Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume II, Number 110, 10 October 1906 — Rally! Rally! [ARTICLE]
Rally! Rally!
Sland up, liko sc»ldi«'rs, for vour riglits aml pnvil<'g<s imiii-:' thr i rr:.ms r»'i)st)tnt;iou <>f "ivitt d i*>tal»*s. Tlk> luhl, Wliiu 1 :uuT 15Uit' \\wws iiuj>arti»i Ily <tv<*r o;.c ;inn all al.ke. -nn niau is 1 > t >ll<-r llian l)is n<*ig!ibor on Eli'i'Uou Da r_ !iv, ry t:un li:!-- Iml one voto. For tli<» sak<' of vour hoiiK' 4 , l-n'. yonr Manlu» nl. by y<mr sclf rtsp! ot, stand by vour fi'llow H t,t~ waiian*. ;\;ul vot<> f ir thc Honi" l\u!<> pariy. T!u' xii<l<']>;'iiiu'iit Party ,t\tr Hon.ie Rul") !*tand> for <'<iii\i' i!y iii ]tv)litic> i\tr all n)"n, of \vhatvviT r.u':% creul <-r color. A nian i? a īnan i<t all t!ia.t. .A!l lii 'n arr cqual in llie sigiit <f (iod Wl.«"i Noah arm' iiis faiiiily \vcrc savcd in the Ark; tJ-.tre \vas l>\it une Kow thcrc arc n3i!lions <3f fannlit s; but 'luy ai\-a.ll brothcr&--■ bi-eariS',' thcv 00:11" fron: lln- aiH'cstor Pr.)v-.' it 011 Ei'.'olion <lay. Provc bv yorr votcs that you havo a U-• ī. <--f t"uth aiui pridc of ycv.r <.\vn *»■ Yot'' for yoiir own ]>nriv H;ivc f.;ith in your own pcop-c. Thc n.mie Republieaii or Thc name Dcniocrat Thcv havo 110 inoaning to yau Thoy havc nouncaning tu anyonc. In tho States a Republiean is one who votcs for a Rfc— puhliean ProsidontIn the States a Democra"t is ono who votes for a DejuDt-.-— cratie Prcsident. \Ye don't vote for a Fresidont Ihto. Then \vha+ is tho use of a Republican or Demoeratic }>arty:, ()nly to make politic.il i'nacl)ines. Only to make Ik.ssos, wlio will walk ovcr your rights. iuLo office and logislato aga : nst th'e peoplc's int,-rests. The Anioriean ,Constitution wliieh final!y inado u.- ,<ll was brought about l)ceauso Englan«l \vouid not give the Uuiu*. Statcs suliicicnt re})resentation Thc Civi! war of 1862 gave the Negroc-s rcproscntathrt.; Amiexation of 'Uawaii \vas said to be for the beneflt <>f U,*.Ha\vaiians. - > ls it tiine ? Was it for your benefit ? ' I will vote for tho Indopendont Home Rule Party. Senators and Congressinen and Great Minds all are Amercans, look 011 and wonder! . ' • What is wrong wit.h the Hawaiian poople? Wh\\ do they lot a fe\v handful of whites rule thei 1< • ) Why don't they vote for Homo Rulo? All over the the peoples of their own land, have their own rulers, — i Hawaii. ' The Hawaiians did not know that. , But we have leameel our vote is as good as the nexi w.>m. We have learned that we are the strong'est party. We have seen' how the so-called Republican anei I y » cratic parties have fooled and duped and tricked us% How they have not fulfilled their pledges and' promis>e&-«..