Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume II, Number 123, 25 ʻOkakopa 1906 — INDEPENDENT HOME RULE REFORM County Platform. [ARTICLE]
_ n,. ; i,r 1, : „, ol • - l v ,v ' t '• ?!• 0 - ; . 4 1,., iN \|Vi, b ;iv r,i!> i ■> 11 ; »■' '- :l ' • ■ -> •'< N . i:vti ; , P , V " : i M" ;M v > , 1 i,;i• u ' , W| V " v - •' -'••■'• ::•'•' -I N^v:.:iir,K!;„ " : '"••'•' 1 ■'• ■■• -I 11.,«,.. v < *>•*:>• ,.; r ,,j x . '"■• 1 v K;rKN!)r;\T IIOMIO iin.K \\\\vn ; V 1 '- - t'.u- ;• ; vn f.v th. iv t\n i'v . NN ; 4 v ; : , In ■■ v-a;- : »]{,. v . \\ ir , \ , y . „ ' : ' s : 1 • : * " 1 ■•- • . u , v! of ; o "• ,t ri > ' ■ ■ ,•!. !!..'! . -■ : . . v 'V,"■ • ■ '»- -• »■» s.« ti.-r-u WK, M\i L \\ x h i•; v >\; ■ I ; >—»-i.}\i)K„ h, ;K lU'LK , UKKOlOh y\WYX, i». 1>t r.;V- •' • •'•• 1 •: ■ "■- •' • tl ; ,x ;in ; v ; i; • Wi; nKi'LAuk -h«!! lv> pr, : i u , ir ■- x "• > ■':V;-.,> v.vf>, v;t!iov.t <v;-rri.-h. or ; la . r ; r ' : V' u v;:tl V' U ' -v ; >ivss or utnl : ' •• 1 ;: - v ,k '' i-'i ' hon,-.-t of ail r ' : ' u-n- rt Vl ' —•!>..:■ or. iVr.-nr... w 1-. 1\VA <j K i'. 1 !'V ']Mlirir,oi Ti*rr:t.>rv ;,iv in -T >■'■•■'•>• t«- 1 --. - >-t t..t- l ;i'.tt.! St,tt ii.:wn.in , l> - t < t!n» i f ' Mluv '' w.i;.ti'V.T ia īh.. e.-inh;»-; ,.f i«,,» rn ; t.'il p>t =• <«nt. or ;»',y ii.i..iv>t in it< ]v>lit!»•,;! ,>r WK I>;iCLARK ti..n <hc ?.;■•.. KK1»;'jU,I< 1 AN ."• ;irvo. t'H \ r «■■■!. i ' 1 t.,> w,- y h,. ,.f ;U!V V,;]'l ;i! !•>, or V.. s f u » h. n >';iis ī'.'mKo (»• >*t t !l'> 1 .'}•!'.torv, W K IM-A'LaUK i!:r. nu'il H;:v,r.i b, ro: ; . ;l sT\TK ,>f th«« Aiiii'' , A i'.i Un:.-n,our t.':>\vi-!;!i). >it >'u\\\W\ iv ,o M «l '»'■" of "K.iua; -;:,h N fo r , : t : . u h .. ! !y a'Unnoa to lv t!u k*■ v^*.•'•• * of tlv IN^PKN i) K\T HOUE !U'LK (KKK-KMI 1>AKTY. 1 \\\' h.-;iri:!y « ti: . w:s", ī>->t:-t;<• ;o ; ,l s -i.-« • • driniistration «>1 (W.-i-nor (i«->rir' K. of tiu« Afi;;irs , f \V,s 'K-rntorv, a> f:īr ;;•- t!i"V \v -r.- c;trri"!l "Ut w:thin th" s.v iv of the i;>\vs of th«> Kno.'.i St.\t«- ..f A;i: i«-f ih > T,»rrito'rv <>f Ha\v:i;i. . . _ W «.' pl.'ilii-,.' o.ir \v!i,> >hai; o> ,•!"'.•■; . : l t > 60th C<-ugrcss of th" l"niu-«l St:'t"st«.r;.rry o;:tt!h- fo;;,.\vi n - nvasur,'s: . loi;>v->r t!n'īnni. l 'di:;t-' ixv.ui, ms l»y th v - (\)im-vss of rh« Lmt«„tl Stati-i- — An!"ruv:>. sv<*.-in 1 r- the Ti-rritory «>f Hawaii. nrn;!y hc!i, v ing.that in >\u-h (-xī«nsi..n ii-s 1 our onlv hopi' of th" i>' !>!i«- «].,m;»in fr«>:u laiiin- into _.thc !iamls of u - rcat c-«r:v>r:; f ious. \\ K DrA LA K K m favor «>f an c:h]o\v!ii,'iit fr >ni Congr"SS to enahie thc Tcrritory of llawaii to a ('olieue ,>f cultuiv; and a!so to s«-i-ur.- froni -ss a libcr;i! a]>prop:iation ior tiic cstab!ishmcnt of f riM . L T nivcrsity for t!i" TcTffit,;rv of ti;»w:\;i. to nuvt tho n« "ds «>f a nuinh.>r of anib;ti<>;is youn.it men aml wpfn«"n, \vh«> wouid othcr\visc, l>ccausc «>f la«;k of hnaneia! niean-. l>c uuah!" to «)htain th.c lil>crai cdncation whieii thcy cravc. T«> activciy prcss tho justicc of sp..cial l>y the .(•\>ngress of thc lnitcd Statcs on t!i" ground both of inor;il princ ; ]>!" aml inunan law.of tlic cntirc cquitv and magnaninious courtcsy oi irranting to our fonncr Quccn, 'Liliuokaiani. a substaniiai ])ccuniary suni coniiih'nsuratc \vith hcr formcr p,>sition and (iiiriiity; ■ ' \Vc ])lc«luc «>ur Candi<latc t<> C\>ns:n ss to sccur<> a !aw cnai>iiug Hawaii to heeome a Sīatc «f thc l'nion of meriea. \Vc ]>!cdirc our candidatcs t«> cinpioy «>niv eitizcns of the Tcrritory, ou all tl,c puhlie works «>f th'' Counlyj and we also eonnneml similar protection t«> eitiz«Mis hv all pcrsons and corporations in thisTerrit«>ry. \\ e thc Kepuhlu'an and D«'nioeratic parti«'g tor havin.«r (lcelarcd in favor oka Territorial Ap]>ropriation for the . the ])iir])o>" «)f assisting in the inaintenanee of thc work of the Hawaiian Kromotion ('onimittee wiiile the Territory is stiil unablc, by rcason of the laek of money to lmilel pr«)per and sufiieient schools; to inercasc the saiarics of t"aehcrs, arul to pav thc laburing man a bettc r e(]uivalent for his dav's labor. Coni])ulsory law in r«.-<rard to'vaccination niust be amended. Pīie existing cleetion la\vs slnmld bc amended; as to a.'low a ]>erson rcgisterin.g liis name upon thc rcgistcr of voters t® demand t!ie Board of Reg'istration for a ccrtified eopv of his oatli; to-a!lo\v :i voter at> a general or special election, on the day of siiēh eleetion, be entitled to absent himself from any/ scrvice or ein])l«>yment in whieh he is lluui engaged, or tunpioyJ ed, for the ]>eriod of three conseeutive in rs, between the time of openiug and the tiine of closing the polis, , t iul sucli voter shall not, beeausc of yoabsenting liimself,be !iab!e to any pen,alty. nor phall any dcduction be madc on aeeoun; oi such ahienee from his usual sa.!ary or wages.. ... A11* la\vs iviative arrcsting ])ers«>ns suspected of having •the disease of !cprosy, whieli cannot be p- v;>n that such persons have tlie disease ca])ablc of sprca«ling • same, shoultl be abolish. Persons c!ainiing. that they have a cvire for ieprosv inust.be allo\ved to praetice sue!i cure at thc Leper Sett!cmen't or any bther plaee set apart for suc!i pur])ose. ln connnending as we do the express wish of Pre-,sident Roosevelt that: "Hawaii shouhl govcrn HaWaii." we proclaim . thecontinued adhcrence and chamrcie;ss fealtv ot the IM)KPEN 1>ENTH0:VIE .IUILE. (KEEOKM) PARTY to that acsuating princi])!e. ' In ,the name oi\thy Ilawaiian -]>eople we do. and all tinies' .sha.ll op]H>S3 ;and eondemri ali such . anel; -ordinance whieh are detrimental ;to the best interes.ts of tha people at large. - "