Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume II, Number 80, 5 September 1906 — PLATFORM OF THE INDEPENDENT HOME RULE PARTY [ARTICLE]

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A>h>j)tc\l ol t/<(' T( rritoriaI Comx>viion h<Ia <m the 30th, iia\f <J Jnh/, A.l). I!)()(>', iii Kuhiiianīuni L'all, in the, (Jit>/ of UoHolulu, Lsla»i1 att(l Oouiih/ of Oahu, 'Lemioi')/ <>f i i.

The ī\i'Ki'HNim'\t Pahtv for Nomk Kn.i-;, usually known and rci-o-ni'/cs as Iho Jxmvv.suvxr Homk Rn.E Paktv of\he Terri(ory of Uawaii, tlmmgh ils Dolegates in Convention assen>l)]ed on the :iOth. day of .1 uly A. I). 100«, in Kahilianhvni Knll, in the ('i(y 0 f Monolulu, lsland and County of Oahu, of Hawaii th« truth of Ihe saving: "That as nation. grows oM( r new issues arr born of time and progress, and old issues pi*rish ; " bnt. the pi'ineiple of Equal Rk;ht fok the- Peom.k remains as fhe governing spirit of the Ilome-. Iiule Party, does hyrehv deelare the following platform: 1. Wr deehir( that the time is not , *matnred" for the People of ihis Territory to affiliate t'l!emselves with anv of the politicaI ps.rties of the U.njted Statēs, until Hawaii becomes a >State of the Union cf America. We, therefore, favor a poliey of Statenooi) for tlie Territory of Pīawau^ 2. That the People of this Territory are at last assured a small measure of Home Ri'i>e m the management of their affairs in County Government; the seed is thercfore.plant-ed; thcivedge has entered and this Party and its supporters will not restcontent until it shall have rendered American institutions, just, equal and beneficient— the safe guard of liberty anel the embodim.ent of the best,.thought and highest purposes of patriotic Citizens —a reality in the Territorv of Hawaii 3. AVe elenounee the attempt that is by the supporters-of the Republican political maehine in this Territory to )-aise raee_issues; and we ehar-ge that such attempt is being made for the sole pnrpose of misleading the people ofthe United "States7 and of ereating a Sentiment abroad prejudicial' to the Hawaiian people. Tlie entire history of the Hawaiiau race for more than half a century affords abundant testimori*r of the fact that the Hawaiians desire to live .upon terms of fripndshim justice and equity with all people who eome amongst them, andthat strangers are hospitabl.y received and given opportunities in puhlie as well as J private life, commensurate with their deserts. '* "" 4. We thank the President of the United States; Senators anel Representatives of the 59tlrCongress for enacting a law eon-* ferring upon th6 Territorial Legislature the powei* or right to alter or amend part of the Election Laws of this Territory; an.d such act of Congress was a direct answer to the prayers of the- Independent Home Rule Party dulv presented to that. Honorablc Body: and that tlie responsibility rests on the Home Eule voters from Hawaii to Kauai to votefojthe pers.on selected by tliis Convention as its Candidate for Delegate to Washington, ,thatihe Home R\vlers might have an able representative in the House of Represqrt£rtives afc Washington;-. and also that such voters to olect all the Candidates for Senators and Represenr tativVs selected by eaeh and every Bistrict and County Convention of the Home R.nle Partv that they may have men in the Legislaturo to alter or amend the present Territorial. Election ilaws, and to carry out all measures for the good and general welfare of the people. 5. We believe in a free ballot and a fair count; and we recall the remembrance of the people of this Territory to the • numbered and perforated bailots used in the . General Election of 1904. .. , v (ī. We favor the ei actment of a law regulating the wages o ? all American laborers, both skilled and unskilled," in this ~ r o y. ' 7. We favor that eaeh and evefy County in' the Territory of Hawaii should have the control of all its internal revenueS, iueh as fines, costs of Courts and all moneys for licenses. ' 8. That the tax assessor and collector of eaeh and every County to be 'elected by the People. • 9. That all taxes on real or personal property the.value of whieh is above $2000, should be assessed at one and lialf per c<-'nlum on a dollar. Cliar!es Kahiliaiilani Notley, Prcsident of tlu> Home Euīe Party. COMMJTTEE: Hawaii—.T W KEKOAKOLAM, AHL-i. , 5i;ini-T W KALUA, C L KOUKOO, - J M l'OEPOE. ' P H KAHAOLELIO. • -O'ahu—JES3E PAL\KAINAI, J K NAKOOKOO, . ' ' S K MAHOE. . • . (Ovr.r) , -