter Makia, Sam Keau, Kalani-meawale, Henry M Kalana.Mahoe, CT W Waianuhea, MOSCR Kahipa, Pakona, J Haiku, Geo Kaolopa a me J M Peenahele.
    Kelu Aim* Keia.
    Mr* ka Apaua o ka nun a, pe-hea ki APJLIIA 4 >J Kapakfthi no
    Ua hoopau wale u ka hihia o Cliales Kahele no lie apaka i ka
    Re lalva ui«*i uei ka m-a'i puu-puu meenu i ua Demo karat i. He nwalu hoi tiu 1
    Ma ke Kioau n kpia la e ku mai ai ka Elele Kahilianlaai a me kdQ.i Ewa. Aloha lahui oia a.
    Kaai o na lola liliaa Ailiki ma ka kulekuai o Sacha. Naae ae 1 naue mail Hrolei aka, a haawi mat'
    Ow^i ka Elele Lab^ni pihpih kopaa ole a pala maUkeka ole hoi? 0 ILihiliaalani ka puuwai hamaiua.
    O ka la 3 an nei o Nova m aba, oia kd la baaaa o ka Mikado Erne pera o lapaaa.
    Ua baiolelo mai nei ka Elele Bepabalika m<\ Main n Kama, e koho na kauaka ia Kdhiliaalaai i Elelu, kiola i ka haole
    Uoopumpani mu.i a na Demo-
    karata—UA hui ua. Home
    me na Damokazatii. Honpani-
    pum elua—Aohe Hnme Rulft i
    koe. Nai ka epa o kein poe.

    Mai poitu e na Hawaii i ua boonauea himeui hauoli o keia po ma ka Hile MeLe Hou. Nane ae kakoii lUila e hao-vri in i ka lokomiikai.
    Ua pan hott mai ua Dame
    ta o Piuoa ame Paimui, a pela

    me kekahi poe e ae iloko o ka Aoao Ealiiama. He poe Home EaU oiaio l,jikoa i keia la.
    Ua hawiiuawLLDA ia mai raakou e hoea mu au
    Va loaa uiai kn lono ia makon to ka haulele ana n UA Demoka-rati o Ewj, mamali o ko lakou ike ana i ke mo o ke kabua hana oia aoflo, oia ke knkulu la ana o ua h*lemiii hnohuoi i mea e ma ke ai ka lahui. Mai koto i na D^mnkarata.