Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume II, Number 122, 24 ʻOkakopa 1906 — INDEPENDENT HOME RULE REFORM County Platform. [ARTICLE]
1 ho l\r>KPBNm<Nr P\nrv for Do\ir of tbo Tounty of Ouhu, LVrntofy of :\wau, t hvo\\gh it* Ooum v OonuuiUoo, whioh was ilotr\i hy iho (\)nnty ror, V oniiou, ;h xl in tho r,īv of "oi.oluhi. on ih> :Mt). ,l.»x of ,\\,v,Mnh.r. ,o proni\i'i!\:uo thi:. •!«. riatforMi. W«nir X . 4< KUvlion >o. V op NOV i-'M UKU i>. lHOil «n «»>o *W.r\ Oi 0\hu. !\. vn «ovv of Havx.\r;, -\,r -ho r urMoso of o.v«tin". o;i!nl\i.i;.'s for i|,.> v;ino\iv otlioos. umi WmiKr.\s, 111 o I\>)K1 K\J)KNT HOME RULE (>ARTY h'.vo pivsont. .1 .o «lv ,>00,.!,. for tl,oir f : ivor:,hio suffora s ros, oandiil:itos for ih > \ >. u av ot\h Wn'.:;r\ : 5 o l\n, rrNnr\r l\im i*or Uo Mr Rrn\ h:\ving - ;':,i;;or!n, ,uui havo |,ioiljro«l oaoh ani .«vorv ono o7 1 iU^"'O. »1.1.0.. ', ot on 1 y to upliohl an.l su|>porl 1 h«< s:unr, hut io uso o\ r\ ofiovv aml on<loavor lo aoi in aoooiuhuioo t,horo\vith in i'ho ovont of thoir olootion. WIO UKOLAiiE our ii<lolitv and :ulbor'M\c,o to tl\o lN r l")KP10\" 1) KXT HOMK RUh!C tRlOFORM) PAKTV, iu its porsistont aml .lotorn,ino«l ofiorts io ostabiish nn lionost, officient and ooononiio (iovommont in this County, of tbo pooplo, fov the ■|>0 >plo ami hv t bo poopio. ,/ WE OIU'LAUE that a11 oitizons siiail ho protootod in thoir lawlui t>xovo,:so ot Uio riglit to voto, \vitliout ooon'.ion, divoet or indiU>o.i., aiul \vithout intiniidation, oNj>ro,ss or insinuatod: and to tl\is ond wo u'woko iho o:\rnost :\nd honost, ooopomiion of a 11 oit.izons, irro.;pootivo of p:\vty. ov |>oiitieal affiiiation or [>refovenco. W i*j t)L(, LA iv iij tl,at tho j:olities t)i tiuH Tt>rritovy :,ve in no viso siini!ar to that of the Uniiod Siat,os, inas;mH-h a« fcho ' pooplo hav«> no voieo \vh:\tovov in tho eo\iduet of t,l\o Unitod Stat.-s Oov.>rnnu«nt s t,r any intorost in its political sueeoss <,r failurt>. WK DKCLAR10 that tho nann>s KKPL BLICAN or i)IOMO(/R A r ean in no \vav bo of anv v-il\ioin ioeai or Countv j)olitics. A ilii i:\tion wilii either of tl\es.> )>avtios, brings no benetits to the peo])ie of this Territovy. WE DECLARE that u iit.il Hawaii bocomos'a STATE of ihe An,erican Union.o\ir Govornmcnt shoul<l bc conductcd uj)on the pnneiple of "Equal viglits fov a 11 citi/.ens" whieh is sole.mnly aflivmed to be the kevstone of t,he INDEPENDENT AOME RULE (REFOKM) PA'RTV. We lieartily endovse the \vise, ])atriotie and succeasful :># miniBtrat.ion of Gov(UU)or Ooovgo R. Cartev of llie Affairs of this Territovy, as far as thev weve eavvied out within the scope of i.lie la\vs of the Uiiited rft:itvs of Amevica and of tlie Tevritovy of* Hawaii. Wo plodge our Doiegate, w1iq shall be eleeted to ihe 60th Congvoss of the Unitod States to earry outtho foliowing measuves: To favov tlKyhnmediate extonsions by the Congvess of the Unitod States—Amoi'iean syst.eni of puhlie land laws to the Tevvitory of Hawaii, firmly believing that in sueh extonsion Jies * t>ur on!v hope of pvevent,ing t,ho puhlie Uoniain fvom faliing into tlie liands of. gveat corporations. WE i)ECLARE m favov of an endowment from Congress to onahle the Territory of llawaii to establisli a, College of Agvieuiture; and also to securo fvom Congtvss a iibera,l appvopriation for the establishnitmt of a free Univorsit,y for the IVvritory of F«av*aii, to meet the needs of a large uuinber of ambitious young nien and women, who \vould otherwise, because of laek oi' financial nieans, be unahle to obtain tlie liberai education whieli they crave. To actively press tlie justice of special recognition by the Congvess of the United States on the ground both of moral principle and hnman law,of the entire equit.y and. magnanimous courtesy of granting to our former Queen, Liliuokalani, a substantial pecunia,ry sum commensurate with her former position and dignity. We pledge our Candidate to Congress to secure a law enablii\g Hawaii to become a State of the Union of -America. " We pledg~! our candidates to empioy only citizens of,.the Territory, on all the pnhlie works of the County; and we Uā'o commend simiiar protection to citizens by »11 persons and C(ir-' porations in thisTerritory. We denounce the Republican and Democratir) partics for having declared in favor of a Territorial Appropriation for the the purpose of assisting in the- m.aintenance of the work of the Hawaiian Promotion Conunittee whilo the Territory is still \mabli 1 , by reason of the la,ck of monoy' to build proper and suf!icient schools; to increase tho s.'il:irios of teacliers, and to' pay the laboring man a botter equi valont for his day's iabor.