N\\ir-|{iv lh» Ixpivrxiii NT l'\\nn Uu limn Umr, hnvmg inVpl il tli.^ riiifoun, .mil h.ive pliuiftnl eaeh anil eveiv one of llii ii ^iihiula;* 1 ', Mol onl\ 1o uphold anil siijipoH llu> s-iiiie, hut 10 u».e e\ i\ ,»i"ior' uul emleavoi lo tot in ai in ;he e\\iMil «if ilier,* i>leeiinn
AAM5 DICrLAKK mu iid-liiv imi adhei-Mire to tin PKXUiCNP hOMK RULB iRKFOHM) I'ARTY, in i enl and ilelormrieil effoils to e^Lahii^h an honest, effie-ieni, and eeononiie (Jo\ >iniiiiMit ill this Coiinlv, of the people, for the pe iple and by the people
WK DKC'LVUlil Lh:it all eiti/ens slnll he proleoled in their l;n>iiil exeie ^e of ihe iiphl In Mite, without eoercioiij direct or niti.ieei, and without nitiinidiilion, I'Npiehs or insinuated sind In thi- einl \\si> ii'i\\«ike the e-trnefl and hone-1, eo nporation of all eiluiMin, un -peeti\\e ot paitv or polidesil alnh.ihon or piefercnce.
WK DKrL\\KK tb.it the polil f h ni UUH TeniLoiy aie in no vjse him.lar to tint of the Vniled Hi.iti-a, in ihiiiuch :IH the people ha\\e n.) vouv whatever in Iho coiuluot ot the Ihiili-d Slat" s rnim'iit DI siiiv interest in its pnlilieal sueoe^n or
W1C DKCLARK th:il Ihe names R1CPV BLUJAN or DEMOCRAT otm in no w \\v bv x of any viluein lonsil or County politics. AlViliiition with either of theM> piirtioa, bungs no bent^itH to the peojile ot this Ten itorv
WE DISC LARK that until Hawaii b-eomos' a STATE of the Ampiiran Union, our Uoveinmrnt blmuhl be condacted «I)OH the principle of "Equ.il iiRhtb for all citi/.eiiR" which is solemnly affirmed to be the kevstone of the INDEPENDENT HOME RULB (REFORM) PARTY
Weheaitily c-ndoiae the \\\\:se, patnotic and auccMsful nd^ niniiBtintion of Go\\ernoi Uenr^e R Cartel of uhe Affsiira of this Territoiv, as fai :IH tliev weie ctuiied out. within tin ticope of ihe laws of the United Htitea of America ,nul of the Teintory of H.i-\\\\.ui
We pledge our Delegate, vkho shall be elected t:i ilie 60th ^oiiRress of the United 8t t ites to can y out th. 1 following nuMHuiea To fsivor the>>fmmediate exti-nsioiiH by the Congruss of ihu United St.iLea—Ameiican p>Hteii' «if public land laws to the Terntoiy of Hawaii, firinlv behevinp thnt in auch extension lies oin onlv hope of pieventina; the public domain from falling into tlu s handn of t?ieat corpoi.itionfl.
Wlfi DECLARIB m favor of rin endowment from Congress to iMi.ihle the TornL'jiy of Ha\\>aii to eHlahhsh a College of Agn-cultuio, -and nlso to secure fiom Gnngieiw a libeMl appropriation for the establishment of a free Umvei^il-y for the Tonilory of Hawan, to meet the needs of a large number of ambitious young men and women, who would otherwise bucauae jf lack of financial means', be uaible to obtain the liberil education which they crave
To actively press the justice of special leuogmtion by the Congress of the United States on the ground b')th of moral principle and human law, of the entne equity and magnanimous courtesy of granting to our former Queen, Lihuokalani, a substantial pecuniary sum commensurate with her former position and dignity.
*We pledge our Candidate to Congress to secure a law enabling Hawaii to become a State of the Union of America
Me pleclg^ our candidates to employ only citizens of.the Tenitory, on all the public woiks of the County, and we alrib commend HI mil or protection to citixeiiB by oil persona and R(ir-poiationain this Territory.
We denounce the "Republican and Democratic partic.s for havi-ig declared in favor of a Teiritoii.il Appropriation for the the purpose of .isaisting in the maintenance of the woi k of the Hawaiian Promotion ConmnttPe while the Terntoiy IB _ still unablv, by reason of the lark ot nvim-y to build piopci..ind Bufficicnt achoola, to inr,ip,WB the t-'lniiH of tejchi-r.s, and to pay the laboring nun a hotter equivalent tut hu day's labor.